Potential electives

Potential Electives for Science Programs

The list below includes popular electives, new course offerings, and a diversity of subjects to think about. It is meant to serve as a reference guide, but it is not an exhaustive list.

Some of the courses listed may already be required for your program (such as a Math lecture, a business elective, a complementary elective, etc.). Others could be used as free electives.

We suggest that you use this list as a starting point. Use the Course Descriptions Index to see other courses offered within a certain subject and check if they'll be offered on the Course Selection Offerings List. We cannot guarantee courses on this list are being offered next term or that there will be spots available. Be mindful for those courses that are restricted to students in particular programs. See the Schedule of Classes for a full term offering and to see if spots remain in the course. 

Any issues getting into courses? Please refer to the Enrolment problems and course overrides page.

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Arts


Classical Studies



Social Sciences



ANTH 100

Languages and Culture courses

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Croatian
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Latin
  • Portuguese
  • Russian

Fine, Performing, and Communication Arts

MUSIC 116 (can be taken if fits within maximum unit load, no override granted)

Communication Studies

Transdisciplinary Studies

Gender and Social Justice

Indigenous Studies

Legal Studies

Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies

Faculty of Environment

Faculty of Math

Interested in other areas? Explore! Electives are your opportunity to try things out without commitment. They may even lead you to a minor, depending on how much you enjoy them!