Staff Enhancement Grant helps upgrade degree
Lisa Brackenridge used SEG funding to work toward upgrading to an honours degree, with a long-term goal to apply for graduate school.
Lisa Brackenridge used SEG funding to work toward upgrading to an honours degree, with a long-term goal to apply for graduate school.
(From Plant Ops) - The decision to discontinue the feminine hygiene product dispensing service was made within Plant Operations about 10 years ago following a high number of incidents involving vandalism of dispensers and theft of product and/ or money. Unfortunately, we have been unable to determine if there was ever any communication to the University community at the time of the decision and it appears the winding down process was disorganized at best.
A UW’s Pension and Benefits Committee meeting was held last week. Our consultant let us know that with the change in Ontario’s government, there might be some consequences to our pension plan. They’ll be monitoring this and will be reporting back. There were three very interesting reports included in the agenda.
In accordance with Policy 5, Salary Administration, University Support Staff, the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC) met several times over the past few months to discuss a compensation recommendation in light of market data, the findings of the staff salary review concluded in Winter of 2018, and other compensation arrangements on campus.
Here is the recommendation forwarded by the Provost to the Board of Governors for consideration at its next meeting on 5 June 2018:
Murray Zink received $250 staff enhancement grant to support his visits to a tool lending library and repair cafe in California.
SEG funding supported a member's experience walking with the Mayan indigenous community to learn about their culture, history and current challenges, study and observe ongoing projects currently funded by MCC and to provide support for these projects.
June 28th, 2017, may just have been the happiest day of the year. Everyone was smiling as the UWSA, gave out over 2100 ice cream comes in six and a half hours. In celebration of the University of Waterloo’s 6oth anniversary and Canada’s 150th birthday, the UWSA brought the Heavenly Dreams Ice Cream Truck to campus, where it travelled around giving out smiles.
HAHN, Helena (nee Kirstein) Passed away peacefully on September 3, 2016 at the age of 81.
In recent weeks you may have heard through the media that the female faculty at Waterloo have received a raise to align their salaries with the findings of the Faculty Salary Anomaly Working Group. In response there has been an increased interest in a similar pay equity review for staff to better understand whether any inequality due to gender or any other factors exist. The University of Waterloo Staff Association (UWSA) would like to ensure that all staff are familiar with the steps being taken at t
Pat Martin, the very first office manager for UWSA, passed away at St. Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener on Saturday January 30, 2016 at the age of 83. Pat enjoyed an 18-year career at the University of Waterloo in the Staff Association but her true passion was family and she took great pride and enjoyment in the successes of her children and grandchildren.