Seedlings, gardens, and community
From May 15-16, the Sustainability Office held its second annual Seedling Swap. Over 50 students, staff, and faculty swapped 200 seedlings!
The Seedling Swap is an opportunity to engage the campus community in gardening, food security, and local food systems. People with excess seedlings swapped for other seedlings and those without seedlings to trade brought in non-perishable foods or donations for WUSA’s Food Support Service. This year, 50 non-perishable food items were donated to WUSA food support, as well as several monetary donations.
Thank you to everyone who attended the event and helped support community food systems at Waterloo.
To continue engaging the campus community in food systems, the Sustainability Office is launching a Community Food Garden pilot where groups of 2 or more students, staff, and faculty can rent a garden bed free of cost. Food gardens provide a wonderful opportunity to grow food while also supporting community building, knowledge sharing, and placemaking.