Grade processes

Mark A+

The information found on this page refers to Aegrotat (AEG) and Incomplete (INC) grade processes for all students taking undergraduate courses at Waterloo.

AEG grades

An AEG grade, which grants a credit in the course, is generally used when a majority of the course’s elements have been completed, with a passing grade, and the remaining assessments are not able to be completed.

AEG grades are assigned

  • in rare and persistent circumstances;
  • on a course-by-course basis;
  • when other grading options are not appropriate; and
  • by the associate dean, undergraduate of the student’s faculty in consultation with the instructor.
    • For shared programs between two faculties, the associate dean, undergraduate will be the same associate dean that is responsible for the overview of petitions. The associate dean of the other faculty will be consulted.
    • For courses taught in another faculty, the associate dean of that faculty will be consulted.

Since the occurring extraordinary circumstances might not be resolved within the academic term impacted, AEG grades can be granted retroactively, in which case academic standings and related awards might be reassessed.

Students finding themselves in a rare and extraordinary circumstances:

  • Faculties of Arts and Environment: Students are required to submit a petition.
  • All other faculties: Students should reach out to discuss their situation with their instructor or directly with their faculty’s associate dean, undergraduate.

Decisions made by the associate dean may be challenged as a grievance (see Policy 70: Student Petition and Grievances).

INC grades

  • See the definition of an INC grade in the Undergraduate Studies Academic Calendar.
  • An INC grade must be accompanied by an instructor-student INC Grade Form for completion of outstanding course element(s).
  • Granting of the INC grade is not guaranteed; it is at the instructor's discretion.

Requesting an INC grade

Contact your course instructor and discuss if receiving an INC grade is a possibility. Considerations for granting an INC grade include:

  • Your level of engagement that has been exhibited throughout the term
  • Contributing circumstances

If you and the instructor are unable to reach an agreement on assigning an INC grade, you may opt to proceed with initiating Policy 70 (student petitions and grievances) proceedings.

If an INC grade is warranted, the instructor will:

  1. Clearly define:
    1. The outstanding course element(s) to be completed.
    2. The final date when all outstanding course element(s) are to be submitted.
  2. Submit an INC grade and an INC Grade Form to the Office of the Registrar.
    1. Once submitted, you will receive an electric copy of the INC Grade Form to your email address.

An INC grade has been approved, now what?

You are responsible for completing all outstanding coursework by the set submission deadline. Once received, the instructor will grade your work and submit a revised grade to the Office of the Registrar. Please allow 2-3 weeks following the deadline for your record to be updated.