Requesting Alternative Final Examination Arrangements

Final examination changes are granted only for documented illness or exceptional circumstances outside your control. Elective arrangements (such as travel plans, coop interviews, weddings or social events) are not acceptable reasons. The decision to grant a request is up to your instructor and/or the department. See Assessments: Academic Considerations and Accommodations in the Undergraduate Calendar for complete details.

Submission deadline

  • Winter term: Friday, March 14 at 4 p.m.

Important information

  • If you require a final examination change and live within 100 km of the University of Waterloo, you will be required to write during one of the make-up final examination sessions on campus.
  • If your final examination change is granted, a $50 administration charge may apply.

Your request will be reviewed with your instructor, and we will notify you once a decision has been made.