Letter of Permission Application

Use this form if you are a current University of Waterloo undergraduate student requesting permission to take a course at another university for credit towards your University of Waterloo degree. Before completing your form, ensure you are familiar with the host university's application process and deadlines. Important: Before starting the course, you must submit the completed Letter of Permission form.

Letter of Permission Application (PDF)


Letter of Permission Application submission process

This is a summary of the steps to complete the Letter of Permission Application; ensure to read the entire form before completing it.

  1. Application information: Complete all the fields under student information, host university information, and request information; be sure to sign and date the form.
  2. Advisor approvals: Approvals must be obtained before the form is submitted. Connect with your academic advisor(s) to review your eligibility for a Letter of Permission. Some faculties require secondary approvals:
  3. Course approvals: List the course(s) in which you hope to enrol at the host university. Obtain approval from Waterloo's academic unit offering the equivalent course content. Your academic advisor and/or academic unit will need to sign or initial the course equivalency table for each course if the course is to count towards a degree requirement.
  4. Submission and payment: After obtaining all the necessary approvals log in to our online Letter of Permission Application using your University of Waterloo username and password to submit the PDF form and payment. Requests are processed within 1-2 business days if all information is complete.
    • Payment details:
      • Each Letter of Permission Application is $30 (includes GST).
      • Orders submitted in error will not be refunded.
      • Payment methods accepted: American Express, Mastercard, Visa

Submitting your final transcript from the host university

Students must arrange to have an official transcript sent directly from the host university to the University of Waterloo once final grades have been released for your approved Letter of Permission course(s).


  • If the host institution uses MyCredsTM, within the MyCredsTM Learner portal account, you can share your official transcript by selecting the Share button, choosing the email option, and inputting askthecentre@uwaterloo.ca.
  • If the host university does not use MyCredsTM, request the host university to email the official transcript to askthecentre@uwaterloo.ca.

By mail

Office of the Registrar
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario
2L 3G1