Sample course description listing

Course part | Description |
Subject Code | The subject is the area of study and is designated by a subject code (e.g., ECON or MSE). See the full list of course subject codes. |
Catalog Number | The three- or four-digit number that identifies a particular course (e.g., AFM 121). It sometimes has one or more letter(s) as a suffix (e.g., FR 192A). |
Title | The full title (seen in a course listing, like the example image above) will appear on your official transcript; a shortened version will be visible in Quest and the Schedule of Classes. |
Description | A brief outline describing the course content. |
Units | The credit value associated with a course. Unit weights are used in the calculation of averages for academic standing. Unit weights vary from 0 to 3.0 and most courses have unit weights of 0.5. |
Cross-Listed Courses |
These are courses that are listed under two (or more) subjects and which can be taken for credit as either subject, but not both. For example, GERON 201 and HLTH 201 are cross-listed courses. They are the same course, will appear on your transcript as the course you were registered in, and they can count toward different sets of requirements as if you were registered in the other course. |
Additional Fees | Indicates if a course may have extra fees to pay in addition to tuition. The academic unit offering the course will be able to provide additional details. |
Notes | Additional information to be considered during course registration. |
Special Course Grading | Indicates if a special grading basis applies to the course. For example, PHARM 220 requires a passing grade of 60%, PD 3 is graded on a credit/no credit basis. |
Total Completions Allowed (Subject to Different Content) | The maximum number of times a student can enrol in the topic course. Topic offering (indicated by a different topic title listed in the Schedule of Classes) must be different each time the course is taken. |
Allow Multiple Enrol in a Term | Topic courses may offer multiple topics during the same academic term. The "Yes" or "No" in this field indicates whether or not a student may register in more than one of those topics during the same term. |
Prerequisites |
The requirement(s) that must be met in order to be eligible to enrol in a course. Prerequisites may include passed courses, registration in a specific program or plan, and an academic level or academic standing. For example, SPAN 101 is listed as a prerequisite for SPAN 102, so to choose SPAN 102, you must have previously passed SPAN 101. |
Corequisites |
A course that must be taken at the same time, if it has not been taken in a prior term. For example, if you wish to take MATH 235, you must either already have taken and passed one of MATH 128/138/148 or you must take one of them in the same term that you take MATH 235. |
Antirequisites |
A condition preventing enrolment in a course. The most common antirequisites are courses that have significant overlap. Degree credit will not be granted for both the antirequisite course and a course naming it as such. For example, BUS 111W is listed as an antirequisite of AFM 131 because much of the same material is covered in both courses. If you are taking or have taken BUS 111W, and you take AFM 131, you will not receive credit for AFM 131. |
Special Consent Required to Add/Drop | To register in (add consent) or drop (drop consent) a course with this designation, a student must obtain permission from the department or instructor, as specified. |