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Nasser Abukhdeir
Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Hydrodynamics of Complex Fluids and Multiphase Flows
- Computational Methods in Engineering
- Topological optimization of structural analysis
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Nasser Abukhdeir
Sanjeev Bedi
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- 5-Axis numerically controlled machining
- Automated polishing
- Complex curve machining methods: Principle Axis Method (PAM) and Multi-Point Method (MPM)
- Design of Numerical Control (NC) machines and controllers
- Efficient tool path planning
- Flank milling
- Gouge detection and avoidance mechanisms
- Machined surface evaluation
- Surface finish estimation
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Sanjeev Bedi
Elliot Biro
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Metallurgical Transformations During Welding
- Post-weld Properties
- Improving Weld Process Robustness (increasing Manufacturability)
- Effect Of Microstructure And Mechanical Property Hetrogenity On Weld Performance
- Physical Simulation Of The Welding Process
- Weld Defect Formation
- Welding Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS)
- Dissimilar Material Welding
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Elliot Biro
Clifford Butcher
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Fracture
- Formability
- Plasticity
- Micromechanics
- Computational Mechanics
- Automotive Metal Forming & Crash Simulations
- Advanced/Ultra High Strength Steels
- Aluminum alloys
- Magnesium alloys
- Warm Forming & Hot Stamping
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Clifford Butcher
Duane Cronin
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x32682
EC4 1157
Research Expertise
- Automotive crash and occupant simulation
- Automotive crashworthiness
- High-rate materials characterization
- Impact biomechanics
- Pipeline integrity
- Trauma prediction
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Duane Cronin
Kaan Erkorkmaz
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Modeling and Identification
- Optimal trajectory generation
- Precision motion control
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Kaan Erkorkmaz
Adrian Gerlich
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Friction stir welding and processing, roll bonding, overlay welding
- Materials characterization of light alloys, steels, and metal matrix composites using quantitative electron microscopy
- Physical metallurgy of welded components
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Adrian Gerlich
Glenn Heppler
Professor, System Design Engineering
Research Expertise
- Dynamics and Control of Structures
- Non linear structural dynamics
- Micropolar materials modeling
- Composite materials
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Glenn Heppler
Jan Huissoon
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Arc Acoustics in Gas Metal Arc (GMA) welding
- Automatic end-of-arm and tool-centre-point calibration
- Autonomous Navigation Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Dynamic Seam Tracking for Robotic Welding
- Neuro-Musculo-Skeletal Modelling of Human Locomotion
- Walking Wobot Welder
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Jan Huissoon
Hamidreza Jahed Motlagh
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cyclic plasticity
- Fatigue failure analysis and fatigue life prediction
- Finite deformation
- Mechanical testing of micro- and submicron specimens, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
- Modelling, analysis and design of materials under inelastic and cyclic loadings
- Multi-axial fatigue of magnesium alloys
- Residual stresses
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Hamidreza Jahedmotlagh
Hyock Ju Kwon
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Cell traction force measurement using optical sectioning techniques
- Constitutive modelling of soft bio-polymers
- Mechanical measurements using the Digital Image Correlation method
- Viscous fracture of soft materials
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Hyock Ju Kwon
Michael Mayer
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Electronic packaging
- Microfabrication
- Microjoining processes
- Sensor technology
- Thermosonic and ultrasonic wire bonding
- Ultrasonic Finite Element Models
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Michael Mayer
John Montesano
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
Long-term durability of lightweight composites
Fatigue and creep failure
Impact of composite structures
Damage mechanics and constitutive modeling
Non-destructive evaluation (NDE)
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John Montesano
Alexander Penlidis
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Design, mathematical modelling and computer simulation of polymer reactors
- Emulsion/solution/suspension polymerization
- On-line sensor development for polymer and latex characterization
- Optimization and computer control
- Polymer research and engineering
- Polymerization kinetics
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Alexander Penlidis
Gerry Schneider
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- All-Speed Flow Prediction Methods
- Control-Volume-Based Finite Element Methods
- Machine Vision
- Phase-Change Energy Transport. Equation Solving for Physical Problems
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Gerry Schneider
Leonardo Simon
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Correlation of syntheses-structure-properties of polymers
- Development and evaluation of novel bioproducts for automotive applications
- Development of composite materials and leading-edge technologies in nanomaterials
- Development of polymer nanocomposites
- Fuel cell materials
- Mathematical modeling of polymerization mechanisms
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Leonardo Simon
Ehsan Toyserkani
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Additive manufacturing
- Modeling/Simulation and real-time control of metal laser additive manufacturing
- Micro-scale additive manufacturing
- Opto-mechanical dual-parameter optical sensors developed through additive manufacturing
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Ehsan Toyserkani
Costas Tzoganakis
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Analysis and design of co-extrusion dies
- Analysis and on-line monitoring of polymer compounding operations
- Analysis of polymer mixing in twin screw extruders
- Chemical modification and functionalization of polymers by reactive extrusion
- Compounding of polymers for fuel cell applications
- Devulcanization of recycled rubber with supercritical carbon dioxide
- Extrusion of polymers and polymer blends with supercritical fluids
- Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of polymer processing operations
- Polymer micronization using supercritical carbon dioxide
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Costas Tzoganakis
Edward Vrscay
Professor, Applied Mathematics
Research Expertise
Mathematical imaging
Diagnostically lossless medical image compression
Fractal-based methods of analysis and approximation
Dynamical systems and their applications
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Edward Vrscay
Mihaela Vlasea
Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Additive manufacturing
- Advanced manufacturing
- Power bed fusion
- Power bed binder jetting
- Digital design optimization
- Process optimization
- Data analytics
- Monitoring and controls strategies
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Mihaela Vlasea
Mike Worswick
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
519-888-4567 x35830
EC4 1141
Research Expertise
- High strain rate material behaviour
- Numerical simulation of vehicle crashworthiness
- Sheet metal forming and tube hydroforming
- Structural crashworthiness
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Michael Worswick
Boxin Zhao
Professor, Chemical Engineering
Research Expertise
- Polymers, interfacial phenomena and surface chemistry
- Advanced coating and adhesive bonding technology
- Multifunctional "green" and "smart" materials and processes, additive manufacturing or 3D printing.
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Boxin Zhao
Norman Zhou
Professor, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Research Expertise
- Diffusion brazing
- Laser and resistance welding
- Microjoining: wire bonding, laser and resistance microwelding, soldering, etc.
- Nanojoining and nanofabrication
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Norman Zhou