Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
Engineering 7, Sixth floor
Tel 519 888-4567, ext. 42638
The University of Waterloo Cognitive Science program examines what concepts and theories are blocking progress in understanding mind, brain and intelligence?
1. Autism as Disability, Brian Cozzarin, Management Sciences
2. Character Trait, Igor Grossmann, Psychology
Quincy Almeida
Wilfrid Laurier University
Parkinson’s Disease: Sensorimotor Transformations through a Degenerating Circuit
Paul Cisek
University of Montréal
The Neural Dynamics of Dynamic Decisions
Stefan Köhler
Western University
Mriganka Sur
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The Functional Logic of Cortical Circuits
Steve Furber
University of Manchester
The SpiNNaker Project
The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience at the University of Waterloo is holding their second annual summer school on large-scale brain modelling. The two-week school will teach participants how to use the Nengo simulation package to build state-of-the-art cognitive and neural models.
The 9th Annual Waterloo Brain Day
Melvyn A. Goodale
University of Western Ontario
How We See and Hear Stuff: Visual and Auditory Routes to Understanding the Material Properties of Objects