WIL primary intended learning outcomes

This resource will help instructors identify and implement learning outcomes for their work-integrated learning (WIL) course. Intended learning outcomes serve as clear, measurable statements that define what students are expected to achieve by the end of the course. By articulating specific WIL competencies and skills, these learning outcomes will help instructors design, integrate and align meaningful WIL experiences.

To use this resource:

  1. Start with category description: Determine which categories of competencies your students will encounter during their WIL experience. This will help you understand the overall themes and their relevance to your course.
  2. Move to key concepts: Within each category, identify the essential ideas and skills your students will learn. These key concepts should be relevant to your course objectives and WIL context.
  3. Finish with learning outcomes: Select the learning outcome that aligns with the category and key concept you identified. You can tailor the outcomes to fit the unique aspects of your course and WIL experience, focusing on what students can do or demonstrate from their learning.
Category description Key concepts Learning outcomes
Lifelong learning involves continuously acquiring and applying new skills and knowledge to adapt to evolving workplace environments

Critical analysis and goal setting

Continuous improvement and learning

Strength recognition and utilization

  • Critically analyze personal and professional experiences to set intentional, informed career goals
  • Identify areas for growth and engage in learning opportunities to promote continuous improvement
  • Assess personal strengths and apply them effectively to enhance professional performance and personal development
Communication involves effectively conveying ideas, actively listening and translating knowledge to diverse audiences

Effective communication

Active listening

Knowledge translation

  • Demonstrate clear and concise communication in professional settings with colleagues, supervisors and clients
  • Exhibit attentive listening skills by appropriately responding to feedback and engaging in workplace discussions
  • Translate discipline-specific knowledge into accessible language for diverse audiences
Discipline-specific skill integration involves applying specialized knowledge and skills from academics to real-world workplace settings

Concept and skill application

Problem definition and strategy development

  • Apply academic concepts and skills to real-world work environments, demonstrating a practical understanding of how knowledge translates into professional practice
  • Analyze complex workplace problems and develop effective strategies to address them
Professional relationship building involves developing and nurturing meaningful connections with colleagues, mentors and industry professionals to enhance career growth

Effective relationship building

  • Establish and maintain professional networks and effective working relationships that contribute to career development
Professional skills development involves enhancing essential workplace competencies, such as teamwork, project management, self-management and ethical decision-making, to prepare for successful careers

Teamwork and problem solving

Project management

Professional ethics and conduct

Initiative and self-direction

  • Collaborate effectively in teams, demonstrating skills in problem solving, time management, decision-making, critical thinking and reasoning
  • Plan and manage projects by setting objectives, allocating resources and meeting deadlines
  • Demonstrate adherence to ethical standards, professional conduct and a commitment to integrity and personal responsibility
  • Exhibit initiative and the ability to work independently, contributing meaningfully to organizational goals
Navigating change involves developing adaptability, flexibility and awareness of diversity to manage workplace environments effectively

Change management

Cultural competence

  • Adapt to dynamic workplace environments by demonstrating flexibility and managing change effectively
  • Apply cultural competence in diverse workplace settings by working respectfully and effectively with individuals from varied backgrounds