Department Sign-off Sheet

Congratulations on being degree complete!  What a great accomplishment.

This form must be completed by MASc & PhD students intending to graduate. Degrees are not granted by the University until all charges are paid and clearance is given.

Please remember to pay all outstanding University Account Balance.  You will not receive your degree until all balances have been paid in full.

Office/ Lab Location
Please indicate where you have your office space/or lab.
Have you cleaned out your office space?
Have you cleaned out your office space and removed all personal belongings?
Have you applied to graduate? **Please note: Applying to graduate is subject to you taking care of all of these responsibilities.**
Are you going to continue working for your supervisor after completion of your degree:
QUEST –Have you changed your Address information for T4 purposes, diploma, etc

Remember if you are ordering bound copies of your thesis, you must ensure Thesis is sent to New Media Services

(Example: returned keys, specials circumstances, working remotely)