The
four-part
Canadian
Blockchain
Olympiad
Training
Camp
programme
to
prepare
Canadian
students
for
entering
the
International
Blockchain
Olympiad
(www.ibcol.org),
a
multidisciplinary
design
&
building
competition
for
solving
real-world
challenges
through
decentralised
apps.
Schedule:
10:00–10:30
Registration
and
Networking
10:30–11:20
Module
1:
Blockchain
Tech
from
First
Principles
11:30–12:20
Module
2:
Legal
&
Compliance
for
Blockchain
12:30–13:20
Lunch
Break
13:30–14:20
Module
3:
Business
Blockchain
Uses
Cases
14:30–15:20
Module
4:
Blockchain
Whitepaper
15:30–16:00
+
16:00–17:00
Networking
&
Team
Building
Blockchain
Tech
from
First
Principles
(1/4):
In
this
course,
students
will
learn
about
the
technical
components
of
a
blockchain
and
how
they
interact;
the
technical
attributes
of
a
blockchain
and
its
strengths
and
drawbacks
of
a
blockchain;
an
introduction
to
various
blockchains
and
distributed
ledger
technologies;
the
design
of
decentralised
applications,
and;
some
example
decentralised
applications.
This
course
has
no
prerequisites,
but
a
background
in
computer
programming,
mathematics,
or
cryptography
would
be
helpful.
Legal
&
Compliance
for
Blockchain
(2/4):
In
this
course,
students
will
learn
about
the
legal
and
compliance
aspects
of
designing
and
operating
blockchain
and
distributed
ledger
technologies;
what
is
a
smart
contract
and
how
smart
contracts
are
related
to
the
real
world;
the
role
of
notaries,
peers,
and
orderers;
the
challenges
of
governance;
the
issue
of
privacy,
including
important
rulings
and
legislation
around
the
world,
and;
some
noteworthy
cases.
This
course
has
no
prerequisites,
but
a
background
in
legal
studies
or
business
administration
would
be
helpful.
Business
Blockchain
Uses
Cases
(3/4):
In
this
course,
students
will
learn
about
the
business
side
of
blockchain;
minimum
viability
of
business
models
using
blockchain
and
distributed
ledger
technologies;
why
(not)
use
blockchain
or
distributed
ledger
technologies;
strengths,
weaknesses,
opportunities,
and
threats
of
decentralised
applications;
application
of
blockchain
within
finance,
manufacturing,
logistics
&
supply
chain,
legal,
medical,
insurance,
arts
&
media,
academia,
smart(er)
cities,
government,
and
more.
This
course
has
no
prerequisites,
but
a
background
in
entrepreneurship
or
business
administration
would
be
helpful.
Blockchain
Whitepaper
&
Presentations
(4/4):
In
this
course,
students
will
learn
how
to
write
a
white
paper
well
by
dissecting
the
anatomy
of
a
white
paper
and
how
to
present
well
by
dissecting
the
anatomy
of
a
presentation.
The
remainder
of
the
time
will
be
an
(ask-me-anything)
featuring
organisers
from
the
International
Blockchain
Olympiad
and
a
chance
for
students
to
meet
each
other,
discuss
ideas,
and
even
create
teams.
Admission:
This
course
is
open
only
to
current
students
(high
school,
college,
university,
and
equivalents),
including
exchange
and
international
students.
Due
to
the
limited
seating,
admission
is
on
a
first-come-first-serve
basis,
with
preference
to
pre-registered
students.
The
capacity
of
this
session
is
130.
Registration:
on
Meetup.com
or
Facebook.com
to
receive
updates.
Students
with
valid
identification
document
or
equivalent
credentials
from
a
secondary
or
tertiary
institution
may
register
before
09:00
on
Sat
February
by
providing
their
school
email,
faculty,
and
department
here:
https://bit.ly/2WqI1Fm
(credential
proving
and
verification
system
CredProof
is
an
official
Partner).
This
is
strictly
a
student-only
event.
Those
without
valid
student
identification
will
be
barred
from
entry!