Students, faculty, staff and alumni are welcome to watch the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC) 2019 competition events. Various competitions in design, consulting, presentation and debate will take place throughout E7 from Friday, March 1 until Sunday, March 3.
Every year, one university from each region of Canada (Atlantic, Ontario, Quebec and Western) hosts 150 engineering undergraduate students for CEC. The competition has been organized by the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) since 1985. CEC is a valuable learning and networking experience for engineering undergraduate students, as expressed by CFES.
"The competition represents a valuable opportunity for industry participation and support, and sponsors and contributors propose real-world case studies for competition themes. The judges are drawn from related industry fields, or academia, and share their experiences with the competitors throughout the weekend as they network with the top up-and-coming engineers" - Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES)
There is no registration for this event. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to come and observe.