Graduate Seminar| Approaches for the development of multifunctional polymeric materials from agro-based waste by, Dr. Luiz H.C Mattoso

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)
Approaches for the development of multifunctional polymeric materials from agro-based waste

Abstract :

Currently there is a strong trend towards the development of materials from renewable sources, which meet the concepts of green chemistry, bioeconomy and sustainability desired worldwide. In this lecture it will be presented new approaches for the development of bionanocomposites for applications in sensors for monitoring the quality of food and environment, biodegradable and multifunctional packaging, edible films, tissue engineering and controlled release of pesticides, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals.


He is a Materials Engineer with Master and PhD (1993) degrees in Materials Science and Engineering (UFSCar). He was a visiting scientist at the University of Montpellier, University of Grenoble (France), Univ. of Pennsylvania and Agricultutal Research Center/ARS-USDA/CA (USA). He was the head of the Research and Development and Center Director (2010-2015) at Embrapa (Brazilian Corporation for Research in Agriculture) in São Carlos (São Paulo State) Brazil, where he is currently he is a Senior Scientist. He has published 430 papers in peer reviewed Journals with more than 33,000 citations, H Factor of 93 (google scholar) and has 12 patents. He has supervised 35 master students, 40 PhD students, and 45 pos-docs. His research interest is the development of new multifunctional polymeric materials and composites from renewable sources.