Round Table with WiE Leaders

About the event:

Round Table with WiE Leaders is a series of monthly roundtable discussions which provide networking and mentorship forum for graduate and undergraduate students.  At the Round Table, we hope to connect you to WiE leaders in academia, industry and government. In July 2023, we are honored to have Eva Wu, a Structural Software Developer at ClearCalcs, and Elisabeth Prince, an Assistant Professor in the department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Join us to listen to their stories and be inspired to succeed! Sign up today to reserve your spot.

This event will be held in-person on Wednesday,  July 5th, 12:00-1:00 pm (EST) in the Engineering 7 Building, Room: 7363. All are welcome to attend! Free snacks and refreshments will be provided!

 Registration link:

About the speakers:

I am here - navigating through a clear past and foggy future

Eva Wu

Eva is a Structural Software Developer at ClearCalcs focusing on providing structural engineering solutions worldwide. She started her career as a building information modeller, then moved into structural consulting, designing a wide variety of institutional buildings including community centers, sports stadiums, and educational buildings. She joined Consulting Engineers Ontario as part of the young-professionals subcommittee to young professionals starting out in engineering. Always looking to make a greater impact, she joined ClearCalcs help bridge the gap between engineers, builders, and architects. When she’s not working, Eva enjoys taking walks, watching YouTube, and learning new things. The topic that has captured her interest most recently is behavioral interventions, and specifically how to ensure equitable access of piped water systems in rural areas of low-income countries.

From Sustainability to Healthcare: Designing Polymer Networks for a Better Future

Elisabeth Prince, Ph.D.

Elisabeth Prince is a polymer scientist at the University of Waterloo. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Toronto in 2016. She then completed her PhD in Polymer and Materials Chemistry at the University of Toronto in Professor Eugenia Kumacheva's group. During her PhD, she designed nanostructured hydrogels that mimic the architecture and mechanical properties of native biological tissues. In collaboration with the Princess Margaret Cancer Center, she developed new hydrogel matrices for growing patient-derived microtumors. After completing her PhD, she was an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in Professor Jeremiah Johnson’s synthetic polymer chemistry group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she pivoted her research interests towards addressing the plastic waste crisis. During her postdoc, she developed new chemistry for recycling vinylic plastics and thermosets. Elisabeth joined the University of Waterloo as an Assistant Professor in January 2023. Her lab is building on her expertise in polymer and materials science to design polymer networks for healthcare and sustainability.