Seminar - “Discrete and Continuous Optimization Models for the Design and Operation of Sustainable and Robust Process Systems” by Ignacio E. Grossmann, Center for Advanced Process Decision-Making, Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

Thursday, October 23, 2014 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

ABSTRACT:  In this presentation we give an overview of recent applications in Process Systems Engineering of new discrete and continuous optimization techniques. We first provide a brief overview of logic-based optimization methods, emphasizing the theoretical relation of the continuous relaxations between mixed-integer programming and generalized disjunctive programming for nonconvex optimization problems.

We discuss approaches for solving these problems to global optimality, with the major aim being the prediction of tight lower bounds on the global optimum. Several applications are presented to highlight the recent advances of these techniques, and their impact for improving the design and operation of sustainable and robust process systems through creative mathematical modeling. In the area of sustainable process synthesis we consider as examples the synthesis of integrated process water systems, and the energy optimization of corn-based and lignocellulosic bio-ethanol plants in which we also illustrate the synergy between energy and water optimization. We also consider the application of mixed-integer optimization methods in the area of process operations under uncertainty where we consider the optimal design of responsive supply chains and optimal design of oil and gas offshore facilities. The former problem involves uncertainties in demands, while the latter involves uncertainties in the reservoir sizes and deliverabilities. Both problems have in common the goal of providing robustness to the operation of the process system.

Bio-sketch:  Prof. Ignacio E. Grossmann is the Rudolph R. and Florence Dean University Professor of Chemical Engineering, and former Department Head at Carnegie Mellon University.  He obtained his B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, in 1974, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College in 1975 and 1977, respectively. After working as an R&D engineer at the Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo in 1978, he joined Carnegie Mellon in 1979. He was Director of the Synthesis Laboratory from the Engineering Design Research Center in 1988-93. He is director of the "Center for Advanced Process Decision-making" which comprises a total of 20 petroleum, chemical and engineering companies. Ignacio Grossmann is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Mexican Academy of Engineering, and associate editor of AIChE Journal and member of editorial board of Computers and Chemical Engineering, Journal of Global Optimization, Optimization and Engineering, Latin American Applied Research, and Process Systems Engineering Series. He was Chair of the Computers and Systems Technology Division of AIChE, and co-chair of the 1989 Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design Conference and 2003 Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations Conference. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, Mathematical Optimization Society, and American Chemical Society.