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2018 Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award recipient Chris Bachamnn
Congratulations to Professor Chris Bachmann!!! The Faculty of Engineering, with the assistance of the Sandford Fleming Foundation, has selected Chris for this award recognizing his continued excellence in undergraduate teaching.
CEE Welcomes Visiting Scholar, Prof. Bertram Kuehn, from Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Waterloo welcomes visiting scholar Prof. Bertram Kuehn, from Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, in Giessen, Germany. He will be working at the University of Waterloo this coming fall with Scott Walbridge on a collaborative project investigating several issues surrounding the problem of design against brittle fracture in steel bridges.
TA/CA Winners for the Winter 2019 term
Congratulations to Terence Ma, Graeme Milligan, Victoria Speller, Frederick Cheng and Endrina Rivas on their outstanding contributions as TA/CA's last term.
CE2GA Mental Wellness Week Events
Civil and Environmental Engineering Mental Wellness Week runs from July 22, 2019 to July 26, 2019. All CEE Faculty, Staff, Graduate and Undergraduate Students are welcome. So grab a friend and head on out to one or all of these special events.
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2019 ACE Awards Gala Winners
Susan Tighe, PhD, PEng, FCAE, became a Fellow in the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (FCSCE) on June 14, 2019 at the Annual Awards Gala for excellence in civil engineering and for services rendered to her profession and to Canada. Susan has been an active member of CSCE for more than 20 years and recently served as the Past President of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. She has been a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario since 1995 and has been a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo since 2000. She h
CEGES Spring BBQ July 4, 2019
CEGES will be hosting its Spring BBQ on Thursday July 4th in the CPH Courtyard from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Come on out to support the CEE undergrad society. There will be burgers $3, ice cream $3, cotton candy $1, popcorn $1 & more! While your there please feel free to check out our design teams and socialize with other students & department faculty!
Bruce Hellinga, Donald Burn & Monica Emelko named 2018 Outstanding performance award winners
"I am very pleased to announce the award recipients for 2018, and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them for their outstanding contributions to the University of Waterloo," writes Vice-President, Academic & Provost Jim Rush.
Effective May 1, 2005, in accordance with the 2003 Faculty Salary Settlement, the University of Waterloo established an Outstanding Performance Fund to reward faculty members for outstanding contribution in teaching and scholarship.
The 2018 winners from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are:
UW Tech turns food waste into fuel substitute
Wasted food can be affordably turned into a clean substitute for fossil fuels.
New technology developed by researchers at the University of Waterloo engineers natural fermentation to produce a biodegradable chemical that can be refined as a source of energy.
Newest issue of Waterloo Magazine ponders our urban future
The Spring 2019 issue of Waterloo Magazine is now available online. Urbanization is the focus of the latest issue of the magazine. Feature story topics include urban mobility, intelligent intersections, and neighbourhood revitalization.