Courses by term

You can view a course description of the above courses and many more via the library of courses in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar; however, not all the courses listed in this calendar are offered each year. Please refer to the Schedule of Classes for current upcoming course offerings. 

Current and Upcoming Course Offerings

Winter 2025

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



ENVE 573 Contaminant Transport 2:30-3:50 M/W
ENVE 577 Engineering for Solid Waste Management 2:30-3:50 T/Th
ENVE 583 Design of Urban Water Systems 4:00-5:20 T
CIVE 507 Building Science & Technology 5:00-6:20 M/Th
CIVE 512 Rehabilitation of Structures 2:30-3:50 M/W
CIVE 542 Pavement Structural Design 10:00-11:20 M/W
CIVE 554 Geotechnical Engineering 3 11:30-12:50 M/W
CIVE 583 Design of Urban Water Systems 4:00-5:20 T
CIVE 603 Reinforced Concrete Mechanics & Design 1:00-3:50 M
CIVE 641 Public Transportation 8:30-9:50 T/Th
CIVE 645 Transport, Land and Spatial Economics 1:00-3:50 Th
CIVE 680 Water Management 10:00-11:20 T/Th
CIVE 700 Advanced Structural Timber Design 4:30-7:20 Th
CIVE 700 Smart Structure Technology 11:30-12:50 M/W
CIVE 700 Fire and Structures 10:00-11:20 M/W
CIVE 750 Advanced Geotechnical Engineering  
CIVE 770 Environment Fate of Organic Pollutants 8:30-9:50 M/W
CIVE 770 Air Quality Engineering and Impacts 4:00-5:20 M/W

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest

Spring 2025

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



CIVE 604 Advanced Structural Steel Design 9:00-11:50 W
CIVE 610 Elasticity 3:00-5:50 M
CIVE 630 Advanced Building Energy Analysis 5:30-8:20 W
CIVE 700 The Circular Economy 9:00-11:50 F
CIVE 700 Design of Structural Concrete Systems 11:00-2:50 W
CIVE 742 Pavement Design and Management II 9:30-11:20 T

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest

Fall 2025

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



CIVE 601 Engineering Risk and Reliability TBA
CIVE 622/722 Intermediate Finite Element Analysis TBA
CIVE 642 Pavement Design and Management I TBA
CIVE 643 Fundamentals of Traffic Flow Theory TBA
CIVE 653 Numerical Methods in Geomechanics TBA
CIVE 671 Aquatic Chemistry TBA
CIVE 682 Free Surface Hydraulics TBA
CIVE 700 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering TBA
CIVE 700 Sustainable Buildings and Environment TBA
CIVE 700 Wood Engineering TBA
CIVE 700 Tall Building Design TBA
CIVE 750 Theoretical Rock Mechanics TBA
CIVE 770 River Restoration TBA
CIVE 771 Biological Wastewater Treatment; Theory and Practice TBA

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest

Winter 2026

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



CIVE 603 Mechanics for Reinforced Concrete TBA
CIVE 645 Modeling Transportation and Spatial Economics TBA
CIVE 700 Advanced Structural Timber Design TBA
CIVE 700 Scientific Machine Learning for Civil Engineers TBA
CIVE 700 Fire and Structures TBA
CIVE 700 Air Quality Engineering and Impacts TBA

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest

Spring 2026

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



CIVE 602 Prestressed Concrete TBA
CIVE 604 Advanced Structural Steel Design TBA
CIVE 610 Elasticity TBA
CIVE 644 Innovative and Sustainable Infrastructure Materials TBA
CIVE 700 Circular Engineering and the Built Environment TBA
CIVE 750 Introduction to non-destructive testing of civil infrastructure TBA

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest

Fall 2026

Please note that the offerings below are tentative and subject to change.

Course Number 



CIVE 601 Engineering Risk and Reliability TBA
CIVE 622/722 Intermediate Finite Element Analysis TBA
CIVE 642 Pavement Design and Management I TBA
CIVE 643 Fundamentals of Traffic Flow Theory TBA
CIVE 700 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering TBA
CIVE 700 Sustainable Buildings and Environment TBA
CIVE 700 Tall Building Design TBA
CIVE 700 Transportation Safety TBA
CIVE 704 Bridge Design TBA
CIVE 750 Theoretical Rock Mechanics TBA

For information regarding the course instructor and location, please sign in to Quest