Black History Month Reflections - Chinazom
Meet Chinazom Uwaoma, a part-time student in the Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology program.
"The entrepreneurial journey is long and challenging, but my cultural background has instilled in me the principles of tenacity and grit. My leadership style is deeply influenced by a saying from my Igbo heritage: "Igwe bu ike," which translates to "Community is strength."
I believe that we are strengthened by the differences we bring, not by our commonalities; our commonalities are the tools by which we harness our differences for the greater good. Predicated on the premise that everyone has something to offer, anchored on the core values of respect, mutual trust, and integrity.
Representation is crucial in keeping the vision alive. Seeing successful individuals who look like me reminds me that my goals are attainable. If I can see it, I can pursue it. Representation fosters belief, determination, and inspiration for future generations".