Waterloo Workshop on ML + Verification + Security

Monday, August 26, 2019 9:00 am - Friday, August 30, 2019 5:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)


Over the last decade, machine learning (ML) has had a revolutionary impact on many fields of science and engineering. Problems once deemed impossible, such as automatic language translation, are now solved routinely thanks to ML. An example of a field undergoing revolutionary change thanks to ML is verification. Today's verification tools, such as SAT/SMT solvers, are ever more scalable thanks to their use of sophisticated ML methods. Conversely, ML needs verification and security because of increasingly sophisticated attacks on ML models. There is an urgent need for experts (theorists and practitioners) in these fields to work together, if ML is to continue to have significant impact and adoption.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo invites you to attend a week-long workshop, August 26 to August 30th, where we will bring together speakers who are world-renowned practitioners and theorists in ML, verification and security to speak on inter-disciplinary research being conducted on ML for verification+security, and verification+security for ML. The goal is not only to educate each other, but the next generation of researchers in this exciting new inter-disciplinary field.
We invite applications from Masters, PhDs, postdocs, and early-stage professors from universities around the world. Seats are limited, hence it is best to apply as soon as possible. All applicants are required to submit their CVs via email to: 

Andrea Pinos, Communications and Awards Officer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

For students and academics there is no registration fee associated with this workshop.  Once applicants have submitted a CV, they may register for the workshop on the registration website.


Members of industry will be charged a registration fee to attend this workshop.  If you are a member of industry, you can register at: https://webreg.uwaterloo.ca/onlinereg/Register/default.aspx?code=C000566

A program/schedule will be made available for download soon!

LOCATION:  The workshop will be held at the University of Waterloo on our main campus  in the Science Teaching Complex  (STC), Room 1012.  You can download a map here.

Please note we do not provide travel grants to attendees.

If you are travelling to Waterloo and are looking for accommodation, here are a few options:

  1. Guest Rooms at St. Paul's University College (affiliated with University of Waterloo and located on its main campus).  
  2. Comfort Inn
  3. Inn of Waterloo

If you are driving to Waterloo, you can download information for parking here.

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact:

Andrea Pinos, Communications and Awards Officer
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
519-888-4567 x33708

Our sponsors for this event are:

Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (Waterloo.AI)

Waterloo Cybersecurity and Privacy Institute

Vector Institute