Geography Awareness Week (GAW) is coming to The Faculty of Environment. Launched in 1987 in the United States, its goal is to promote geographic education in K-12 schools and among the public. To help celebrate this week, the department of Geography and Environmental Management will be hosting two exciting events.
GIS Day: November 14th, 2012.
GIS Day is a global event to educate people about how geography makes a difference in our lives through the technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). To celebrate GIS Day, Mapping, Analysis, and Design and the Geospatial Centre will be hosting activities in the EV1 courtyard and adjoining seminar room (EV1-221). Sign up for this event is now closed, thank you for your interest.
Seminar: Does Open Data Mean Open Government?
Join us for an installment of the Contributions to Geographic Knowledge seminar series on Wednesday, November 14, between 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in EV1 Rm. 221. Dr. Peter Johnson will share his expertise on geospatial technologies and discuss one of geography’s most important questions.