GEM resubmit guidelines

Download the GEM resubmit guidelines (PDF).

Instructions for completing Work Reports (WKRPT’s) graded 38% (needs to be resubmitted)

Please note: Resubmit work reports are due by the 40th day of classes.

Please print and review your graded report on LEARN, noting the comments and suggestions provided by the grader.

Additional text will need to be added to the report where omissions of reference, statement of purpose, elaboration, support for claims, etc have been identified as necessary yet missing.

In all other cases, unless specifically requested to do so, additional information or extra revisions will not be required for grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Please ensure that all noted errors are corrected.

Errors of formatting must also be corrected. Please refer to the GEM co-op work reports guidelines.

Please note that:

  1. The resubmission must be submitted online in LEARN.
  2. Tables or figures need not be included in the resubmission unless the grader specifically requires that they be revised.

We hope you will benefit from the resubmission process; it offers a mechanism for enhancing your general writing proficiency as well as your analytical report writing skills.

If you have any questions regarding revisions, please contact the grader of the report.

Aaron Thompson