
A Google Faculty Research Award propels quantum machine learning forward.

The Physics of Information lab, led by Professor Achim Kempf, was awarded one of the 2018 Google Faculty Research Awards. Kempf’s lab focuses on the physics of information, a wide research field that ranges from general relativity and quantum theory to information theory and artificial intelligence (AI).

Professor Thomas Jennewein satellite project

When senior citizens use online banking apps to pay their bills, you know the world has gone digital. Thomas Jennewein, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) member and professor in Waterloo’s department of Physics and Astronomy, has been watching digital communication, like banking, become mainstream. And he’s worried about it. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019 7:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Entangled: The Series - QUANTUM + Pop Culture

“Quantum physics” has taken its position with “rocket science” in pop culture as a shorthand for frighteningly complicated science. Quantum physics has also taken on a sort of magical connotation in fiction, with features like entanglement, superposition, and tunneling, spurring imagination. But where does the science draw the line? How much is joyful speculation, and how much is disregard for reality? And if it’s always seen as either magical or scary, how does that affect the perception of quantum science?

Lindsay Babcock, Katanya Kuntz, Sebastian Slaman, et Ramy Tannous du Laboratoire de photonique quantique, sous la direction de Thomas Jennewein, chercheur à l’Institut d’informatique quantique (IQC), ont conçu et réalisé une démonstration portable de distribution quantique de clés (DQC). L’appareil de démonstration faisait appel à des composantes conçues par Excelitas Technologies, partenaire industriel qui fournit des systèmes personnalisés d’optoélectronique et d’électronique avancée.