Guillermo Esteban Romero Huenchuir, University of Basque Country, Spain
In this talk, I will present my past, present, and new projects in the field of circuit quantum electrodynamics. First, I will show a proposal for microwave photodetection and how it has influenced our community to develop experiments and further theoretical developments. Second, I will show the first theoretical proposal of circuit QED with a quantum point contact as a two-level system. This topic may has an increasing interest in the near future motivated by current experimental efforts to detect Andreev levels. Third, I will present a pioneer proposal for speeding up quantum information processing by means of using the ultrastrong coupling between light and matter. Furthermore, I will present recent results about multipartite entanglement generation via the Dynamical Casimir affect, its possible realization with state-of-the-art circuit QED technology. Finally, I will show pioneer ideas to simulate interacting quantum field theories in circuit QED. In particular, I will discuss about fermion-fermion scattering mediated by a continuum of boson, and its possible physical realization using on-chip resonators/open lines and transmon qubits.