Yingkai Ouyang: Improved Upper Bounds on the Quantum Capacity of the Depolarizing Channel with Higher Dimension Amplitude Damping Channels
Yingkai Ouyang, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Yingkai Ouyang, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Mary Beth Ruskai, Tufts University
It is well known that the set of m-body reduced density matrices of N-body states (possibly satisfying a symmetry constraint) is convex. This also holds for vectors of m-body quantum marginals.
Lucien Hardy, Perimeter Institute
Jörg Wrachtrup, Universität Stuttgart
Aharon Brodutch, Macquarie University
Marko Lončar, Harvard
Naresh Sharma, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Nengkun Yu, Tsinghua University & University of Technology, Sydney
Bounds on the distance between a unital quantum channel and the convex hull of unitary channels, with applications to the asymptotic quantum Birkhoff conjecture
Sevag Gharibian, Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)
Lianao Wu, University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU
I will introduce a family of quantum devices, which can be described by state-swapping operations. They include quantum state transfer, quantum state amplifier, entanglement creator... We propose a unified method to study them. The method may also lead to innovative designs of quantum devices or setups.