PhD Seminar
Optimising gates with a hybrid quantum-classical scheme
Hemant Katiyar
Hemant Katiyar
Sandbo Chang
Meenu Kumari
Erickson Tjoa
Maria Kieferova
Sandbo Chang
Designing control pulses to generate desired unitary evolution subjugated to experimental constraints (e.g., decoherence time, bandwidth) is a common task for quantum platforms, these type of problems are often addressed in the context of quantum optimal control. Parallel Automatic Differentiation Quantum Optimal Control (PADQOC) is an open-source, Python based general quantum optimal control solver built on top of Tensorflow 2. It is designed to be fast, extensible and useful for controlling general quantum systems.
Much of our intuition about light comes from our experience that light has very weak interaction with other light—a beam of light easily passes through another beam of light, so that the Star Wars scenes of “light sabers” bouncing off each other are just imaginary. But in solids, the properties of light can be changed dramatically, especially in solids that we design for new effects.
Maria Kieferova
The Quantum Cryptography School for Young Students (QCSYS) will run August 9-16, 2019 with students arriving August 8 and departing August 17. Apply for QCSYS and discover how the physics and mathematics of quantum mechanics and cryptography merge into one of the most exciting topics in contemporary science – quantum cryptography.