IQC Student Seminar featuring Maria Papageorgiou
Quantum Information in Relativity: Measurements and Causality
Quantum Information in Relativity: Measurements and Causality
Divide-and-conquer method for approximating output probabilities of constant-depth, geometrically-local quantum circuits
Nolan Coble, University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum Computational Particle Physics
Meet with experts who have taken their academic experience and found opportunities to bring quantum to market. As part of this panel, they will discuss their personal pathway into commercialization including challenges and lessons learned.
Optimal Theory Control Techniques for Nitrogen Vacancy Ensembles
Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) Centers in diamond are a very versatile tool. A single Nitrogen Vacancy center is most notably known for sensing magnetic fields, but recently has presented itself as a functional node for a quantum internet, to name just two of its wide ranges of applications.
A direct product theorem for quantum communication complexity with applications to device-independent QKD
Srijita Kundu, University of Waterloo
Observation and manipulation of a phase separated state in a charge density wave material
We examine the distribution over measurement outcomes of noisy random quantum circuits in the low-fidelity regime. We will show that, for local noise that is sufficiently weak and unital, the output distribution p_noisy of typical circuits can be approximated by F*p_ideal + (1−F)*p_unif, where F is the probability that no local errors occur, p_ideal is the distribution that would arise if there were no errors, and p_unif is the uniform distribution.
In this talk I will explain how some techniques coming from the local theory of Banach spaces can be used to obtain claims about the security of protocols for Position Based Cryptography.
Scientists of all backgrounds and genders, have made important contributions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), but the participation of women remains low in many areas of STEM, including physics. What can we do to build an inclusive STEM community? Shohini Ghose, IQC associate and Director of the Laurier Centre for Women in Science (WinS) will discuss data that can shed light on where we stand today and describe a practical framework for increasing access and inclusion in STEM.