IQC Math and CS seminar featuring Gregory Rosenthal
"Fully quantum" complexity theory
Location: QNC 3206, Zoom
"Fully quantum" complexity theory
Location: QNC 3206, Zoom
Beyond Binary Quantum Information in Superconducting Circuits: Taking the Transmon for a Spin
Location: QNC 0101
Black-box optimization for QKD key rates
Location: QNC 1201
Additivity of quantum capacities in simple non-degradable quantum channels
Location: QNC 1201, Zoom
CountCrypt: Quantum Cryptography between QCMA and PP
Location: QNC 1201, Zoom
A reconfigurable ground-to-satellite quantum network
Location: QNC 1201
Machina Ex Quanta: Rise of the Quantum Boltzmann Machines
Location: QNC 0101
Detecting single gravitons with quantum-controlled mechanical resonators
Location: QNC 1201, Zoom
Quantum threshold is powerful
Location: QNC 1201, Zoom
Join Amanda Green, Senior Advisor at Mitacs, to learn how to leverage Mitacs funding for collaborative research at IQC. This session will cover key Mitacs programs that support partnerships with companies, nonprofits, municipalities, hospitals, and startups.