A new platform for quantum simulation
A platform based on trapped atoms lays the groundwork for a broad range of quantum technologies and fundamental quantum research.
A platform based on trapped atoms lays the groundwork for a broad range of quantum technologies and fundamental quantum research.
Un environnement à base d’atomes piégés ouvre la voie à une grande variété de technologies quantiques ainsi qu’à la recherche fondamentale en physique quantique.
Four faculty members at the Institute for Quantum Computing received President’s Excellence in Research awards for their research achievements that were recognized by national or international foundations, associations and institutions.
Quatre professeurs de l’Institut d’informatique quantique ont reçu des prix du recteur pour l’excellence en recherche, qui soulignent des réalisations reconnues par des fondations, associations et institutions de calibre international.
The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Transformative Quantum Technologies Program (TQT) at the University of Waterloo announce a new Master of Science degree in Physics with a specialization in Quantum Technologies.
L’Institut d’informatique quantique (IQC), le Département de physique et d’astronomie et le programme Technologies quantiques transformatrices (TQT) de l’Université de Waterloo annoncent une nouvelle maîtrise ès sciences en physique avec spécialisation en technologie quantique.
Quantum computers will now have help tackling the central problem in their performance – noise.
Les ordinateurs quantiques auront dorénavant de l’aide pour vaincre le principal obstacle à leurs performances : le bruit.
Christine Muschik, assistant professor at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Waterloo, has been selected as a 2020-2022 CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar.
New research shows that limited near-term quantum computers may be more powerful than they seem when solving a problem that is impossible for comparable classical computers.