Welcome to the Institute for Quantum Computing


Modular software brings together a variety of expertise to create a new method to realistically model and analyze quantum cryptography.

Accurate models of real-world scenarios are important for bringing theoretical and experimental research together in meaningful ways. Creating these realistic computer models, however, is a very large undertaking. Significant amounts of data, code, and expertise across a wide range of intricate areas are needed to create useful and comprehensive software. 

En francais

Congratulations to Dr. Bradley Hauer and Dr. Christopher Wilson, both faculty members at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and professors in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, who have been awarded $2.7 M through the NSERC Alliance – Quantum grant for their project Next-generation technology to access new regimes of quantum sensing.

En francais

The Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) is excited to announce this year's recipients of the David Johnston Award for Scientific Outreach: Amit Anand, Everett Patterson and Fiona Thompson. The awards are given annually to recognize and celebrate students who have demonstrated exceptional dedication to enhancing public understanding of quantum research through outreach and community involvement.


Wednesday, July 17, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

IQC Student Seminar Featuring Evan Peters

Improving information transmission using correlated auxiliary noise

QNC building, 200 University Ave. Room 1201, Waterloo 

Communicating information is a fundamentally important task that is often limited by noise. The physical origin of noise in a quantum channel is an interaction between the transmitted system and its surrounding environment. This interaction leads to correlations between the system and its environment that contain information about the original state, but are inaccessible to the receiver. However, a receiver may be able to recover some of this lost information if they are given access to an additional auxiliary system that interacts with the environment. In this talk, I will formalize a particular type of receiver side information and characterize the resulting improvement in classical and quantum channel capacities for an augmented bit flip channel. I will then discuss information-theoretic bounds on imperfect one-time pad cryptography schemes and passive environment-assisted quantum channel capacities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

An introduction to analyzing cryptographic protocols using Taramin prover

Douglas Stebila, University of Waterloo

QNC building, 200 University Ave. Room 1201, Waterloo 

This workshop will provide an introduction to the Tamarin prover, which is a security protocol verification tool that analyzes cryptographic protocols in a symbolic model and can automatically identify attacks or conclude that certain classes of attacks do not exist. The workshop will include a hands-on exercise using the Tamarin prover.

To attend this program please email us at cryptoworks21@uwaterloo.ca by July 16, 2024.

Friday, July 19, 2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Introduction to Quantum Chemistry with PennyLane

Daniel Nino, Xanadu

QNC building, 200 University Ave. Room 1201, Waterloo 

Xanadu is a Canadian quantum computing company with the mission to build quantum computers that are useful and available to people everywhere. Xanadu is one of the world’s leading quantum hardware and software companies and also leads the development of PennyLane, an open-source software library for quantum computing and application development.

Through this workshop, attendees will be given a broad overview of some applications of quantum computing to quantum chemistry. Through a series of hands-on exercises, attendees will learn about some PennyLane functionalities for workflows in quantum chemistry. By the end of the session, they will have hands-on experience in building quantum programs with PennyLane and how to use PennyLane datasets in applications to reduce time to research.

Please bring a laptop with you for this session. The workshop will run over Google Colab, no specific installation is required.