Congratulations BKI grads of 2017!
The BKI class of 2017 convocated today, and another group of solution integrators are now out to change the world!
Here they are at our convocation reception:
The BKI class of 2017 convocated today, and another group of solution integrators are now out to change the world!
Here they are at our convocation reception:
The BKI class of 2016 convocated today, and another group of solution integrators are now out to change the world!
Here they are at our convocation reception:
Ed Jernigan, founding director of Knowledge Integration and former Chair of Systems Design Engineering, will be retiring in 2016 after 40 years of dedication and inspiration to the University of Waterloo.
We will be honouring and thanking him on Wednesday, April 6, from 3:00pm-5:00pm at the University Club.
KI professor Ed Jernigan, Senior Design Demonstrator Paul McKone, along with recent KI grads Bryson McLachlan and Evaleen Hellinga, will be facilitating workshops at the Launch + Link event for the Roots & Shoots program of the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada the weekend of October 23-25.
There's a new exhibit opening today at THEMUSEUM with KI connections.
LIGHT Illuminated was a partnership between THEMUSEUM and Institute for Quantum Computing grad students, to develop something for International Year of Light (2015). The grad students sought KI students to help with the early stages of the exhibit design.
KI Professor Vanessa Schweizer lead the Canadian component of World Wide Views on Climate and Energy, a global citizen consultation initiative.
Find out more about this at:
The results are in! Canadians and global citizens share views on climate change and energy
Congratulations to Hannah James, first year KI student, on being awarded the Dean of Environment’s Scholarship for Excellence.
For Hannah's profile and more information about this award, please see: Meet our 2015 Dean of Environment’s Scholarship for Excellence winners
We're glad that she chose to join the KI community!
Rob Gorbet, Chair of the Department of Knowledge Integration, recently was recognized for his collaborative work for Epiphyte Chamber, an interactive technology art project.
Read more about Waterloo collaboration wins big at 2015 AZ Awards from Azure magazine.
Congratulations, Rob!
The BKI class of 2015 convocated today, and another group of solution integrators are now out to change the world!
Here they are at our convocation reception: