KI Seminar: What does it mean to be anti-__ist in KI?

Friday, November 5, 2021 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Since 2020, there has been renewed energy to reckon with racism and settler colonialism, and there are additional forms of oppression that must be dismantled.

The KI department has a working group consisting of students, faculty/staff, and alumni who focus on anti-oppression efforts at the departmental level, the Anti-Oppression Knowledge Integrators (AOK). Following from the March 2021 AOK town hall, this seminar invites further cross-cohort small group and plenary discussions on what activities the KI community would like to see AOK prioritize.

The seminar is interactive in-person, but there is an option for people to join remotely.