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University of Waterloo Library, in association with the Office of Research, is looking at how we can improve our services that support your academic research. We want to hear from faculty, graduate and postdoc researchers to learn more about the research services you use, or would like to see at the University. An online survey will be available until January 30, 2019 and will take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Participants have the option of being included in a draw for 1 of 5 $100 Indigo gift cards.
Take the survey
Survey details:
- Participation is confidential and voluntary
- You may skip any question you do not wish to answer
- Survey results will include no identifiable information
Contest details:
- Odds of winning one of the prizes depends on the number of participants
- Information collected for the prize draw will not be linked to survey data in any way
- Any identifying information will be stored separately, then destroyed after the prizes have been provided
- Selected winners must accurately answer a skill-testing question to be declared the winner of the prize
For more information about privacy and contest rules, please read our Survey Privacy Policy and Contest Rules.
For more information about the survey, please contact Emily Christofides, User Experience Specialist.