Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
20[underlined superscript: th] A.D. [horizontal line] Settlements + Clubs East Side House 548 East 76[underlined superscript: th] [horizontal line] Mrs. Hanson Head Worker Neighborhood House 232 East 79[underlined superscript: th] Mother’s Club - [crossed out: Lenox Hill Settlement] [crossed out: Nurses Settlement] 318 East 82[underlined superscript: nd] Miss Schwartz Emmanuel Sisterhood Friendly Club. Tues. Eve. [i.e. Tuesday Evening] ([h.s.?] working Girls] (over)
Culture Club. Thurs Eve [i.e. Thursday Evening] Bluebird Club Wed. Eve [i.e. Wednesday Evening] Naomi Club Tues. Eve [i.e. Tuesday Evening] Suffolla Club Thurs. Eve [i.e. Thursday Evening] Athenean Club Thurs. Eve [i.e. Thursday Evening] Junior Friendly Sat. Eve [i.e. Saturday Evening] Pollyanna Club Sat. [i.e. Saturday] [Mizpath?] Club – [horizontal line] [right aligned: 351 & 74] Jan Hiss Memorial Neighborhood House Dr. Pizek – Miss Weston Mrs Stepanek Leader of Mother’s Club – [underlined: Thurs] [i.e. Thursday]
Clubs 24[underlined superscript: th] Riverside Girls Club [underlined: 24[underlined superscript: th dist]] 237 East 104 st. Federation Settlement House 240 East 105 St. [1 word illegible] Women’s Hebrew Ass. [i.e. Association] 1578-84 Lexington Ave. Union Settlement Ass’n [i.e. Association] 229-241 East 104 St. Miner’s Settlement 100 East 101[underlined superscript: st] Mr Cohen Mother’s Aid Society 31 W. 110[underlined superscript: th] G.W.H.A.
Schools - 24th A.D. [horizontal line] School 11- Industrial school Italian Mothers 243 East 103[underlined superscript: rd] Miss M.S. Jacobs - P.S. 121- Prin. [i.e. Principal] Miss Hariland Kindergarten mothers- will not meet before Fall wt. 2[underlined supesrscript: nd +3 [underlined superscript: rd] [above: 102[underlined superscript: nd] st.] (Yiddish Speaker) – [bracketed: Anna Abeaur delegate] [crossed out: P.S.] P.S. 109 Prin. [i.e. Principal] Mr M[underlined superscript: c]Nelly 99-100 - but 2[underlined superscript: nd] + 3[underlined superscript: rd] Brown R. McHearsty P.S. 168-104-105- bt. 1[underlined superscript: st] + 2[underlined superscript: nd] Blanch Sands (Delegate) P.S. 150-95-96[underlined superscript: th] st. 1[underlined superscript: st] Frances Shields Josephine Moses May Flynn
[underlined: volunteers] [checkmark] Miss Cosgion [checkmark] [bracketed: will write] [checkmark] Miss Jones [checkmark] The Hillhurst [crossed out: Mrs Leik? Can speak Russian phonograph store 102[underlined superscript: nd] + Mad. Ave.] Mrs [Mosso?] 483 Park Pl. Prospect - 8505 – Brooklyn [checkmark] Miss Martha [Stilleville?] Lenox 4418 – 153 E. 83 Miss Spector Worth 1689 Mrs Tennenbaum [checkmark] 424 East 84 Phone 732 Lenox
[checkmark] Mrs Hahn [space] Lenox 3449 552 East St Misses Hill 11 Henderson Place 9634 Lenox + Mrs Berg 1646 Second Ave. Top floor [checkmark] Miss [Elloritsl?] Rector 7900 [crossed out: Courtland 7960] [checkmark] Elizabeth [Murrsery?] 244 East 86[underlined superscript: th] [checkmark] Mrs Beauchamp - Lenox 224 East 86[underlined superscript: th] 7308 [checkmark] Mrs [1 word illegible] Kramer 505 East 88[underlined superscript: th] [checkmark] Evelyn Wagner [crossed out: 86[underlined superscript: th]] Worker’s Com- pensation Bureau [right: 222-87]
[underlined: News papers] - Home news [underlined superscript: Ed] Mr O'Conner 1245 Leaf Jas. O'Flarrety P. owner [circled: Friday Wed. [i.e. Wednesday] latest] Photographer Alfred Vitale 176 East 85 Haley House news Morning 7400 125 W. 125 h.s. Call Workman's Coorperative Pub. Assn' [i.e. Public Association] 444 Pearl St. Bohemian Obrana Ed. The Elore 5 East 3[underlined superscript: rd]. Hungarian
[underlined: Officers] Leader 20[underlined superscript: th] A.D. Louise [space] Home Lennox Miss Flynn 8679 149 East 81[underlined superscript: st] Vice Leader Miss Josephine Moses [above: Lenox] 6467 1157 Lexington Ave. Rec. Sec'y [i.e. Secretary]. Mrs C. Gill 208 East 74[underlined superscript: th] Cor. Sec'y [i.e. Secretary] Miss Mary Flynn 149 East 81[underlined superscript: st] Treasurer Emily G. Lory 171 East 83[underlined superscript: rd] [horizontal line] 23 Election Districts [horizontal line] 8 captains reported Dec. 19/16
[underlined: 22[underlined superscript: nd] A.D. Offices] Leader Mrs G. Oesterreicher Ackerman 1664 First Ave. [note on left margin: Lennox 1391 1[underlined superscript: st]] Vice Leader Mrs Joseph Kramer 1664 First Ave. 2[underlined superscript: nd] Vice Pres [i.e. President] Kate Levett 410 East 89[underlined superscript: th] Secetary Miss Theresa [Elowters?] 705 East 87[underlined superscript: th] Press Agent Miss Emma Poffer 519 East 82[underlined superscript: nd] Treasurer Mrs Amelia Poffer 519 East 82[underlined superscript: nd] [horizontal line] 34 Election Districts [horizontal line] 14 Captains reported Dec 19/16
[underlined: Offices] 24[underlined superscript: th] A.D. [note on right: College Settlement 6670 Orchard 84-1[underlined superscript: st] Street] Leader Miss Josephine Schaun Harelmn 1691 231 East 104[underlined superscript: th] Vice Leader Mrs A. Kats 12[1 overwritten: 3] East 101[underlined superscript: st] St. vice - Alice M[underlined superscript: c]Cormack Lenox 2430 160 East 91[underlined superscript: st] Lucy [crossed out: Mae Bowers 237 East 104[underlined superscript: th]] Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Irene Malroney 6359-g. Harlem 232 East 105[underlined superscript: th] [horizontal line] 17 Election Districts [horizontal line] 6 Captains March 8[underlined superscript: th] [bracketed: Emily Manning 173 East 90[underlined superscript: th] Mrs Sacks Phone-Harlem 4055 Mrs Wagner
Mrs Oliver 211 W. 101[underlined superscript: st] River 6345 Phone [crossed out: [Audubon?] 2887] [wavy lined: Head'qts [i.e. Headquarters] moving 8833 Mrs Weisburg 2003-7[underlined superscript: th]] [crossed out: Margaret F Jelde] [underlined note on left: stanog] Margaret F. Jelde Florence Browning (1825-7[underlined superscript: th](?)) 31[underlined superscript: st] Anna [crossed out: [Levourt?]] [Lievowitz?] 1827-7[underlined superscript: th] Hannah Goldling 964 st. Nicholas
[underlined: Politicians] 22[underlined superscript: nd] A.D. Dem. [i.e. Democrat] Leader Michael Cosgrove Lenox 4509 1297 Lexington Ave. Indifferent. Rep. [i.e. Republican] Leader Ambrose [D?]. Neal (home) 419 East 84[underlined superscript: th] Lenox 2207 - Lenox 641 indifferent (?) Progressive Frederick Leibich Municipal Hdg [i.e. Holding] [Lea? i.e. Leader]. H. deft. [i.e. definitely] in favor. Socialist
Politicians 20[underlined superscript: th] A.D. Rep. [i.e. Republican] Leader W[underlined superscript: m] C. Hecht 9296 [1 overwritten: 2]69 East 83[underlined superscript: rd] Lenox Dem. [i.e. Democrat] Stephen Ruddy 142 East 83[underlined superscript: rd] 24[underlined superscript: th] Moris Levy 171 East 104[underlined superscript: th] Mr John Diets 159 East 90[underlined superscript: th] Head Clerk at Municipal Count - 155 East 88[underlined superscript: th]
20[underlined superscript: th] Ass. Dist. [i.e. District] [double underlined: Political Clubs] Cherokee Dem. [i.e. Democratic] Club 334 East 79[underlined superscript: th] St. Leader Mr RUddy Secy' [i.e. Secretary] Mr Russell - [crossed out: Republican Club 165 East 81[underlined superscript: st] Leader] Progressive Dist. [i.e. District] Club Republican Union 308 E. 79[underlined superscript: th] W.C. Hecht Leader + Pres. [i.e. President] A. Jones Sec'y. [i.e. Secretary]