Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
Transcription rules are omitted in tables for ease of reading.
[right diagonal: [underlined: Vote 1915] - 20[underlined superscript: th] A.D.] Total For - 2242 against 3827 3747 Defective blank First try - 1490 For Against May. Total - Watcher 1. 82 148 288 49 [Mrs Liperman?] 2. 116 194 877 179 76 113 708 159 91 125 201 188 76 122 672 128 125 206 390 48 113 170 972 172 85 169 909 180 139 144 1053 241 126 174 1008 138
[right diagonal: [underlined: Vote 1915] 24[underlined superscript: th] A.D. Carried E.D. 11-152-143 13-170-133 For 1893 - Against 2613] For Against May. Total Defective Watcher 92 198 984 173 62 130 230 - 32 108 149 900 191 77 121 11681 112 84 171 927 117 111 157 957 131 127 186 1071 179 114 143 900 174 108 146 319 80 126 146 317 27 152 143 349 8
12 same [space] [underlined: Mrs Hymn?] [space] 24 districts New 14th A.D. Old Lines Old Capt. E.D. New Capt. 24 -- new 24th of 28th Mrs [Balfir?] Horak [circle] 27 -- equals 1st E.D. of 20 --- [circle] 28 -- Kline--- equals 2nd E.D. of 20 --- L. Lyman [square] 29 -- includes old 3rd plus part of 4 Weston 30 Sebold -- equals 7th E.D. ---- Sebold [square] 31 --- includes part of 4th + 6th Klob [square, x] 32 --- includes 5th plus part of 6 Paul [square, x] 33 Geschickter includes part of 10th + 11th Geschickter
34 [x] Paul -- equals 17th ------- Kline 35 [x] --- equals 3rd of 22nd ---- 36 [x] --- equals 4th of 22nd ---- New 16th A.D. 7 [square] Barney -- includes 19th plus half of 18 Barney 8 Barry ---- includes 16th plus half of 18 Barry 9 [circle] M Flyron equals 14th E.D. M. Flyron 10 [square, x] Dow ---- includes part of 10th + 11th Dow
11 [square] [g. heoses?] - equals 9th E.D. ----- [g. heoses?] 12 [circle] Breslin - includes 12th plus part of 8th Frowley 13 [square] --- equals 13th E.D. ----- 14 [circle] [Mimasik?]-- equals 15th E.D ---- [Mimasik?] 15 [circle] Fowley -- equals 20th E.D. ----- Duffy 16 Klob ---- equals 21st E.D. ----- stillwell 17 Tong -- equals 22nd E.D. ----- Tory 18 [x] Duffy -- includes part 23rd + part 8th (22) [L. heoses?] 19 [circle, square] [L. heoses?]- includes part 23rd + 1st (22)
15 sure [space] [underlined: Mrs Osterrieder] 21 districts New 16th A.D. Old Lines Old Capt E.D New Capt. [x] 1 -- includes part 17th (20) + part 3rd (22) Miss Puffer 2 --- equals 5th E.D. ------ Bryer 3 --- equals 13th E.D. ------ Hill [x, square] 4 --- equals 12th E.D. ------ [1 word illegible] [square] 5 --- equals 6th E.D. ------ [x] 6 --- equals 2nd of 22nd ---- Mrs Puffer [circle] 20 --- includes part of 7th + 8th --- Tory [circle] 21 --- includes part of 7th 8th + 9th K. Hill
[square] 22 --- equals 11th E.D. ----- 23 --- includes 10th plus part of 9th - Oesterreicher 24 --- equals 17th ------ [1 word illegible] 25 --- equals 16th ------ Jacobs 26 --- equals 18th ------ Huz [x] 27 --- equals 15th ------ Erdreich [circle, square] 28 --- equals 14th ------ Maxwell 29 --- equals 21st ------ Kramer 30 --- equals 20th ------ Rinek [circle] 31 --- equals 19th ------ Levits
6 [sure?] [space] [underlined: Miss Schair] [space] 20 Districts New Lines AD. 16 Old Lines Old Captain E.D. New Captain [circle] 32 equals -- 1st E.D. of 24 --- Cosgrove [circle] 33 includes 2nd E.D. plus 7/8 of 4th - McCormack [circle] 37 equals 5th E.D. ----- Webber [circle] 38 equals 6th E.D. ----- [McGinn?] [circle] 39 equals 7th E.D. ----- A. Koslik [x] 40 equals 8th E.D. ----- Koslik [x] 41 includes 3/4 of old 9th plus 1/3 of 10th Spector
E.D. 18th New Captain A.D. Old Lines Old Captain 10 [square] Manning includes 3rd E.D. plus fraction of 4th Manning 2 -- Krebs 3 --- Pierce 4 [circle, circle] 5 [illegible word scribbled out] 6 [x, x] 7 [x, x, square] - -- includes old 13th ----- Katz 8 - [x] - - -- includes 1/2 of 11th plus 1/4 of 10 -- Porchick 9 x-?- Dubinsky equals 12th E.D. ---- Dubinsky 10 -x- Schain includes parts of 9th 10th 11th 17th