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Facts about West Va.[i.e. Virginia] [horizontal line] One of 16 states which has not abolished [crossed out: child] prison labor - [horizontal line] Has 2,000 more child-laborers than any suffrage state. [horizontal line] 5.3% negro population [horizontal line] 8.3 % illiterate higher than any suff. [i.e. suffrage] state except Arizona [horizontal line] Father is sole guardian of children [horizontal line] Mother’s Pensions defeated in West, Va. 1915. [horizontal line] Women's labor not restricted [horizontal line] Husband inherits all of childs property [horizontal line] 4 Ex. Govs. [i.e. Governments] + Present Gov. [i.e. Government] all favor Equal Suffrage.
Females in cities 111,780 " " Rural 465,295 [horizontal line] Total [space] 577 075 Females working in factories 16+ up – 4,505 " in factories under 16 - ,195 Total in farm + factory work in W. Va. [i.e. Virginia] 281,977 [horizontal line] Total males to 100 females 111.6 " foreign to 100 – 261,8 " negro 100 [space] 133,8 " white 100 [space] 106,1 [horizontal line] 200 papers in state 105 take [plate?] matter 50 others editorially in favor [horizontal line] 338,000 voters [horizontal line] 164,945 for prohibition 72, 603 against " [horizontal line]
[underlined: West Virginia] Population 97.7% native born next Germans, Irish, Italians, English – 86.2% Protestants 38.4% of these Methodists Present constitution adopted 1872 last amended 1902 may be amended as in N.Y. except requires 2/3 majority of each house Legislature meets 1[underlined superscript: st] Wed. [i.e. Wednesday] in Jan. [i.e. January] of odd years Senate has 30 members elected in 4 years but ½ retire each year House of Delegates of 86 Length of Session is 45 days
County is unit of Government County court with 3 Commissioners elected for 6 years / retiring every 2 years [horizontal line] must be at least 3 + not more than 10 magisterial districts in each county [horizontal line] Indebtedness of county or municipality limited to 5% of taxable property [Horizontal line] state revenue derived principally from general property tax
[underlined: West Virginia] People of West unlike those of East owing to immigration from Pa [i.e. Pennsylvania]. Many grievances of West but principally owing to proportional representation of counties - West had few slaves East had many slaves June 1863 was [1 word illegible] to union though 2 senators had already been elected + recognized at Washington controversy on Berkeley + Jefferson counties resulted in favor of West Va [i.e Virginia]. West Va [i.e. Virginia]. suffered little in civil war – state [funnel?] about 3 times more [1 word illegible] to Federal than Confederate
Facts 103 colored males to 100 colored females 262 foreign males to 100 foreign females 106 white males to 100 white females 265,000 white females [bracketed: now white vote is 1 to every 9 colored or foreign when women get vote in W.V. [i.e. West Virginia] proportion will be 1 to 15] 3,000 were illiterate negro males than negro females
[underlined: West Va] [i.e. Virginia]. School System 8.3% illiterate over 10 yrs [i.e. years] 8-15 yrs [i.e. years] compulsory Each maj. [i.e. major] dis. [i.e. district] a sch. [i.e. school] dist (Pres. [i.e. President] to Com. [i.e. Commissioner] on Board County Sup't. [i.e. Superintendent] elected for 4 years State Sup't [i.e. Superintendent] (+5 persons chosen by him) have state supervision elected for 4 years - [horizontal line] State primary agriculture western to crops eastern to live stock where it is important industry [horizontal line] minerals are coals, petroleum natural gas - coal in 51 out of 55 Counties mines in general [underlined: not] unionized
West Virginia Laws by Harriet B. Jones courtesy of Missy Susan Boyd [horizontal line] Married women have right to their own property can make contracts + enter partnerships without consent of husband. Husband has no control over rent of her real estate. Her rights to his real estate not equal to his in hers She gets 1/3 for life He gets all " " Increase of property after marriage usually becomes the husbands. If by partnership it is determined by terms of contract No statute securing to wife proportion of family income
Wife not chargeable for non-support of children + can not share in earnings therefore Father is liable for expenses of wife + child wife not liable for husbands expenses - wife does not inherit as much as husband from him in [underlined: Reality] but in [underlined: Personality] the same. Wife does not inherit property of deceased [crossed out: husband] child equally with husband Wife not entitled to control of children equally - Father is sole guardian Husband can select place for home.
West Virginia Laws [horizontal line] about 11 causes for divorce same for both husband + wife. except one in case of wife. Counts of equity have wide latitude [horizontal line] West Virginia lacks Mother’s Pensions minimum wage compensation Laws. [horizontal line] child Labor Laws. 14 years factories, mills, workshop man. estab. [i.e. establishment] Exempt under permit from Com. [i.e. commitment?] of labor 15 yrs – acrobatic, [1 word illegible] or [injurious?] exhibition 15 yrs – dance Halls, concert,
[underlined: West Virginia] Laws. Husband inherits all of child's property without will Father entitled to child's earnings not mother Father can appoint a [underlined: guardian] + will away child without mother's consent [illegible] mother retains custody of child's pension No restrictions placed upon hours of labor for women prohibited
West Virginia has 13,670 child laborers under 15 yrs. [i.e. years] [horizontal line] More by 2000 than any of the equal suff. [i.e. suffrage] states [horizontal line] Republican state for 20 yrs. [i.e. years] Democratic about even with Rep [i.e. Republican]. Socialistic not a factor. [horizontal line] W.S. Census Says. 74,866 illiterates who can’t read or write 42,511 males 32,355 females [horizontal line] Present + former Governors Are on advisory Board. [horizontal line] Emphasise Prohibition -Tax no poll tax- Women against [Force?] argument
women (by rape) pay cost of war more than men [horizontal line] England pays only 10% of debt other 9/10% is on future [horizontal line] unequal pay in Germany [left margin: figures in [Jus?]] [crossed out: Suffragii] 1915 = 16 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March Labor position is dangerous in England Women paid about 1/3 which men used to get only appeal is to [underlined: men]
Sashs 100 captains 16 W.S.P yellow 6 W.S.P. yellow + white 5 marshalls [horizontal line] To Flynn 11 16 [space] 2 35 = $ 8, 81 735 = 21 captains 216 = 6 W.S.P yel. + white 140 = 4 W.S.P yellow 25 = 1 marshall [horizontal line] 11,16 [horizontal line] 105 = 3 W.S. returned 25 = 1 marshall " 105 = 3 captains "
[underlined: Nationality] 30[underlined superscript: th] A.D. Total 92,275 Negroes 7,555 Amer. [i.e. American] White 12,529 Irish 4,620 Russian [connecting line] 13,782 Italian [connecting line] 548 German [connecting line] 10,018 Austrian [connecting line] 4,470 Hungarian [connecting line] 3,243 50% Russian