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[underlined: Arguments for equality] If the franchise can rightfully be given only to those who are by education elightenment [i.e. enlightenment] + experience or natural wisdom, quali fied to make good use of it then the universal en- franchisement of men has been a very great mistake + we should return to the feudal system in vogue in France before the revolution + be governed by a self- appointed aristocracy . From a clipping in “Times” [horizontal line] If any woman can be found more intelligent than the most unintelligent
Where there are many more women then men thousands of the former are thrown on their own resources. Conditions in the economic world place women at such a disad- vantage. They must either accept insufficient wages appeal to public (or private) charity illicit illegal relations— [I fear?] women had been taken care of in the past they would never have demanded the vote. Lack of masculine protection + necessity for "bare necessary existence have driven women to appeal for equal politi- cal forum with men. The industrial worker
notes from Economics + Industrial History By Henry W. Thurston [horizontal Line] [underlined: Page 49]- When W[underlined superscript: m] the conqueror Took census of population in 1086 about 90% of the one + one half million people were connected with agriculture upon the various manors [underlined: Page 47]- Since the conquest there have been 4 great periods of industry i.e. The Home or family period, the gild [i.e. guild] Period Domestic Period, Factory Period. [underlined: Page 58]- Probably 1[underlined superscript: st] transforming industry to enlist whole [1 word illegible] of separate class of men was that of weaving. [underlined: Page 60]- The Feudal System as a whole was based more upon the [Inserted above: idea of] exchange of services than of wealth.
[underlined: Page 62] - The labor factor in production was more important than the capital factor (during Home period). [underlined: Page 69] - After Black death occurred following changes - 1. Scarcity of workers caused wages to rise (often) 5% + both the Lords upon those manors where commutation of services had taken place + the villein who were obliged to furnish an extra man or two for the Lords of the manors where com- mutation of services had not taken place were at once affected thereby. 2. This great rise in wages caused employers to
[underlined: Page 66 con.] seek relief from Parlia- ment 3. Those Lords upon whose manors commutation had already taken place were freed either to collect larger payments from ten- nents [i.e. tenants] or give up tillage in old way & devote their do- mesue lands to pasturage of sheep (requiring fewer men then tillage or to rent their domesue to new tenant. [Underlined : Page 70] If domesue land were turned into sheep pas- tures tenants were often bought out + sometimes evicted. This was called "enclosure of the open fields" + resulted in partial depopulation of many manors. So the industrial life of
the old manors was broken up with such resultant hard feeling + actual suffering The general movement of servile classes for greater economic + social freedom took a violent form [double underlined: in 1381] in The Peasant’s Revolt or Wat Tyler’s Rebellion. Immediate result was failure + tennants [i.e. tenants] were often refused regrants + were cheated bullied + evicted Thus Forests grass lands open fields etc. held immemorially by tennants [i.e. tenants] turned into pastures for the Lord until at last Parliament interfered for unfortunate tennants [i.e. tenants] in last half 15[underlined superscript: th] + first half 16[underlined superscript: th] century
Page 76 - After several generations [inserted above: had failed] after Black Death the continual en- closures of large areas for sheep farms gradually made population too large. As a consequence great numbers of men women + children were turned from their homes to find work in Towns or to be- come homeless beggars or desperate robbers. [underlined: Page 98] - [underlined: Gild Period, i.e. Guild] The fundamental purposes of gild [i.e. guild] regulation were to secure good material + honest work- manship for the consumer + to secure good wages for the workman.
Page [crossed out: 94?] 80 The capitalist in a modern sense first appeared in England in connec- tion with sheep farming. [underlined: Page 82] - Before middle of 14[underlined superscript: th] century a labor class had come into existence in a sense of that [1 word illegible] which had never been true before. [underlined: Page 90] - Under Domestic System of Industry there were for the first time classes of artisans devoting themselves to making of goods not demanded by local needs. [underlined: Page 92] - in 1688 the agricultural classes 4,655,000 manufacture 240,000 commerce 240,000 [underlined: Page 155] Over 41% engaged in agriculture 700 yrs. after Doomsday survey.
[underlined: Page 156] Census returns of 1891 gains only 12.1% of all males over [21 crossed out] 10 yrs. [i.e. years] in England + Wales as engaged in agriculture + fishing. [underlined: Page 156] Whole period since conquest from English agri- culture point of view can be devided [i.e. divided] into 3 sub. periods 1. A period of universal open- field agriculture 2. A period when open-field system was partially surplan- ted [i.e. supplanted] by sheep pasturing + com- fortable husbandry in en- closed fields 3. Period when open-field sys- Tem entirely disappeared. [underlined: Page 168] Increasing population to cities in U.S. Means increasing dependency of pop- ulation as whole upon
for access to land (to [1 word illegible] or to producer) + time long gone by when majority of men [inserted above: enjoy] ownership of land even for home [underlined: Page 179] Production has more than kept pace with rise in wages so that wage earners get a decreasing fraction of the total value of the net product. [underlined: 195 Page] - Not in proportion to the absolute utilities of goods, but in proportion to their effective utilities, do men strive to attain them. [underlined: Page 219] Society + Man + Capital + Natural resources = utility [underlined: Page 262] The Trade union consists only of wage earners in the same occupation
page 262 Not only of one town but of many towns + has gained Political power but slowly while The Craft Gild [i.e. Guild] was made up of owners of land + capital managers + wage earners, was usually confined to to the industries of a single town + from the first members of gilds [i.e. guilds] were influential citizens of their towns and finally Became politically domi- nant [underlined: Page 269] Taxes are justi- fied because social beings cannot live together with out social consumption
[underlined: Quotations] Our Benevolent Feudalism by [underlined: W.J. Ghent] [underlined: Page 73] – The productivity of the laborer inceases – value of the product increases – the wages except in oc- casional instances decline or remain stationary. [horizontal line] [underlined: Page 111] – Tendency indicated by mass of decisions in cases rewarding damages for injury or death is growing disposition to make property paramount + life subordinate. [horizontal line]
[underlined: Page 123] These causes for acquiescence in existing social conditions - 1[underlined superscript: st] rage for individual ex- ploitation - Ambitious for wealth + success. 2[underlined superscript: nd] Telling of many social references of hopelessness of achievement 3[underlined superscript: rd] Continual output of pulpit, [sanctum?], forum college chair - [horizontal line] [underlined: Page 161] Industrial Mag - nates to prevent growth of public sentiment increased number of bourgeois in in- dustrial affairs — [underlined: Page] 163 - average citizen felt an onlooker in 1890 but
now through his small holdings he thinks feels + sees as a member of the [underlined: employing class.] [underlined: Page 194] Churches say discontent results from atheism colleges that it is ignorant + irrational newspapers that it is anarchy and stump orators that it is unpatriotic. [horizontal line]
Germany had first Peace movement 1914-90 [1 word illegible] [horizontal line] 1916 Another Peace Society organized Suffragists took an active part + Sent letters to France + England which were returned - Suffragists of splendid Metal - Labor action Socialists jailed Nov. 1915 - 10000 people demonstrated against