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Alice Riggs Hunt Arrived in West Va. [i.e. Virginia] July 20[underlined superscript: th] Departed from " " Nov. [i.e. November] 9[underlined superscript: th] Worked in seven counties Nicholas, Webster, Clay, Calhoun, Writ Marion, Monongalia. Addressed 48 meetings with total estimated attendance of 5, 204 average attendance (estimated) 109 7/12 Counting as com. groups of women interviewed who said they would help have 26 groups or
Sunday, July 23rd, 1916 Summersville [space] Nicholas Co. Alice Riggs Hunt Went to Catholic Church + interviewed priest who is in favor + will mention in sermons. Miss Alderson says sentiment for is greater + reports Sheriff County clerk, school sup't [ie. superintendent] + many women in favor- two people testify that Mrs Buck + Mrs King are excellent women but called through did not see [either: word on angle] Both Republicans + Democrats here
two factions - one Rep. faction is openly opposing - I would reserve judgement on miss Alderson's responsibility though I believe she will do [underlined: what she] promises [underlined: if she promises]. She distributed our buttons another distributed anti buttons but no other anti-literature- Speaker here in winter of 1915 made [underlined: bad] impression - Debate at High School won by antis. Organization meeting planned for July 25 [underlined,superscript: th] Public meeting planned for July 27 [underlined, superscript:th]
7/24/16 Summersville [space] Nicholas County Traced magisterial Dist. Map of Co. and figures in all districts- worked in Court House from 8.30 to 12- Mrs Brock + Mrs King helped copying notes list- saw moving picture man + arranged for slides + notice of meeting + permission to speak 5 min. between reals [i.e. reels]- made + placed 15 posters advertising meeting, made 53 calls during afternoon interviewing 50 27 men (7 in favour others indifferent or opposed)
20 women 8 in favor others indifferent entertained at dinner by Mrs Brock where met M.E preacher (north) who is natured gave out about 200 flyers at movie + had three slides shown. Spoke for five minutes between reels at movie. much applause followed by scattered hisses evidentially from boys. Alice Riggs Hunt
7/25[underlined superscript: th]/16 Summersville [space] Nicholas Co Called on prominent politicians + other men + women - Interviewed 17 men and five women - 7 men in favor 3 women in favor - others indifferent + a very few offered - prepared + typed article for local paper - Divided copying of polling lists by three local women. in Grand jury room of Court House. Meeting for organization in Court House at & P.M. 6 women 1 man present. elected offices
[bracketed: Pres. [i.e. President] Mrs Alma Block 1[superscript: st] Vice Mrs C.R. King 2[superscript: nd] Mrs Duff Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Miss Vida Brown Sec’y [i.e. Secretary] Miss Ida Lee Alderson] [right of bracket: decided to circularize notes in Dist [i.e. District]. have both men + women members - Have ad- visory Board of men Booth at County Fair.] Want speaker at Teacher’s Institute Aug. 21 [underlined superscript: st] " man " " Circuit Court Oct = 1 [underlined superscript: st] Tues. [i.e. Tuesday] " " " " County Fair Oct. 26 [underlined superscript: th] + 27 [underlined superscript: th] I never saw women Take hold better in a very small isolated place Summersville must poll 247 votes for us. [space] Alice Riggs Hunt
7/26/16 Summersville [space] Nicholas County Worked in Court House and directed 4 local women with voting list - Called at few remaining houses left unvisited. Held public meeting in Court House which was well filled. Crowd attentive + quite responsive - Rowdies threw handfuls of beans Through windows + Turned electric lights off from thus while I was speaking - Mr Skaggs [presided?] + made
Clay County Clay [space] 7/28/16 at Court House obtained information about precincts and voters lists Called on County Clerk. Dem. Com- mittee men methodist Preacher + movie man- Arranged for public meeting July 31[underlined superscript: st] – for speech at movie Saturday night and slides to be [underlined: shown]. County Clerk in favor others?
7/29/16 Clay [space] Clay County Took 8.30 a.m. train to Buffalo Dist. [i.e. District] getting off at Swandale – [7 overwritten: 6] houses walked down R.R. track two miles to Cresmont 5 houses – interviewed 14 men one in favor others curious 7 women one in favor others illiterate not interested – very great poverty here Returned to Clay 3 P.m. Called on few remaining women not visited 4 one [in favor crossed out] doubtful
7/31/1916 Clay- [space] Clay County Consulted Mrs M[underlined superscript: c]Claire on advisability of different women for offices of League and called on women ask them to [the?] offices – Organized Equal Suffrage League of Clay with 11 members – Saw Mr Dodd + got permission to have suffrage booth at County Fair and one hour on program
Alice Riggs Hunt [space] 7/31/1916 Clay [space] Clay County Equal Suffrage League of Clay organized July 31[underlined superscript: st] 1916 Pres [i.e. President] – Mrs A.W. Bell Vice Pres [i.e. President] – Mrs M[underlined superscript: c]Clare Vice Pres [i.e. President] – Mrs Nabenshew Vice Pres [i.e. President] – Mrs Davenport Vice Pers [i.e. President] – Mrs Miner Secretary – Mrs Wheler Treasurer – Miss Vera Reed and 4 other charter Members [space] (over)
League adopted Constitution [bracketed: 27 Men 24 Women] [right of bracket: Signed at meeting July 31[underlined superscript: st]] [left aligned: 6 other organizations in Clay Eastern Star Rebeccas Ladies aid [bracketed: Baptist] Ladies aid/area/and [bracketed: Methodist]] [right aligned: [Masors?] odd fellows [Woodmen?] Knights of Phythias Knights Templars]
Page source: WA 15