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8/1/1916 Clay County Took 8.30 a.m. train to Queens Shoals (union dist [i.e. district]) around 9.45 - Found a deserted mining [1 word illegible] of 23 or 24 houses with exactly 5 families still living there. Interviewed these families [on crossed out] + found them all utterly ignorant about US. S. Persuaded one man to take 100 pieces of literature to 2 camps nearby - Gave about 50 pieces to a woman living [13?] miles
8/10/1916 Grantsville – [space] Calhoun Co. [i.e. County] Spent morning in Court house examining voters list + precincts - arranging meetings by phone in Arnoldsburg + Minora, making my slate with Mrs Bar for organization and calling on women + County officials - Miss Blake spoke at woman's meeting in afternoon + I organized club of 15 women - They decided to copy voter's list + raise $25.
Held public meeting in Court House about 60 people there – Mrs Bar + Miss Blake also spoke + a few questions were asked – Officers of Country League are chairman Mrs W.J. Matthews Vice " Mrs J. Huffman " " Mrs Gary Matthews " " Mrs Cole Gaynor of Arnoldsbury Sec’y [i.e. Secretary] Mrs Boyd B. Stittler Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Mrs O. J. Dulim [written sideways: Chairman literature com [i.e. commissioner] Mrs A.J. Miller.]
8/11/1916 Arnoldsburg [space] Calhoun Co. [i.e. County] Interviewed county clerk + others + [wrote?] miss Walker about WWT Co. in a.m Left Grantsville 12.30 pm Arnoldsbury arriving 3 P.M. Called upon women decorated hall + arranged slate for evening meeting -> [underline: Stayed] at [underlined: Downs] Hotel not other one Held public meeting, which was crowded, in Odd Fellows Hall Mrs Cole Gaynor introduced us
Mrs Bar spoke also + a local man said a few words [1 word illegible] how his wife voted in Colorado where he has lived ten years. Organized League of 11 members Chairman Mrs C. J. Gaynor Sec'y [i.e. Secretary] Miss [Ocie Sturms?] Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Mrs Geo. Hayes Mrs Fell [Strump?] much interested - Audience much interested + stayed until 10.30 P.M.
8/12/1912 Minora [space] Calhoun Co. [i.e. Country] Left Arnoldsburg 7.30 am over bad road to Minora arriving about 12 m. Called upon women there + made up slate for organization - Found about 25 men from out in county congregated at Post Office + gave literature + talked individually to them Their offered to distribute literature to them if I would send a lot.
Held public meeting in church at night- There were 40 men + about 25 women who drove or rode in from county. Organized League of 13 members Pres. [i.e. President] Mrs Homer Witte Vice. Miss Hazel Haught Sec'y [i.e. Secretary] Miss Lucie Koutts Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Mrs. [Duffries?] Mrs Homer Whitte introduced us several men offered to distribute literature.
8/16/1916 White Pine [space] Calhoun County Took auto to White Pine in Sherman district - Had a meeting of women and three men - not a public meeting as I had practically reached all the men at the Circuit Court. There were eleven women present + several young girls - after a short talk we organized a club all joining and two of the men joined – Mrs Mattus I made go with me
and she said we had the most in- fluential women in the district for officers Officers are- Pres. [i.e. President] Mrs Dan Couley Vice. Mrs Ed. Gainer Sec’y. [i.e. Secretary] Mrs Mable [Agers?] Treas. [i.e. Treasurer] Mrs [Vaslila?] Farrell They asked many questions + were ex- tremely interested- Alice Riggs Hunt.
8/17/1916 Brooksville [space] Calhoun County Took Mrs Matthews in motor to Brooksville (Sheridan dist. [i.e. district]). Called on all women of town + selected slate for organization after quite hard work in persuading women to serve. Held fine public meeting in Church with audience mostly composed of voters - In interviews found little opposition - Returned to Grantsville by motor 11 P.M
8/22/1916 Webster Springs [space] Webster County Both Institute + Fed. Cir. [ie.. Federal Circuit] Court in session + town is full. Visited local women after meeting Miss Witters Pres. [i.e. President] Went to insti- tute + secured permission to speak at Tuesday night session. Saw Judge Kellon of Fed. [i.e. Federal] Court + secured permission to speak before Court on following day. Had about 150 (mostly men) in audience in evening but people were unresponsive though extremely attentive. I could
Saturday July 22[underlined superscript: nd] '16 Summersville [space] Nicholas Co [i.e. County] 8.46 a.m. Left Morgantown via Grafton on account of slide arrival Cambden-on-Gauley 5.30 auto 24 miles to Summerville - 3 hours trip. Passed Craigsville pop. 256 - but saw [underlined: few] houses - [Bearn?] (31 inhab [i.e. inhabitants] ) [has crossed out] is only a store! Passed 3 school houses [inserted above: 1 diner] Autos $10 per day trip from Cambden here $7- Horses not available
seems impossible to [underlined: visit] voters in outlieing [ie. outlying] districts - Road to Gauly Bridge reported very bad Stayed at Alderson House $2 per day [Webster Co. crossed out] Erbacon Hamilton Dist. [i.e. District] reached from Bearn + Kentuckey [i.e. Kentucky] " " Richwood Jefferson " " Clay Co. Wilderness " " Grant Summersville
8/23/1916 Webster Springs [space] Webster Co. Interviewing some local women + at Teachers Institute in morning when secured three teachers as workers in outlying dists. [i.e. districts] of Cleveland + Acker Valley made short speech to teachers at recess. Much insolence + impudence from men teachers. Several were in favor + gave me names. Spoke one hour before Circuit Court to audience of about 250 heads all
8/24/1916 Webster Springs [space] Webster Co. Called upon Miss Cogan + at Court house examing [i.e. examining] + copying votes list several people disappointed me + did not come to copy votes list. Can not get one soul here to help except Miss Cogan + Miss Bar who is with me - As list was important I copied myself + at end of day work is 2/3 done. Had to stay [in crossed out] + copy to persuade Miss Cogan + Miss Bar to do so.
8/26/1916 Webster Springs [space] Webster County Consulted two or three women about selection of officers + then spent entire morning calling upon + persuading women to serve- could not find one woman who would [crossed out: want] serve as president. Held meeting in Court House for women- eleven were present
Tried again to secure presidents + though I had list of five vice – presidents + 2 secretaries and a treasurer no women would accept so concluded to form committee All agreed to committee form + so it stood – Fourteen (some of those who had [agreed?] to serve being absent) became members of committee Alice Riggs Hunt
8/28/1916 Richwood [space] Nicholas County Left Webster Springs 7 a.m. arrived Richwood 12 m. Held conference with six local women about organization + work to be done and met many other men + women during afternoon. Showed slides and spoke ten minutes at “movie” show in evening about 500 people there. Alice Riggs Hunt
8/29/1916 Richwood [space] Nicholas County Called on many prominent women of town all morning. Held meeting of women in Baptist Church parsonage + organized a League of 28 women the most prominent in Richwood. Spoke by invitation to crowd of about 200 men in street after two. Evangelists had finished their program. Held public meeting in city
8/30/1916 Fenwick [space] Nicholas County Attended to Press articles + saw Miss Hill + Miss Johnson in morning Took auto with Miss Johnson + Mrs Ring to Fenwick where held woman's meeting in school house 11 women were present + several in - threshold - spoke about 1½ hours giving arguments + organization talk After dinner at Mrs Johnsons I spoke for ¾ hour outside of
8/31/1916 Curtin [space] Nicholas County Left Richwood 7.40 a.m. arrived Curtin 8 a.m. Called upon women of com- mitte + others in town and advertised meeting – Held meeting at Station at lunch hour speaking about 30 minutes to at least 125 men – All most at – tentive + interested Called upon Captain Curtin + Mr Henry Curtin who owns Mills
Found both very much opposed- I think this is a hard place as Capt. [i.e. Captain] Curtin is an autocrat + controls everything even food supplies which he sells with enormous profit to the employees. He expressed his senti- ments in swear words + was not at all courteous - Women of Cou. [i.e. County] too poor to do anything [1 word illegible] Alice Riggs Hunt