Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
9/22/1916 Cheat Haven [space] Monongalia County Went with Miss Hagans to Oak Grove School house + held a meeting at 8 P.M. About forty people mostly men present Organized club of twelve members Mrs Cole Bowers President Mrs Harry Baker Vice President Had dinner at Maple Farm Inn. [diagonal in right margin: (over)] Stormy night prevented large meeting
9/23/1916 Morgantown + Easton [space] Monongalia Co. [i.e. County] In office planning with Miss Hagans + Mrs Gurt all morning Went to Republican Rally at Easton union dist. [i.e. district] At 7 P.M. County, State, + congressional candidates spoke + was given 30 min. before last speaker. Organized a committee of four for pre’ct [i.e. precinct?] work. Chairman Miss Shelby Miss Minerva Shelby – Mrs [Pister?] – Mrs Messenger – [diagonal in right margin: (over)]
9/25/1916 Smithtown + Halleck [space] Monongalia Co. [i.e. County] Worked in Court House + office in morning started in Mrs Jones auto at 1 P.M. for Smithtown - En route left literature + [two words crossed out: large map] at W.J. Summers Store Little Falls Interviewed ten women + found six who would serve on committee at Smithtown for election day work [inserted above: left lit. + map at store] From there motored to Halleck- En route left literature at store in Tyrone Saw Mr + Mrs King at store at Halleck
9/26/1916 Georgetown [space] Monongalia Co. [i.e. County] In court House + office until 11.30 went in Mrs Jones auto to Georgetown En route left literature + [inserted above: large] map at store in Laurel Point- Interviewed ten women at Georgetown + Arnettsville + found five who would serve on com. [i.e. committee] for election day work left literature + large map at store in Arnettsville + literature + last-card map at store in Georgetown – (over)
9/[7 overwritten: 9]/1916 Maidsville [space] Monongalia County In office with correspondence until noon – took 12.30 trolly [i.e. trolley] to Randall + walked 2½ miles To maidsville – En route left literature + large map at Company store maidsville landing + also at Store at Station. Left large map + literature at Mrs Hewett’s Store at maidsville – Visited all the houses in maidsville + of 13 women only two were heartily in favor. [space] over.
[left: Core-Mooresville Pentress-Daybrook M[underlined superscript: c] Curdysville – [horizontal line]] [right: 9/28/1916 Monongalia County] Left Morgantown 9 a.m. Stopped at Cassville store + left literature + large map. Went to Core. Visited all house in the town + interviewed seven women 4 in favor 1 opposed 2 ind. [i.e indifferent] Left large map + literature at store in Core. Went to Mooresville left large map at store also literature visited every house in village saw only two women in favor others indifferent.
motored on to Pentress in same precinct + there met 6 members of W.C.J.W [i.e. World Council of Jewish Women] who all promised to help on election day – left small map + literature at Wrights store in Mooreseville – From Mooresville to Daybrook visited all houses + found much ignorance + poverty – an anti section Placed post-card map + literature in store at Day Brook - motored on to M[underlined superscript: c]Curdysville + visited all houses there – Put small map + literature in both stores – much prejudice here. only three women in favor – Alice Riggs Hunt.
[left: Lousville Oppakiska [i.e. Opekiska] Little Falls] [right: 9/29/1916 Monongalia Co. [i.e. County]] In office with correspondence in a.m. 11.35 train to Lowsville - Visited every house there + placed large map + literature in both stores there - Mr Hood + Mr Satterfield key stores Mrs Geo. Boltwell - Mrs A.C. Hood + Mrs J.C. Hood will help on election day. not very favorable but polite - crossed river to Oppakiska [i.e. Opekiska] - left large
map + literature at one store + post - card map + literature in Mr Heston's store - Mrs. J. L. Tichenor said she would help. I met her at Louisville - Took 2 P.M. Train to Little Falls. Placed small post card + literature at store. Visited every house + found everyone anti. One woman Mrs Shuttlesworth is in favor but can not help as husband is opposed - This is an anti district. Alice Riggs Hunt.