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[left: Morgantown Smithtown Maidsville] [right: 10/2/1916 Monongalia Co. [i.e. County]] Spent a.m. in office with corres- pondence, planning, + addressing circulars Went to maidsville with Mrs Jones to arrange + advertise meeting for Thursday - Went to Smithtown + held large public meeting in School House at 7.30 about 90 people there mostly men – Organized club of 34 – The organi- zation was suggested by local man Mr
[left: Weston + Stewartown [i.e. Stewartstown]] [right: 10/4/1916 Monongalia Co. [i.e. County]] Spent morning with miss Hagans at Weston visiting women - Following women will help on election day - Mrs Lena Bowlby - Mrs L.U. Keek - Mrs Sherman (perhaps) Mrs Boyles, Mrs J.W. Holland (old but will try to get others - Mrs John Keener + Mrs W[underlined superscript: m] Keener wore out but probably will help - Held meeting in methodist church At Stewartown at 7:30 - Rev. [i.e. Reverend] Rorke
Pastor of church introduced me - about 60 people present + Organized a club of 13 members - Pres. [i.e. President] Mrs Lyons Vice Pres. [i.e. President] Mrs Law Secretary Miss Millie Hunter This is a very favorable community. Mrs Law advertised meeting for me + is a splendid woman though not a native Alice Riggs Hunt
10/5/1916 Maidsville [space] Monongalia County In office attending to correspondence + addressing circulars. Went to Maidsville for evening meeting in School House. Mr [Hws?] Keenan introduced us. Mrs. Puritan of Morgantown spoke first and then I spoke - About 25 men + 15 women present - 13 signatures - Miss Ada Murphy, Miss Billingsley (if home)
[left: Uffington + Ringold [i.e. Ringgold]] [left: 10/6/1916 Monongalia Co. [i.e. County]] In office with correspondence + addressing envelopes all morning. Went with Mrs Jones + Mrs Hagans to Uffington where left large map + literature in store + interviewed 8 women. 5 will help at Polls on election day – Mrs Allebaugh by far the most intelligent + reliable has voted in Cal. Quite a poor community but sentiment seems most favourable. From there
Went to Ringold [i.e. Ringgold] - Left large map [inserted above: + literature] at Ringold [i.e. Ringgold] store + small map + literature at Mrs [Hoarel's?] store at Ridgedale- called on 11 women + gave literature to many farmers - Found community awfully uninformed. Mrs. [Wilson?] Austin a funny woman is by far the most intelligent + up-+-doing - others ignorant + over-worked - Alice Riggs Hunt
10/10/1916 Bolair [space] Webster County A terrific storm prevented our going into the county by wagon to hold two scheduled meetings at 9 a.m. + 12 m. Cleared during afternoon + took auto 9 miles into woods to Bolair. A large lumber camp - Held meeting in Lodge Room over Starcher's store - A splendid audience of at least 80, nearly all men. The subject had never been presented here before + some walked 8 or 10 miles to hear it.
[left: Bolair + Camden-on-Gauley [right: 10/11/1916 Webster County] En route in auto from Bolair to Cowen + then to Camden - Held meeting following Prayer meeting in Methodist Church - We sang America + had a Prayer by Mr M[underlined superscript: c]Whorter after which Mrs [Snoot?] local Chairman introduced me. An audience of almost 125 nearly all men The women seemed to think this was unusually large - they were very at -
tentive + seemed favorable - nearly every one came to speak to me after - wards + many men assured me of their support – Left literature + maps at store – Am told a very few men are opposed but majority are strongly in favor – Mr Ross head of mills at [Garely?] Mills took the trouble to come though he has heard me twice before – He ad- vertised the meeting + brought many mill men with him. Alice Riggs Hunt
[left: Camden Richwood Erbacon] [right: 10/12/1916] Webster Co. [i.e. County]] Visited suffragists in Camden + Tele- phoned Richwood + Summersville [1 word illegible] [1 word illegible] that mail had miscarried + Mrs Johnson could not get to Camden for a conference with me - This necessitated my going to Richwood a two hours trip for one hour's conference but it paid as Mrs Johnson needed encouragement Returned through Camden to Erbacon. Held meeting in Methodist Church
[left: Erbacon + Cowen] [right: 10/13/1916 Webster Co. [i.e. County]] Woke up feeling so badly after a wonder ful night + finding it raining hard de- cided not to go [Skyers?] as journey was on a freight car for two hours + I was the only woman - Saw Mr.Eakins head of mill + made things alright - called on Mrs.Thomas before train went but felt too ill to go further - Took train back to Cowen in bad storm - planned county work with Mrs
[left: Erbacon + Cowen] [right: 20/13/1916 Webster County] After a sleepless night + finding it raining hard I decided not to go to [Skyers?] on freight train as planned for as I was alone I felt too weak to ride two hours and risk fainting - I called on Mrs Thomas before taking Train To Cowen - Returned To Cowen in storm - Planned county work did some telephoning, made county charts +
[left: Cowen + Dyer] [right: 10/14/1916 Webster County] Visited some Cowen women + wrote letters + telephoned during morning. By auto in afternoon to Dyer 7 miles in woods. Mrs Dyer gave me many names of women living in isolated districts of Nicholas County - Held meeting in church at Dyer – About 50 men + women + many boys present – Unresponsive not interested audience – Several women very enthusiastic
10/16/1916 Cowen [space] Webster County Spent entire morning with Mrs Howard soliciting for the funds for Webster Co- [i.e. County] Mrs [Snoot?] of Camden came + we con- sulted about work there - Held Bi-county conferences at Metho- dist church - Two women from Nicholas (those from Summersville could not come on account of rain + muddy roads- about thirty women altogether - Mrs Johnson of Nicholas spoke after Mrs Howard
10/18/1916 Clay - [space] Clay County Visited both dem. [i.e. Democrat] + Rep. [i.e. Republican] Headquarters + secured list of polling precincts - secured place for both at fair - Called upon women + then men of town with Miss Bell Soliciting for campaign fund + raised $20.25 so far - Decorated both + sorted + folded literature Alice Riggs Hunt -
[left: Wadestown Wana Blacksville] [right: 10/28/1916 Monongalia Co. [i.e. County]] In auto to Wadestown where left posters + cards with Miss Ganison. Then to Wana where at agricultural Exhibit Dr Jones spoke + I distributed literature + left posters + cards with Mrs [Ona?] Robinson. Then to Blacksville where held another meeting + I distributed literature + cards + posters with Miss [Suis?] - Spoke at Colored Church at Sabaton on