1. Recruitment and appointments

Appointment to the position of Librarian or Archivist requires an undergraduate degree plus a master’s degree from an American Library Association accredited program or equivalent professional credentials

Vacant professional positions are advertised first within the University of Waterloo (Waterloo). External recruitment may be initiated if qualified Waterloo candidates do not apply or if the nature of the position merits expanding the pool. Library practice is to expand the pool when recruiting for Department Heads or higher, or new positions. In these cases, the pool will only be expanded if the threshold of qualified internal candidates is not met. If recruitment extends beyond Waterloo, advertisements specify a date for receiving applications that assures consideration. Current job descriptions are available online at the time a position is posted. 

1.1 Posting

Administrative vacancies

When a vacancy occurs in an administrative position, administrative Librarians/Archivists and non-administrative Librarians/Archivists associated with the position are invited to contribute to the development of a posting. 

Non-administrative vacancies

When a vacancy occurs in a non-administrative position, Librarians/Archivists within the department in which the vacancy exists are invited to contribute to the development of a posting.

1.2 Composition of hiring committee


The recruiting manager appoints and chairs a Hiring Committee (Committee) prior to the position being posted. The Committee is advisory to the recruiting manager and consists of the following members:

  • the Associate University Librarian (AUL) whose administrative portfolio includes the unit where the position is being recruited

  • professionals from other Library departments who may interact substantially with the position being recruited

  • professional and other staff of the appropriate Library department

  • a Talent Acquisition member from Human Resources

The Administrative Officer is a resource to the recruiting manager and the Committee.

1.3 Interview process


Once the Committee is appointed, a pre-interview meeting is held for the following purposes:

  • to allow the recruiting manager to review the stated qualifications for the job

  • to establish a priority ranking among the qualifications

  • to enable team members to ask questions of the recruiting manager

Members of the Committee review the applications to create a short-list of candidates. Information relating to applicants must remain confidential and may not be shared with any person outside of the Committee. Within a week following the closing date for receipt of applications, the Committee meets with the recruiting manager to recommend a short-list of candidates to be interviewed. If the Committee cannot reach consensus on the recommendation of qualified candidate(s) for interview, the recruiting manager determines a recommendation or an alternate course of action after consultation with the Committee, and the recruiting manager's supervisor or AUL.

Following candidate interviews, the Committee formulates a recommendation. After consultation with the University Librarian, the recruiting manager makes a final decision. Human Resources, in consultation with the Administrative Officer, makes the offer of employment on behalf of the recruiting manager.

1.4 Probationary period 

A probationary period is part of Waterloo’s initial employment contract, as outlined in Policy 18 - Staff Employment, Appendix A. Staff who transfer or are promoted from within Waterloo to a Librarian/an Archivist role are not subject to another probationary period. For Librarians or Archivists who have transferred to these roles from other positions, managers, librarians, and archivists are encouraged to have a check-in meeting within the first year, outside of the performance appraisal to address recommendations made under Appendix A.

See Appendix A: Probationary review guidelines for further details.

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