MASc Seminar Milestone Completion

Approved – Senate Graduate Council, May 14, 2012. The MASc Seminar milestone must be completed by students starting their MASc programs Fall 2012 or later.

MASc Seminar Milestone Completion

In the case of a MASc program involving a thesis, the candidate is required to present a 30-minute presentation on the thesis topic as part of their degree program.

This presentation should be scheduled within the last two terms before completion of degree requirements. 

It is to be attended by the supervisor(s) and one of the potential readers. 

The seminar presentation is not an oral examination of the thesis; rather, its purpose is to develop the student's ability to communicate the results of research in an organized and informative manner. Once completed, the MASc seminar presentation milestone is recorded on the student’s academic record.

Guidelines for MASc Seminar Milestone:

Following are instructions for completing the seminar milestone degree requirement:

Note: a minimum of one week’s notice is required to prepare for seminar announcements.

  1. In one of your two final terms, confirm with your supervisor, and one other faculty member who is willing to attend, a date for completion of your MASc seminar milestone.
  2. Once a date is determined, e-mail the following information to your Graduate Coordinator to prepare the MASc seminar Notice and Milestone Forms:
  • Title
  • Abstract (word/.doc file preferred)
  • Proposed date and time for your seminar
  • Audio-visual requirements, e.g., data projector/laptop, etc.
  • Provide your supervisors name
  • Provide the names of your readers
  1. The MASc seminar form will be emailed to you prior to your scheduled thesis seminar by the Graduate Coordinator.   You are required to arrange for your readers and your supervisor(s) to sign this form once the seminar has been completed. 
  2. Return (by email) the MASc seminar form (with all required signatures) to the Graduate Coordinator.  Arrangements will be made for final approvals so this program requirement will show on your academic record.

Once the milestone has been completed and approved, the notice of completion is forwarded to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs who records completion of the Seminar Milestone to the academic record.