Management engineering students capture first prize at Canadian Engineering Competition

Monday, March 14, 2022

Management engineering students Omar Atwa and Omkaar Kamath recently earned a first place finish at the 2022 Canadian Engineering Competition, which was hosted virtually by the University of New Brunswick, Frederictorn. 

Omar and Omkaar competed in the re-engineering competition, where"competitors must redesign an existing product or process to either improve its functionality or to adapt it for a completely new purpose".  The designs are "judged based on functionality, practicality, feasibility, and marketability".

Competitors were given two cases to work on - to design a a structure given damaged shipping containers and wind turbines from local shipyards and landfills in St. John's, NB; and creating a solution to turn plastic recyclables into a usable fuel or power source. 

Omar and Omkaar's participation and win at the Canadian Engineering Competition came after their successful first-place finish at the 2022 Ontario Engineering Competition, which was hosted virtually by the University of Toronto.