Management Sciences professor Saeed Ghadimi has been recognized by an international organization for work involving the interface between computer science and operations research. He shared an annual prize from the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Computing Society (ICS) for the best paper or group of papers in the field.

He was cited for three papers published between 2013 and 2016 with colleague Hongchao Zhang of Louisiana State University and Guanghui Lan of the Georgia Institute of Technology, his former PhD supervisor at the University of Florida, that detailed pioneering work on nonconvex stochastic optimization methods.
“Nonconvex stochastic optimization comprises an important class of problems that are extremely challenging and have many applications,” the ICS said in an announcement of the prize, which was awarded at a recent conference in Indianapolis. “The three prize-winning papers contain several groundbreaking results in this area.
“This work is based on solid, original and innovative mathematical ideas and significantly advances the state-of-the-art in the field. In addition, given the amount of interest in these kinds of algorithms, the work is expected to have a significant impact in operations research, computer science and other areas.”
Ghadimi’s research is primarily focused on decision making under uncertainty motivated by data science applications.