Dr Paul Guild

Paul Guild was a Professor in the Department of Management Science and Engineering, and director of the Institute for Innovation Research at the University of Waterloo.
Additionally from 1990 to 2001, Professor Guild held an industrial research chair in the Management of Technological Innovation, with sponsorship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Nortel, CIBC, and others.
Earlier at Design Interpretive (DI), Bell-Northern Research in Ottawa from 1979-1990, he served as director of DI during the last five years.
Additionally from 1990 to 2001, Professor Guild held an industrial research chair in the Management of Technological Innovation, with sponsorship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Nortel, CIBC, and others.
Earlier at Design Interpretive (DI), Bell-Northern Research in Ottawa from 1979-1990, he served as director of DI during the last five years.
Research Interests
- Management of Technological Innovation
- Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship
- Innovation Intermediaries
- Stakeholder Theory in Technology Management
- Knowledge Transfer
- Open Innovation
- Technology Intelligence and Planning
- Assessment of 'Business Worthiness'
- New Product Concept Formulation
Scholarly Research
Dr Guild's research is geared toward discovering approaches for knowledge transfer, open innovation, technology intelligence and planning, stakeholder theory, and entrepreneurship. He also has analyzed ways to reduce the time it takes to formulate ideas for technologically advanced products and services that can be successfully marketed. His recent research examines approaches to the commercialization of results of publicly funded research, stakeholder theory in technological innovation, and technology-enabled entrepreneurship.
Industrial Research
Guild has worked closely on the 'management of technological innovation' with teams in Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC), Bell-Northern Research (BNR), Research in Motion (RIM), Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE), Vancouver City Savings Credit Union (VanCity).
- 1978, Doctorate, Experimental Social Psychology, University of Oxford, England
- 1973, Master's, Social Psychology, Carleton University, Canada
- 1971, Bachelor's, Psychology, University of Waterloo, Canada
- 1990 BNR/BC Tel/NSERC-SSHRC Chair in Management of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo
- 1996 CIBC/Nortel/NSERC-SSHRC Chair in Management of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo
- 1993 Apple-for-the-Teacher Award, Graduate Students' Association, Management Sciences, University of Waterloo
- 1976 Doctoral Research Scholarship, Canada Council, Government of Canada
- 1978 NSERC Post- Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Communications, Government of Canada
- Guild was the University of Waterloo's Vice-President of University Research from 2001 to 2005.
Professional Associations
- Member, International Association for the Management of Technology (IAMOT)
Affiliations and Volunteer Work
- UW Governor, 2010-15. Board of Governors, University of Waterloo (BoG)
- UW Senator, 2010-15. Senate, University of Waterloo (Senate)
- UW Senate Finance Committee, 2013-15. Senate, University of Waterloo (Senate)
- Chair, UW Faculty Grievance Committee, 2014-18. University of Waterloo
- Council of Ontario Universities, Academic Colleague, 2010-12 (COU)
- Committee Member, Appraisal, 2008-10, Ontario Council on Graduate Studies (OCGS)
- Board Member, 2004-09, Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc. (OCE)
- Member, 2004-09, OCE Inc. Foresight & Commercialization Sub-Committees
- Board Member, 2002-06, PRECARN Associates Inc. (PRECARN)
- Board Member, 2004-06, Waterloo R&T Park Accelerator Centre
- Member, 2001-05 & Chair, 2003-04, Ontario Council on University Research (OCUR)
- Board Member, 2001-04, Communications & Information Technology Ontario (CITO)
Selected/Recent Publications
- Stakeholder engagement strategy of technology firms: A review and applied view of stakeholder theory, MU Shah, PD Guild (2022), Technovation, 114, 102460
- Experiences spanning decades and boundaries through remote online learning and teaching, PD Guild (2021), Academia Letters, Article 123, 1-6
- Financing early stage technology based companies: Investment criteria used by investors, JS Bachher & PD Guild (1996), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 996, 363-376
- ENTRE-U: An entrepreneurial orientation scale for universities, ZW Todorovic, RB McNaughton & PD Guild (2011), Technovation, 31(2-3), 128-137
- Market-scanning capability--A scale to measure firms’ ability to sense or respond to the changes in the marketplace, MS Alam, PD Guild & D Sparkes (2013), International Journal of Business and Management, 8(4), 10-19
- Commercializing inventions resulting from university research: Analyzing the impact of technology characteristics on subsequent business models, F Pries & PD Guild (2011), Technovation, 31(4), 151-160
- Using repertory grid to identify intangibles in business plans, E Díaz De León & PD Guild (2003), Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 5(2), 135-160
- Teleconferencing and leadership emergence, LH Strickland, PD Guild, JC Barefoot & SA Paterson (1978), Human Relations, 31(7), 583-596
- Multidisciplinary applications of communication systems in teleconferencing and education, D Coll, D George, L Strickland, PD Guild & S Paterson (1975), IEEE Transactions on Communications, 23(10), 1104-1118