International exchange

In Management Engineering, exchange is only available in 3A and/or 3B and to students who have a minimum overall average of 80.0 or a minimum term average of 80.0 in each of the last two terms. All failed or dropped courses must also be cleared. Detailed information can be found at the Faculty of Engineering Exchange Office.

Once matched to a host institution, you must prepare a study plan and get it approved as follows:

  1. For each course in your exchange term (3A or 3B), you must find a match at the other school.   MSE 211 (3A) and  MSE 302 (3B) will be available online, so you will be able to take those courses online while you are on exchange.
  2. No courses will be approved over load. 3A and 3B both have a load of five courses.
  3. For electives, you must find an appropriate technical elective (containing a large amount of engineering science and/or design) and match it to a technical elective here. If there is no match and the associate chair approves the course as a technical elective, it is possible for the course to be approved as GENE 21U (Topics for Technical Courses Taken on Exchange by Management Engineering Students). Only technical electives will be approved.
  4. Your proposed study plan for approval consists of the proposed study plan form and a course outline or syllabus for each course. A course description is insufficient. You must obtain a course outline. When a complete syllabus cannot be obtained online, please email the host university and ask to be sent a copy.
  5. Each course syllabus should be a separate portable document format (PDF) file and named with the MSE course number for which it is a potential match for as well as the host course name. For example, MSE-332-FOR42115.pdf. Providing links to websites is unacceptable; each syllabus must be a separate PDF file. Normally for a course to be approved, there must be an overlap of at least 80% between the exchange course and the MSE course. An example of an exception would be having to take two exchange courses to cover 80% of the material in one or two MSE courses.
  6. Send your completed proposed study plan and syllabi to the Exchange Program Advisor for approval. Course approvals can take up to two or three weeks.

Please note that with going on exchange comes the risk of a delayed graduation and/or a missed co-op. We recommend following through on the exchange only when all required courses are available.