Epp, Frank H. -- 85. Political science

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Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

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85 Political Science

85 - g - Co Counselling, 1960, 1973. Includes 3 of 10 news clippings and magazine articles that were in the file. 
Removed: an issue of The Reporter entitled: "We cannot afford the recession, good Guys, bad Guys and Congressman Walter," May 15, 1958.

85 - As - In Asia - Indonesia - Included only one news clipping: "Indonesia institutes secularism" in Globe and Mail, June, 1, 1985, p.14, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - C Church and State, 1952-1967, 1975. Includes: materials from the National Council of Churches (1957-1960); "Gandhiism is not easily copied" in New York Times Magazine, July 9, 1961; copy of letter to Pres. John F. Kennedy, Aug. 24, 1961, from representatives of the Mennonite Church assembled in the biennial General Conference in Johnstown, PA.; "The Christian and the State," Paper by Kansas Study Group for the "Church and Society" Conference in Chicago, 1961; Frank Epp, "Christian Principles and Canadian Politics," Mennonite Radio Mission pamphlet, June 1962; David Janzen (MCC Berlin), "The controversy over Romans 13," 7 page essay (1960s?); Jim Landis, "Civil Religion and the U.S. Bicentennial Celebration," unpublished manuscript, letter from Frank Epp, Mar. 27, 1975, attached; "Mennonites and Political Involvements" pp.K8-K21, no date or author indicated. 
Removed articles in: Christianity Today, Apr. 1, 1957, p.3; The Mennonite, Sept. 2, 1958, p.534; Gospel Herald, Oct. 16, 1956, p.993f., Oct. 8, 1957, p.849 ("Message to the Pres."), Oct. 17, 1961, p.912f.; Look Magazine, "A Protestant view of a Catholic for Pres." in May 10, 1960, "Can Catholics separate church and state?" in Feb. 16, 1960; The Observer, "Church and State in Canada" in Jan. 15, 1960, "A Roman Catholic in the White House?" in May 15, 1960; "The State vs. Faith" in Saturday Review, Feb. 8, 1969, p.28. 

85 - C Church and State, 1955-1972, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - C Church and State, 1957. Program and papers from the Mennonite Central Committee sponsored "Christian Responsibility to the State" Conference, Nov. 15-16, 1957, which were originally in the above Church and State file. Includes papers by: Leonard J. Franz, John Howard Yoder, Harold S. Bender ("A historical review of the Anabaptist-Mennonite position and practice from 1525 to the present"), Elmer Neufeld, C. N. Hostetter, J. A. Toews. 
Removed: 2 off print copies of Elmer Neufeld, "Christian Responsibility in the Political Situation" Mennonite Quarterly Review, April 1958, pp.3-24, paper read at this conference.

85 - C - AS Alternative Service, 1944, 1954-1960. Includes: "If you can't shoulder a rifle get an axe" back cover ofReader's Digest, Jan. 1944; program notes and 3 papers from the MCC I-W Workshop, in Hillsboro, Kan., Jan. 1957; Regulation 1660 on "Civilian Work In Lieu Of Induction"; report of I-Ws in 49 denominations; brochures on I-W and volunteer work published by Relief and Service Committee, Elkhart, Ind., Board of Christian Service, Newton, Kan. and Mennonite Central Committee; also a brochure of American Friends Service Committee. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Proceed with caution, an orientation booklet for men entering I-W service (Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee, 1954), 16p.; Fred Rice, Before You Decide (Church of the Brethren, 1955), 72p.; World Pax Newsletter, Feb. 18, 1960. 
Removed: issue of The Mennonite, July 13, 1954, on I-W service; The Reporter for conscience' sake, May 1957;Gospel Herald  May 21, 1957,  issue on I-W service; 2 issues of Euro Pax News, Nov. 1958 & Feb. 1959; "Jedes Jahr mindestens ein Arbeiter im Freiwilligendienst aus jeder Gemeinde" in Der Bote, Jan. 22, 1958, p.3; The I-W Mirror, May 18, 1959, Oct. 1962, Dec. 1962; "V.S. program show benefits of youth service idea" in Mennonite Weekly Review, July 6, 1961, p.13.  

85 - C - CD Civil Disobedience, 1968-1972. Includes: "Obedience to God and civil disobedience," Position paper of Church of the Brethren, 1969; "Conscientious Objection to Military Service, Legislation in the various countries, etc." from Mennonite World Conference 1956; an issue of The War Resister, 1957, Middlesex, England, 16p.; Monroe Toews, "Why I Can't take Part In Carnal Warfare Since I've Become A Christian" tract of Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, Hesston, Kan., 10p. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Rachel Kreider, Key in Your Hand Words to girls on the subject of peace(Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1960s?), 12p. 
Removed: A. J. Muste, Of Holy Disobedience (Lebanon, PA: Sowers Printing Company, 1952), 36p.; "The limits of civil disobedience" in New York Times Magazine, May 12, 1968, p.29f.; "Is non-cooperation a responsible Christian witness?" in The Mennonite, May 19, 1970, p.338f.; the following issues of God and Caesar a forum newsletter for sharing information, questions, and convictions on war taxes: June 1975, Nov. 1975, Apr. 1979.

85 - C - CO Conscientious Objection, 1944, 1950-1958. Includes: booklets on military service; materials from the National Service Board For Religious Objectors; testimonials of COs. 
Removed: The I-W Mirror, Apr. 1, 1957 & Nov. 1, 1957; Gospel Messenger, Feb. 9, 1957, p.14f.; Christian Evangel,June 1957, p.109; "Are COs Slackers?" in Youth's Christian Companion, Jan. 19, 1958; Gospel Herald, Jan. 21, 1958, p.57.  

85 - C - CO Conscientious Objection, 1960-1975, 1981. Second file on this subject. Includes: 2 papers, J. A. Toews, "The Christian and Armed Combat" and V. R. Edman, "Should a Christian Bear Arms for his country?" attached to letter of Leo Driedger, sec. for the General Conference Mennonite Church, Aug. 5, 1960; The I-W Mirror, Feb. 1, 1961; Peter J. Dyck, "First German Conscientious Objectors Enter Service; 3,000 Gain Recognition" in Mennonite Weekly Review, May 18, 1961, p.4; brochure by James H. Forest, "Catholics and Conscientious Objection" 1966; policy statement of National Council of Churches, Feb. 1967; memo and articles from Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Section Exec. Comm., Feb. & Mar. 1967; MCC News Service, June 1967 & April 1970; "Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe" Council of Europe, Study submitted by the Quaker Council for European Affairs, Aug.1981. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 issues of Questions and Answers on the Classification and Assignment of Conscientious Objectors published by National Service Board for Religious Objectors, Dec. 1956 and Fourth printing, Revised Ed., 1963. 
Removed: Frank C. Peters, "`I still choose trees'" in Mennonite Observer, Sept. 5, 1958; Diary kept by Noah H. Leatherman while in Camp during World War I (Linden, Alta.: Aaron L. Toews, 1951), 86p.; Guy F. Hershberger,Military Conscription and the Conscientious Objector A World-Wide Survey (Akron, PA: Peace Section of the MCC,[1965]), 38p.; Gospel Herald, Jan. 23, 1962, p.81; The Observer, Feb. 15, 1967, pp.20-23; John Eberly, "The Draft and its alternatives" in Messenger, Mar. 13, 1967, p.1f.; The Reporter for conscience' sake, Apr. & May 1967; 5 news clippings. 

85 - C - CO - DD Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1967-1972. Original file measured 4cm. Includes: copy of 5 page letter from John Lott to John Dauer of American Friends Service Committee, Dec. 1969; program for Consultation on Draft Resisters, at Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church, Apr.25, 1970; House of Commons debate excerpts from 1969-1970; "Draft Refugee Assignment" Report by Leonard A. Epp, Mar. 1970; Frank Epp on a photo for Nov. in the "Sunday School Project Calendar, 1970-1971" of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada; Frank Epp, "Toward the Adjustment of American War Resisters in Canada," Position paper to Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, Jan. 1971; Frank Epp, "Canada and the American Draft-Dodger in World War I," Paper for Canadian Historical Association, June 1972. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: issue "The New Exodus America's Draft-Age Exiles" Social Action, mar. 1970, published by the Council for Christian Social Action of the United Church of Christ. 
Removed: They can't go home again The Story of America's political refugees (Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1971), 118p.; "Amnesty: who needs it?" in The Mennonite, Apr. 16, 1974; an issue of The Canadian Mennonite, May 22, 1970 containing a number of articles on the topic; "Amnesty?" in Saturday Review, May 6, 1972; fromNewsweek: July 20, 1970, p.88; Feb. 15, 1971, pp.28f.; Jan. 17, 1972p.19f.; Look Magazine, Feb. 24, 1970, p.19f.; New York Times Magazine: "God and man at Yale," Mar. 3, 1968; "Selective service; conflict and compromise," Nov. 17, 1968; "Nixon is the one tomorrow," Jan. 19, 1968, pp.18f.; "The less permissive Dr. Spock," Feb. 16, 1969, p.4f.; "Amnesty, Sept. 8, 1974, p.27f.

85 - C - CO - DD Deserters and Draft Dodgers, 1967-1974. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes a selection of the 150 odd news clippings and magazine articles that were in this file and the one above. 

85 - C - CO - DRL Draft Resistors Newsletter - The file contained 8 issues of The Mennonite Draft Resistance Newsletter: 1970, Sept., Nov.; 1971, Jan., Mar., Apr., Aug., Oct.; 1972, April, which were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.

85 - C - GC God and Caesar - Removed: the following issues of God and Caesar: April 1981 (was unopened); Aug. 2, 1981; June 1982; Sept 1982 (was unopened); "Reagan recruits the Lord" in Maclean's Feb. 18, 1985, p.60, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - C - MC Medical Corps, 1954. Includes: "From a Mennonite in the Medical Corps," Board of Christian Service pamphlet; 2 copies (one with an addendum) of excerpts from a report of the visit to the Dept. of  Defence, Washington, D.C., on behalf of the Mennonite Brethren Conference regarding non-combatant service.

85 - C - PR Politics and Religion, 1983-1984. Removed: "Religion and politics" (abortion, school prayer & pornography crowd out economy and foreign policy as campaign issues) in U.S. News & World Report, Sept. 17, 1984, p.29f.; "God and Politics" issue of Newsweek, pp.24-35.

85 - Co Communism, 1957-1972, 1981. Includes: "Christianity's Enemy: Communism" sermon of Rev. F. C. Fowler, First Presbyterian Church, Duluth, Minn., 1958; a selection from the more than 40 news clippings and articles that were in the file. 
Removed: New York Times Magazine, April 10, 1960, Sept. 18, 1960; Saturday Review, Oct. 15, 1960, Jan. 21, 1961 (20 p. article on the Soviet economy); "Our Enemy's Two Faces" in Look Magazine, Nov. 25, 1958.

85 - Co - AC Anti-Communism - Included only one clipping: "`How can I help win the cold war?'" in Minneapolis Tribune, July 20, 1961, which was removed. File withdrawn. 

85 - Co - Ca Communism in Canada, 1962-1972. Includes: letter of Frank Epp, Sept. 1967, to the editor of theOttawa Citizen supporting his view in the article, "Leave us out of missile race." 
Removed: 6 news clippings. 

85 - Co - USA Communism in USA -  Included only one article: "The Truman doctrine and the origins of McCarthyism" in New York Times Book Review, Jan. 16, 1972, p.3f., which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - Cor Corruption, 1959-1968. Includes: an assignment sheet for Frank Epp's Journalism 131 class, Feb. 1960, based on a Saturday Evening Post editorial; a selection of the 30 odd news clippings and magazine articles that were in the file. 
Some of those removed were: "The Louisiana Story, Clowns Complacency Corruption" in Look Magazine Dec. 8, 1959; "I sold my vote - twenty times" in Maclean's Magazine, Aug. 13, 1960; "Why I fled Russia, Soviet bungling nearly foils my escape" in Weekend Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 49, 1961 (Globe and Mail?); several news clippings on fraud in various locations in North America.

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85 - Ctz Citizenship, 1957, 1974. Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Do we believe in religious liberty...... For the Amish?" booklet published by the National Committee For Amish Religious Freedom, 1967?

85 - D Defense, 1954-1976, 1982. Original file measured 6 cm. Includes: "The National Defense Education Act of 1958, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, U.S. Senate; news release for 35th anniversary of RCAF, 1958?; speeches of Pres. Nixon and Sec. of Defense Melvin Laird, 1970, U.S. Embassy, Ottawa; Interim report of committee on defense, House of Commons, Dec. 1963. 
Removed: article regarding military service in Der Mennonit, Jan. 1959, p.14; Gospel Messenger, June 2, 1962, p.32; The Mennonite, Dec. 8, 1959, p.761f.; Gospel Herald, Sept. 16, 1968, p.877f.; most of the more than 150 news clippings & magazine articles. 
Removed: Maclean's Magazine: Nov. 22, 1958. p.16f. & July 30, 1960; New York Times Magazine: Oct. 9, 1960, Sept. 25, 1966, Jan. 15, 1967, Oct. 6, 1968, Sept. 28, 1969; in Look Magazine: "Our great military fallacy," Nov. 24, 1959; "An angry American speaks out," Aug. 1, 1961, "Polaris," Aug. 29, 1961, "An inside report on Robert McNamara's Revolution in the Pentagon," Apr. 23, 1963; in Saturday Review: Nov. 28, 1959, p.15f. & Mar. 1, 1969, p.14f.; "Special Report on Defense" in Financial Post, May 17, 1980, pp.S1-10; "U.S.-Soviet Military Facts" in The Defense Monitor, 1984, Vol. XIII, No. 6; "The Power of the Pentagon" issue of The Progressive, June 1969.

85 - D Defense, 1958-1974, 1980. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - D - ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile, 1969-1970. Includes letter from Frank Epp requesting a pamphlet on the ABM.

85 - D - AM Army morale, 1971-1972. Removed: "Soldiers who refuse to die" regarding the war in Indochina inNewsweek, Oct. 25, 1971; Jan. 8 & May 6, 1972 from Saturday Review.

85 - D - An Anzus - Included only one news clipping: "N. Zealand, Australia defying mighty U.S." in Toronto Star, Feb. 8, 1985, p.A15, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - AR Arms Race, 1983-1984. Removed: 7 clippings from 1983-1984.

85 - D - AS Alternative Service - Included 2 articles: The case for a national service corps" in New York Times Magazine, Aug. 7, 1966 & "Toward a draft without guns" in Saturday Review, Oct. 15, 1966, which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - B Bombs, 1958-1961, 1982-1984. Original file measured 4 cm. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Heinrich Vogel, Sin against humanity The community of Jesus Christ and the atomic threat to the world (Bromdon, England: The Plough Publishing House, 1958?), 16p.; Herbert Lockyer, The H-Bomb and the end of the age (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1950), 32p. Includes: brochures and statements from the General Conference Mennonite Church (1960s?), Netherlands Peace Council (1981) and the Mormon Church (1981). Removed: Christian Century, Oct. 17, 1956, p.1199, May 1, 1957, p.553 & Sept. 11, 1957, p.1069; Gospel Messenger, Jan. 26, 1957, p.6f. & May 31, 1958, p.19; The I-W Mirror, Oct. 1958; The United Church Observer, Feb. 1, 1960, p.7f.; "Hiroshima: the decision" in Look Magazine, June 7, 1960; Maclean's Magazine June 30, 1962, p.9f.; New York Times Magazine, Feb. 12, 1961; Time Mar. 29, 1982, p.16f.

85 - D - B Bombs, 1957-1961, 1981-1984. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the 60 odd news clippings that were in the file.  

85 - D - CA Canadian Army, 1955, 1967-1972, 1985. Includes: a letter from Frank J. Thiessen, a reader of  The Canadian Mennonite and Frank Epp's response, 1967; excerpts of House of Commons debates on defense, 1968-1969; booklet, George W. Strong, "Canadian Military sales to the U.S.A."1968; "The continuing search for a realistic Canadian defense policy" in Independent Research Canadian Business Papers, Feb. 28, 1972, Vol. 1, No.2; John Gellner, "The defense of Canada: requirements, capabilities, and the national will" in Behind the headlines1985, Vol. XLII, No.3. 

85 - D - CA Canadian Army, 1966-1969, 1983-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a dozen news clippings.

85 - D - Ci Civil Defense, 1950-1963. Original file measured 4.5 cm. Includes: address of Hon. Paul Martin, Min. of National Health and Welfare, 1954 & address of Major-General F.F. Worthington, Federal civil defense co-ordinator, Aug. 1954; materials and correspondence related to General Conference Mennonite Church, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Disaster Service (Manitoba Division constitution); Frank Epp, "The Church and Civil Defense" 9 page essay, 1958?; minutes of  MCC Peace Section on Civil Defense and Mennonite Disaster Service, Dec. 1961; "The Christian Church and Civil Defense," Paper prepared by Reedley, CA Study Group for Mennonite "Church and Society Conference" 1961; "An open letter to President Kennedy" 1961? 
Removed: the following civil defense manuals: Personal protection under atomic attack, No.4, Industrial plant protection, No.6, Civil defense in schools, No.11, Operations and control of the civil defense services, No.13,Emergency welfare services manual, for civil defense workers, Ottawa, 1963; "Civil Defense and the Conscientious Objector" in The I-W Mirror, Jan. 25, 1962; "Norman Mailer, The Steps of the Pentagon" (book-length report) in Harper's, Mar. 1968.
Removed: 3 issues of Civil Defence Bulletin from 1954, Nos. 39, 40, 41. 

85 - D - Ci Civil Defense, 1957-1961, 1967. Complements the above file. Includes 5 of the 15 news clippings that were in the file, one of which is: "Mennonites sanction civil defense work" in Carillon News, Mar. 1, 1957, p.1.  

85 - D - CM Cruise Missile - Included only one news clipping: "Refuse the cruise!" advertisement sponsored in part by Project Ploughshares (Toronto, Ont.), in Sunday Star, Oct. 24, 1982, p.A17, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - CUS Canada and US - Included 2 to Globe and Mail articles: "Military spending urged, U.S. Diplomat offers advice" in Oct. 4, 1984, p.13 & "Canada: ally in the nuclear dark" in Mar. 15, 1985, p.7, which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - De Deterrence - Included one article: "Deterrence hardly deters" in New York Times, Sunday, Dec. 25, 1983, which was removed. File withdrawn. 

85 - D - Dis Disarmament, 1958-1970, 1978-1983. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes: SOS Survival or Suicide? Canadian Disarmament Bulletin, Jan.-Feb. 1962, No.11; "Conversion to peaceful uses of the resources released by disarmament" United Nations Economic and Social Council, Apr. 1968; "Why complete and total disarmament?" Fellowship of Reconciliation pamphlet, 1964?; "Militarism and development" brochure of Mennonite Central Committee, Jan. 1979; Frank Epp, "Report on the Inter-religious Peace Conference," May 1982, 6p.; Prime Minister's address to United Nations special session on disarmament, June 1982; "Development and disarmament a bibliography" (Ottawa: Canadian Council for International Co-operation, 1982), 15p.; Peace Network information, 1983. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Sanity, Canadian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, June 1964; "A matter of faith, a study for churches on the nuclear arms race," Sojourners, 3/81; Transition, Institute for World Order, Sept. 1982.
Removed: Canada the arms race and disarmament, United Nations Assoc. in Canada, 1979?; Disarmament Fund Report, Canada Dept. of External Affairs, 1985; "Another look at disarmament" in Christianity and Crisis, Nov. 2, 1959, p.153f.; The Disarmament Bulletin Feb. 1982 & Feb. 1983; Disarmament Times (newspaper): 2 copies of June 1984, June 1985; The Dismantler, Feb. 1979. 

85 - D - Dis Disarmament, 1957-1962, 1973, 1980-1983. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the more than 50 news clippings that were in the file. 

85 - D - Dis - Nuclear Freeze, 1887, 1983. Includes: information on Round Table Conference on the Economic and Moral Implications of a Nuclear Freeze, Mar. 7-9, 1983, following the World Conference: Religious workers for saving the sacred gift of life from nuclear catastrophe in Nov. 1982; copy of Toronto Star articles of Apr. 16 and 22, 1983, on the Toronto based group Christian Initiatives for Peace in which Mennonite clergy participated; copies of a few pages from, A. Klaus, Unsere Kolonien: Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte und Statistik der auslaendischen Kolonisation in Russland, (Odessa: Odessaer Zeitung, 1887), translated from Russian to German by J. Toews, pp.22-26, with some underlining.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files. 

85 - D - Dr Draft, 1956-1961. Includes: "A statement to the U.S. Committee on armed services concerning H.R. 2260..." bill regarding universal military training and service, presented at a public hearing, Mar. 1959 by Melvin Gingrich on behalf of Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, PA.; lists of General Conference and Mennonite I-W men, 1961. 
Removed: The I-W Mirror, Jan. 1961, Vol.9, No.1; The Mennonite Feb. 3, 1959, p.68; Gospel Messenger: Sept. 9, 1958, p.849, Nov. 18, 1959, p.1093f., Mar. 7, 1959, p.10f.; Christian Century, Aug. 22, 1956, p.970f; Friends Committee on National Legislation Washington Newsletter, Jan. 1963, No.232

85 - D - Ec Economics - Included only one clipping: "U.S. arms study: `N-spending zaps jobs'" in Toronto Sun, Apr. 4, 1983, p.22, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - Er Error - Included 2 clippings: "The cruise missile comes of age, with unsettling results" in New York Times, Jan. 6, 1985, P.E3 and "Snafus plague U.S. technology for nuclear war" in Toronto Star, May 17, 1985, p.A18, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - D - Mi Military, 1952-1962. Removed: "Sable Island The graveyard of the Atlantic" in Star Weekly, Toronto, Jan. 24, 1959; Look Magazine: "Our military manpower scandal" in Mar. 18, 1958 and "The shocking story of our army in Korea: Forgotten, lonely and unready" in Mar. 1, 1960; "Special delivery systems for war" in Saturday Review, Sept. 10, 1960.

85 - D - Mi Military, 1957-1960, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

85 - D - MIC Military Industrial Complex, 1982-1983.

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85 - D - Mis missiles, 1957-1960. Removed: "Beyond those missile failures" in Star Weekly Magazine, Jan. 24, 1959; "Canaveral awaits the big moment" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 28, 1960.

85 - D - NN NATO and NORAD, 1983. Includes: Millions Demand: Down with the NATO missiles decision Highlight of the 1983 Whitsun demonstrations of youth `Peace rally of the youth of socialist countries' (Dresden: Zeit im Bild, 1983), 40p. 
Removed: 3 issues of Nato Review: Vol.27, No.5, Oct. 1979; Vol.30, No.6, 1983; Vol.31, No.1, 1983. 

85 - D - NN NATO and NORAD, 1969-1971, 1979-1985. Complements the above file. Includes some of the news 19 clippings that were in the file.

85 - D - NV Non-Violence, 1969.

85 - D - NVCR Non-Violence and Conflict Resolution, 1983-1984. Materials from the Program on Nonviolent Sanctions in Conflict and Defense, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University; letter of Aug. 9, 1984, from the director, Gene Sharp to Conrad Brunk. 

85 - D - NW New Weapons, 1960, 1968, 1981-1983. Removed: the majority of the 50 news clippings and magazine articles, including: "The Nuclear Arms Race" in Newsweek, Oct. 5, 1981, p.32f.; the May 1981 issue of The Atlantic Monthly on "High-Tech Weaponry"; "Drawing the line in Europe, the case for missile deployment" in New York Times Magazine, Dec. 4, 1983, p.52f.

85 - D - NW New Weapons, 1972, 1982-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - D - SD Secretary of Defense, 1967-1968, 1984. Removed: most of the 16 news clippings, most of which were about McNamara and Clifford.

85 - D - Sp Space, 1984-1985. Includes a selection of the 30 news clippings that were in the file and "Who will rule space" in The Plain Truth, June 1985.

85 - D - US United States, 1971-1972, 1984-1985. Removed: 5 news clippings.

85 - D - Wa Waste, 1968-1971, 1984. Removed: 9 news clippings.

85 - D - Wat Waterloo, 1983-1984.

85 - F Foreign Relations, 1955-1961. Includes: Statement to Senate Subcommittee on Foreign Aid, Apr. 1957. 
Removed: Gospel Herald, Apr. 15, 1958, p.349f.; The Mennonite, May 2, 1972, p.303.

85 - F Foreign Relations, 1959-1963, 1970, 1983. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the 35 news clippings and magazine articles that were in the file.

85 - F - CUSO Canadian University Services Overseas, 1968. Removed: CUSO Bulletin, Dec. 1968 in which the lead article is: "Development is our business...".

85 - F - FP Foreign Policy 1985. Includes 3 of 9 clippings that were in the file.

85 - P - NC New Canadian Foreign Policy, 1974-1976, 1984. Includes reports of assemblies for a new Canadian foreign policy.

85 - F - PC Peace Corps, 1966-1972, 1985. Includes: Jack Vaughn, "To Peace, With Love" An address by the director of the peace corps, 1960s? 

85 - F - Sp Spies, 1971. Removed: "Keeping the nuclear peace: spies in the sky" in New York Times Magazine, Sept. 3, 1972, p.7f.

85 - G Governments, 1960, 1972, 1984. Removed: more than 12 news clippings and newspaper articles.

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85 - GC Government of Canada, 1977-1979. Removed: 3 news clippings and booklet: "The Government of Canada at your service" listing materials in the different departments. 

85 - GC - A Agriculture, 1977-1978. Includes materials from the Ministry of Agriculture for a Candidates Briefing Session; notes for addresses by Hon. Eugene F. Whelan, Min. of Agriculture in 1978: Sept. 11, Oct. 23 & Oct. 30. His "notes for addresses of: Sept. 12, Sept. 13, Oct. 20, Oct. 25, Nov. 13, all in 1978, were removed.
Removed also: "Highlights For Agriculture Since 1974," 25 plus pages; 2 news clippings. 

85 - GC - AG Attorney General, 1978. Includes letter from Frank Epp to the Attorney General requesting an audience for Andrew Telegdi, exec. dir. of Youth in Conflict with the Law; News Release of Dec. 12, 1978, "Solicitor General announces cost effective penitentiaries construction program." 

85 - GC - Ca Cabinet, 1974-1978. Includes booklet profiling Liberal cabinet members of 1974.

85 - GC - Ca - 85 1985, 1984-1985. Includes 2 news clippings.

85 - GC - Co Communications, 1978-1979. Removed: Notes for speech by Hon. Jeanne Sauve, Min. of Communications at Canadian Telecommunications Carriers Assoc.; News Releases of the Dept. of Communications from 1978, June 19, Nov. 30, Dec. 12; Modulation, Dept. of Communications, Nov. 1978, No.18; The Canadian Communications Quarterly, Summer 1978 & Winter 1979; Annual Report of Dept. of Communications, 1976-9177 & 1977-1978; Research and Development, Dept. of Communications 1977-1978.

85 - GC - CC Consumer and Corporate Affairs, 1978-1979.

85 - GC - DREE Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion, 1977. Removed: Dree Annual Report 1976-1977, Government of Canada Regional Economic Expansion, 268p.

85 - GC - DREE Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion, 1977. Complements the above file. Includes: "Report on Regional Development" in The Financial Post, Oct. 15, 1977, pp.1-12. 

85 - GC - D Defense, 1978. Removed: Nato Review, Oct. 1978, No.5; "Which new fighter aircraft for Canada's defense needs?" in The Financial Post Special Report Apr. 15, 1978, pp.1-28.

85 - GC - D - Dis Disarmament, 1978. Includes: Urbane Peachey, "Reflections on the UN special session on disarmament" in Mennonite Central Committee News Service, June 23, 1978; copy of: Ernie Regehr, "Canada waffles on disarmament" in Last Post, 1977?; "Election Service Kit" Draft submission by Project Ploughshares, 3p.

85 - GC - EA External Affairs, 1978. Includes: Statements and Speeches of His Excellency Gerard Pelletier. 
Removed: 4 issues of International Perspectives: July/Aug. 1978, Sept./Oct. 1978, Nov./Dec. 1978, Jan./Feb. 1979. 

85 - GC - EA - CIDA CIDA, 1978-1980. Removed: 3 news clippings; wall map of the world from CIDA multi-media kit. 

85 - GC - EI Employment and Immigration, 1977-1979. Includes: materials from 1978 on Canada's new immigration act; issue of Panorama (Employment and Immigration Canada), Oct. 1978; news release from Min. of Employment and Immigration regarding the signing of agreement with Jacob Klassen, exec. sec. of Mennonite Central Committee on church participation in the refugee sponsorship program, Mar. 5, 1979. 
Removed: Annual Report 77-78, Employment and Immigration Canada, 63 pp. (bilingual). 

85 - GC - EI - Un Unemployment, 1977-1979. Includes: Notes for speech on "Innovation in the labor market" by Hon. Bud Cullen, Min. of Employment and Immigration, Jan. 16, 1978; Commons Debates, June 14, 1978, pp.6416-6427; a selection of the 30 news clippings that were in the file. 
Removed: Employment and Immigration Canada news release of Nov. 2, 1978 on "Changes to the Unemployment Insurance Act"; Notes for address of Bud Cullen on "Employment Strategy 1979/80," Sept. 1, 1978.

85 - GC - EMR Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1978. Includes: letter and information to Frank Epp, Liberal Candidate for Waterloo North from Ralph Torrie; Liberal Party of Canada Communications sheet on energy; text of statement by Hon. Alastair Gillespie, Min. of Energy, Mines and Resources, July 1978. 
Removed: Canada as a conserver society resource uncertainties and the need for new technologies, Science Council of Canada Report No.27, Sept. 1977.

85 - GC - EMR Energy, Mines, and Resources, 1978. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the dozen news clippings that were in the file.

85 - GC - En Environment Canada, 1978. 
Removed: Environment Canada Annual Report for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1976; Environment Canada Notice of Publications, June 1978. 

85 - GC - F Finance, 1876-1979. Original file measured 4 cm. 
Removed: Economic and Fiscal Statement of Jean Chretien, Min. of Finance in the House of Commons, Oct. 20, 1977 (in booklet form); The Budget presented by Jean Chretien, Min. of Finance in the House of Commons Apr. 10, 1978 (in booklet form); most of the news clippings.

85 - GC - F - 85 1985 Budget, 1985. Includes: a selection of the 20 news clippings that were in the file. 
Removed: Globe and Mail, May 25, 1985, pp.B1, B3; Toronto Star, May 24, 1985, pp.A1-A4, A11-A18; Toronto Sun, May 24, 1985, pp.1-4, 9-12, 67-72; "Wilson's budget challenge" in Maclean's Magazine, May 27, 1985, p.10f.

85 - GC - Fi Fisheries, 1977-1978. Original file measured 4 cm. 
Removed: Fisheries and Environment Canada booklet, The Seal Hunt, 1976; Policy for Canada's commercial fisheries, May 1976, 88p.; Canada & the law of the sea, Resource Information, External Affairs, Feb. 1978 (revised, ed. Sept. 1977), 158p.  

85 - GC - FAS Fitness and Amateur Sport, 1978-1979. Removed: government of Canada booklets: Canada's hosting policy, sport event guidelines, Health and Welfare booklet; A status report on the Canadian hockey review, May 1979.

85 - GC - FPR Federal - Provincial Relations, 1978. Includes: a selection of the information brochures sent by Marc Lalonde, Min. of State; one of the five Notes for speeches of the Hon. Marc Lalonde. 
Removed: Canada referendum bill: an explanation, Min. of State for Federal-Provincial Relations, 1978? 

85 - GC - FPR Federal - Provincial Relations, 1978. Complements the above file. Includes: "The West: building on winning streaks" in The Financial Post Report to the Nation, Nov. 25, 1978.

85 - GC - FPR - Que Quebec, 1977-1979. Includes: notes of Frank Epp from a talk "Resolved that Canada should not separate from Canada" at Eastwood Collegiate, Apr. 24, 1979. 

85 - GC - FPR - Que Quebec, 1977-1979. Complements the above file. Includes half of the two dozen news clippings that were in the file. Among those removed were: "Quebec Today" series article in Toronto Star, Sept. 11, 1978, p.1; "William Johnson in Quebec" series in Globe and Mail, Feb. 19-21, Mar. 2 & June 4, 1979; "Quebec: coming down to the wire" in The Financial Post, Report to the Nation, Nov. 11, 1978, pp.1-24.

85 - GC - HW Health and Welfare, 1978. Removed: Annual Report Health and Welfare Canada, 1976-1977.

85 - GC - INA Indian and Northern Affairs, 1973-1979. Includes: Douglas Esmond Sanders, Native people in areas of internal national expansion: Indians and Inuit in Canada (Copenhagen: IWGIA, 1973), 39p.; Publications list of the Canadian association in support of the native peoples, List Number 22, June 1975. Removed: Conservation Canada Parks Canada, Vol.4, No.3, 1978 (Autumn).

85 - GC - INA - JE Jake Epp, 1979. Includes letter of congratulations from Frank Epp.

85 - GC - INA - JE Jake Epp, 1979. Complements the above file. Includes news clippings related to Jake Epp's work as Min. of Indian affairs and Northern Development.

85 - GC - ITC Industry, Trade, and Commerce, 1978. Removed: "Ontario our industrial heartland missing a beat" inThe Financial Post, Report to the Nation, Nov. 18, 1978, pp.1-24; articles on the Japanese market in Globe and Mail, Dec. 1, 1978, pp.B3-B14.

85 - GC - ITC Industry, Trade, and Commerce, 1978. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - GC - L Labor, 1977-1978. Removed: 5 of the 10 news clippings that were in the file. Brochures from Labor Canada including House of Commons of Canada, Bill C-8, act to amend the Canada Labor code, passed Apr. 7, 1978.

Return to top

85 - GC - L Labor, 1978. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - GC - Mult Multiculturalism, 1978-1985. Includes: copy of news clipping regarding Frank Epp's appointment to the federal multicultural council in 1981; speeches and notes from speeches of the Minister of State for Multiculturalism; "Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism, Report of the Annual General Meeting, April 2-4, 1982, Montreal, P.Q.

85 - GC - P Parliament, 1978-1985. Includes: invitation from the Liberal Caucus to a day on Parliament Hill, June 28, 1978; "Report from Ottawa" from Max Saltsman, Mar. 1978; speech from the throne, April 1980.

85 - GC - Pe Petrocan, 1973, 1980-1982. Includes: a selection of the 30 news clippings that were in the file. 
Removed: 2 issues of  The Financial Post Special Report, on oil and gas, Mar. 17, 1979, pp.1-14 & May 24, 1980, pp.S1-S12; "The Power of Petrocan" in Saturday Night, Oct. 1981, p.46f.

85 - GC - PMO Prime minister's office, 1974-1978, 1986. Includes: correspondence of Frank Epp regarding his nomination in the Waterloo riding (Apr. 7, 1978) and his suggestions for the Prime Minister's visit to the Waterloo region (July 17, 1978); The People's Gospel Hour pamphlet on Trudeau's beliefs in Communism. 
Removed: copies of letters sent by the Prime Minister to the premiers reporting on progress since the First Ministers' Economic Conference of Feb. 1978, tabled May 4, 1978.   

85 - GC - PMO - Con Constitution, 1978. Original file measured 4 cm. Includes: The Canadian Constitution and Constitutional Amendment, 24p.; R. H. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, A Time for Action Toward the Renewal of the Canadian Federation, policy paper of the Prime Minister, 26p. 
Removed: The Constitutional Amendment Bill, Text and Explanatory Notes, June 1978, 77p.; R. H. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, A Time for Action, Highlights of the Federal Government's Proposals for the Renewal of the Canadian Federation, 1978, 14p.; "Rejoinders to divers comments prepared in the privy council office, dated 24th Aug. 1978, relating to the position of the queen, the governor general and the executive government under the Constitutional Amendment Bill, 1978," Sept. 19, 1978, 52p.; "Constitutional proposals with respect to the crown and the governor general" 37p., stamped Oct. 6, 1978 by the Office of the Minister of Public Works, Canada.

85 - GC - PMO - Con Constitution, 1978-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only.  

85 - GC - PO Post Office, 1978. Includes: news release for stamps on Inuit art, news clippings on working conditions in the post office.

85 - GC - RC Revenue Canada, 1978. Removed: Inside Taxation, Revenue Canada Taxation, 1977; Carnet, Vol.7, No.2, 1978 (quarterly magazine published by Revenue Canada).

85 - GC - SB Small Business, 1977-1978. Includes: unsigned campaign question regarding small business, given to Frank Epp; "New Directions for Small Business," Ontario Liberal Party pamphlet, Apr. 12, 1977. 
Removed: folder of information on small business policies; Small Business NewsFederal Business Development Bank Management Services, Summer 1978, 4p.

85 - GC - SG Solicitor General, 1978. Includes: materials sent to Liberal Caucus members on capital punishment and gun control. 
Removed: the following issues of Liaison, Monthly Journal for the Criminal Justice System, Sept. 1978, Nov. 1978, Dec, 1978, Jan. 1979, July-Aug. 1984.

85 - GC - SG Solicitor General, 1978. Complements the above file, news  clippings on capital punishment and gun control.

85 - GC - SS Secretary of State, 1978. Includes: notes for address of Hon. John Roberts, Nov. 22, 1978; Prejudice and Discrimination A Study Guide, Sec. of State publication, 1978, 90p. 
Removed: Canada Guide for Citizenship (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1976), 34p.; Ensemble, Dept. of the Secretary of State, Vol.1, No.1, 1978? The Canadian Citizen, Dept. of the Secretary of State, 1977.

85 - GC - ST Science and Technology, 1978. Includes: letter of Frank Epp to Hon. Jud Buchanan, Minister for Science and Technology. 
Removed: The Financial Post Special Report, regarding technology, June 10, 1978, pp.35-42; Federal Science Activities 1979-1980, Min. of State, Science and Technology, 88p.  

85 - GC - T Transport, 1978. Removed: Speech notes for Transport Minister Otto Lang. May 1978. See list in file for the topics.

85 - GC - TB Treasury Board, 1978. Original file measured 2 cm. 
Removed: notes for various speeches and statements of the Hon. Robert Andras, pres. of Treasury Board from Mar. to May, 1978; Federal Expenditure Plan: How your tax dollar is spent, 78-79, Treasury Board booklet, 81p.;federal spending plans, 1978-79, Treasury Board annual publication (in newspaper format), 10p.; Rip-off, National Citizen's Coalition `Consensus' - Special Edition, Mar. 1978, Vol.3, No.3 (advertisement).

85 - GC - TB - PSAC Public Service Alliance of Can., 1978. Includes: Brief on Bill C-28, Act to amend the public service staff relations act, March 1978; notes of Frank Epp written on the back of the latter for comments at PSAC meeting, Legion Hall, Apr. 6, 1978; a copy of Bill C-28. 
Removed: Notes on the PSAC proposed changes, the union reaction and the rebuttal, about 40p. 

85 - GC - UA Urban Affairs, 1978-1979.

85 - GC - UA - CMHC Central Mortgage and Housing Corp., 1978. Removed: information pamphlets on low-income housing, the new AHOP program, residential rehabilitation assistance program.  

85 - G - De Democracy, 1957-1959. Removed: "Report of the President Apr. 1, 1962-Dec.31, 1964" in Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, The Fund for the Republic, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA; "Is democracy obsolete?" in Maclean's, Apr. 26, 1958, p.20f.; "We count too much on democracy" in New York Times Magazine, June 4, 1961, p.10f.
85 - G - F1 Flag, 1969-1970.

85 - GO Government of Ontario, 1985. Removed: article on Liberal and NDP agreements in Toronto Star, May 29, 1985, pp.A1, A14, A15; articles on David Peterson in Toronto Star, June 2, 1985, pp.H1-H8.

Return to Top

85 - In Internationalism, 1957-1970. Includes: "The Christian Church and Underdeveloped Nations A Study of International Relations" prepared by Bluffton, Ohio Study Group for Church and Society Conference, Chicago, 1961; National Council of Churches brochures. 
Removed: "Recognize and Reconcile Red China" in Observer, Mar. 1, 1959, p.15; Annual Report of the Commonwealth Secretary-General, (London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1966), 19p.; International Perspectives A journal of  opinion on world affairs, May/June 1978 (Dept. of External Affairs); 13 of 19 clippings and magazine articles that were in the file.
85 - In Internationalism, 1957-1967, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes an issue ofIvory Tower, International Issue Minnesota Daily, Jan. 16, 1961, 16p.

85 - In - Ca Canada and Internationalism, 1979. Includes 2 Dept. of External Affairs booklets: "Canada and the international atomic energy agency" No.14 and "Canada's financial contribution to the United Nations" No.21. 
Removed: booklets 12, 13, 15 and 16 on civil aviation, meteorology, etc. 

85 - In - CCIC Can. Council for International Cooperation, 1971-1972, 1979-1981. Includes: Frank Epp's correspondence regarding his membership. 
Removed: Informadev Canadian Council for International Co-operation: 4 issues from 1971, Jan. 1972, Vol.1, No.5.

85 - In - CIIA Can. Institute of International Affairs, 1978-1985. Includes: materials sent to Frank Epp as a member of the national and local groups; letter from Donovan Smucker regarding Luke Obilo of Nigeria becoming a member of CIIA. 
Removed: CIIA publications: Annual Reports for: 1977-1978 and those for  1980 to 1984; International Canada, the events of january 1979, 40; 9 behind the headlines booklets, see file regarding titles. 

85 - In - GCC Global Community Centre, 1974-1984. Includes: Global Community Centre News; Spring 1975 issue includes: "The Politics of People the Green Paper on Immigration" Issue 9, published by the United Church of Canada. 
Removed: Global Community Centre News: Nov. 1978, Spring 1979, Winter 1980, June 1983, Jan. 1984, Mar. 1984, Mar. 1985.

85 - In - IVS International Voluntary Services, 1965-1966. Includes: IVS 1966 magazine on work in Vietnam; booklet on "Problems and Promises in Overseas Service" with a statement from US vice-pres. Hubert H. Humphrey.

85 - In - OBC Overseas Book Centre, 1981-1982. Includes letter of Frank Epp to Robert Dyck, dir. of the centre. 
Removed: 3 issues of their newsletter: NGOMA, Dec. 1980, Mar. 1981, July 1981.

85 - In - PC Planetary Citizens, 1981-1982. Includes: information on a new UN initiative, sent to Epp from U. Peachey, Mennonite Central Committee.

85 - In - TI Teach-In, 1960s. Includes: notes of Frank Epp from this conference held in Toronto in the late 1960s; 3 papers from the Religious Faith and Intolerance session by: Alex Quaison-Sackey, Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Father Trevor Huddleston. 

85 - In - WB World Bank, 1966-1967, 1984. Removed: Lewis Perinbam, "The Interdependence of Nations" inDialogue 1965, Canadian National Commission for UNESCO; Robert L. Heilbroner, "This Growing World, Economic Development and the World Bank Group" Public Affairs Pamphlet No.237A, 20p.; booklets from The World Bank Group in the Americas, June 1967 and The World Bank Group in Thailand, Jan. 1967; World Bank Atlas of per capita product and population, 1966; magazine, The World Bank Group at work, July 1967.

85 - J Justice, 1967.

85 - L Legislation, 1957-1962.

85 - L - Lo Lobbying, 1969-1972. Includes: copy of Bill C-176 on lobbying; House of Commons Debates, Feb. 26, 1969, p.5963; popular articles.

85 - L - Lo - Chr Christian, 1968-1969. Includes: materials that were in an envelope from the Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs on issues like the draft, the military and church taxes, their bulletin, "Report from the Capital" and excerpts from congressional debates, a paper by C. E. Carlson, "Emerging patterns of separation of church and state" and an American Friends white paper on Vietnam (1969). The envelope also included information from the Mennonite Central Committee about the "Churchman's Seminar" held in Washington, Oct. 1969. 
Removed: FCNL Washington Newsletter, No. 296, Aug.-Sept. 1968.

85 - Li Liberties, 1954-1970. Includes: "Constitutional Freedom in Peril The Jehovah Witnesses' Case," reprint fromWinnipeg Free Press, Pamphlet No. 48, Jan. 1954; National Council of Churches information sheets; H. Van Andel, "What is Liberty?" address to CJL Foundation, Jan. 1965; OMBUDS A Civil Liberties Review, May 1970. 
Removed: "Do we believe in religious liberty...... For the Amish?" booklet published by the National Committee For Amish Religious Freedom, 1967? (see Citizenship file above for a copy of this booklet); the majority of the news clippings. See file below for ones kept.   

85 - Li Liberties, 1959-1967. Complements the above file, news clippings.

85 - Li - CCLA Canadian Civil Liberties Assoc., 1974-1983. Includes:  information from the CCLA sent to Frank Epp; information about the Waterloo County Human Rights Assoc.

85 - Li - CPRL Can. for Protection of Religious Liberty, 1978-1980. Includes: 2 letters regarding Frank Epp's membership and his concern for religious liberty in the constitution; copies of popular articles on Rod Sawatsky, pres. of this assoc.; 2 issues of their news letter, June and Dec. 1978.
Removed: M. Darrol Bryant, ed. Religious Liberty in Canada, Documentation Series No.1, deprogramming and media coverage of new religions (Toronto, Canada: Canadians For The Protection of Religious Liberty, 1979), 69p. 

85 - Li - HR Human Rights, 1962, 1978, 1985. Includes: B. Spock, "Do parents teachprejudice?" reprint from Ladies' Home Journal, Jan. 1962; a copy of the Ontario Human Rights Code, Jan. 1978. 
Removed: "The Role of a Human Rights Commission: the Ontario Experience" reprint of University of Toronto Law Journal, 19, 1969, pp.390-401; Human Relations, magazine of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Aug. 1973, Vol.13; Dec. 1974, Vol.14; 1976-1977, Vol.16; A brief pictorial history of Blacks in Nineteenth Century Ontario, Ontario Human Rights Commission, 1971, 35p.; Life Together: A Report on Human Rights in Ontario, Ontario Human Rights Commission, 1977, 139p.

85 - Li - Pr Press, 1950s, 1968-1972. Removed: Arthur Schlesinger Jr., "The Secrecy Dilemma" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 8, 1972, p.12f.; "Freedom of the Church Press" in Gospel Messenger, Oct. 11, 1958, p6f.  

85 - Li - Pr Press, 1959-1972, 1979, 1983. Complements the above file, news clippings related to journalism and freedom of the press. The majority of the articles were kept.

85 - Li - Sp Speech, 1969-1970.

85 - M Minorities, 1979-1982. Removed: copies of pages from Minorities in History (London: E. Arnold, 1978): Chapter 2, David Parker, "The Huguenots in seventeenth-century France, pp.11-47; Chapter 11, Alan Sharp, "Britain and the protection of minorities at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, pp.170-223; Appendix B, Country Data, pp.267-287.

85 - N Nationalism, 1958-1972. Includes: "The Larger Patriotism" in National Council of Churches News, 12/59; "The rightist crisis in our churches" reprint from Look Magazine Apr. 24, 1962. 
Removed: "Beyond Nationalism" in Christian Century, July 3, 1957, p.813f.; "The paradox of patriotism" in Gospel Messenger, June 30, 1962, p.15.

85 - N Nationalism, 1961, 1967, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - N - Ca Canadianism, 1960-1961, 1972. Includes: an issue of Challenge, ed. by Ormond Raby, 1970s?; popular articles.

85 - N - CIS Canadian Intelligence Service, 1955, 1964-1967. Includes: 4 issues of this journal and supplementary sections.

85 - N - Re Religious, 1958-1966, 1972-1976, 1983. Includes: a few notes made by Epp; various US nationalist periodicals; bulletins from the National Council of Churches, USA; an issue of The Cross and the Flag (July 1960)Vol.19, No.4; an issue of United Evangelical Action, July 1966. 
Removed: article on Mark Hatfield in Christian Century, Mar. 27, 1974, p.331; "Praying with the President in the White House" in New York Times Magazine, Aug. 8, 1971, p.14f.

85 - N - RW Right-Wing, 1961-1965, 1972-1977. Includes: reports from the National Council of Churches, USA; letters to Epp as editor of The Canadian Mennonite,Feb. 3, 1962 & Dec. 30, 1964, Oct. 22, 1965; popular articles. 
Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 5, 1962, p.518 & June 16, 1962, p.20.f.; The Reformed Journal, Jan. 1965, Special Supplement on the Far Right; 6 of 9 news clippings.

85 - N - RW - MM Moral majority, 1981-1985. Includes: general letter from Paul Toews regarding an evangelical preacher who worshiped at the Mennonite Brethren Church in Hillsboro, 1982. 
Removed: 6 of the 13 news clippings.

85 - N - RW - MM Moral majority, 1981-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only, on US and Canada.  

85 - N - LW Left-Wing, 1968.

85 - N - USA USA Bicentennial, 1975-1976. Includes: materials sent by Resurgence '76 A Ministry of the Upper Room. 
Removed: George Otis with Dan O'Neill, the Blue Print (Van Nuys, CA: Bible Voice Books, 1975); Derek Price,Shaping history through prayer & fasting (Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1973); Jimmy and Carol Owens, If my people... A Handbook for National Intercession (Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1974); If my people... A Musical experience in worship & intercession (Waco, Texas: Lexicon Music, Inc., 1974); 20th Century Disciple, Vol.1, No.2, 1975, published by Youth With a Mission; whole issue of Maclean's Magazine, "Great God Bless America Issue,"  Nov. 1972; whole issue of U.S. News & World Report, July 5, 1976 on "America's Third Century A Look Ahead" with special 44 page bicentennial supplement. 

85 - Na Nazism, 1962-1967, 1980, 1984. Includes: notes of Frank Epp from 1965 regarding Mennonites and Nazis; Frank Epp, "National Socialism among the Canadian Mennonites in the 1930s," Paper for 15th conference on Mennonite Educational and Cultural Problems, June 1965; letter from Alvin to Frank Epp, April 1967 regarding Jewish Holocaust statistics; address of chair of western Canadian Jewish Congress, May 1967; Frank Epp, "Germanism among Mennonites in Canada in the 1930s" handwritten article, based on his doctoral dissertation, undated, 6p. 
Removed: "How the indifference of the U.S. state department aided the Nazi murder plot" in Look Magazine, Nov. 14, 1967, p.49f.; "'I do not regret anything' The last prisoner of Spandau" in New York Times Magazine, Aug. 28, 1966, p.28f.; book reviews concerning Germany and Nazism in: Saturday Review, May 21, 1966, p.28, Feb. 4, 1967, p.43 & May 13, 1967, p.32f.; also, New York Times Book Review, Jan. 6, 1985, p.10; wall sized poster with a Hitler quotation from 1932 and the words "We shall restore law and order."
85 - Na Nazism, 1965-1967, 1975, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

Return to Top

85 - P Politics, 1955-1964, 1971. Original file measured 2 cm. Includes: "A Christian in Politics" article, reprinted from The Canadian Mennonite, Dec. 15, 1964; "Guidelines in elections" in United Church of Canada News, 1964?; Max Saltsman, Member of Parliament, "The role of opposition political parties in social policy," 1970s? 
Removed: special election issue of Christianity and Crisis, Oct. 17, 1960, p.141f.; 15 magazine articles including: ones on, Adlai Stevenson (This Week Magazine, Mar. 6, 1960, Eisenhower (Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Dec. 4, 1960), Harry Truman (Look Magazine, June 7, 1960), the Kennedy's (Look Magazine July 19, 1960) and U.S. conventions (Look Magazine, July 19, 1960), and from Saturday  Review: Aug. 20, 1960, Sept. 3, 1960, Oct. 29, 1960, Apr. 1, 1972

85 - P Politics, 1959-1961, 1970-1971, 1979. Complements the above file. Includes: a selection of the two dozen news clippings that were in the file.

85 - P - Ca Canada, 1972. "Christians Awake" message from the Overcomers in Mississauga, Ont. 
Removed: 3 Globe and Mail articles from 1972 on: the cabinet shuffle (Jan. 29); Izzy Asper (May 10) and the Trudeau government (Sept. 6).

85 - P - Ch Christians in Politics, 1956-1960, 1979. Includes: "A Christian in Politics" in Information Service,National Council of Churches, U.S., Oct. 6, 1956; notice of a CBC radio documentary on Canada's political clergy, sent to Frank Epp by Eric Friesen. 
Removed: "Politics in Christian Perspective" in Christian Century, Oct. 31, 1956, p.1257f.; "Politics is not dirty" inGospel Messenger, Feb. 7, 1959, p.12f

85 - P - Dis Disarmament, 1957-1961, 1979-1984. Includes: information from "Operation Dismantle," 1979, reacting to the Hon. Flora MacDonald's policies. Removed: the "Election '84 Issue" of Dismantler, July 1984. 

85 - P - E Elections, 1959-1962. Includes: popular articles; some election day guidelines and procedures. 
Removed: from the Winnipeg Free Press, front page story about Mr. Howe's controversial election tour, May 20, 1957 and the Diefenbaker victory and national election results, June 11, 1957, pp.1-12; 3 Look Magazine articles: "1900-1956 The fun and fury of fifteen presidential campaigns," Aug. 2, 1960, "How to steal an election," Feb. 14, 1961, "Inside Kennedy's election," May 9, 1961.   

85 - P - E - 72 1972 Canadian Election, 1972. Newspaper articles only. Removed: articles on local election candidates in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 23, 1972, p.17; "10 Candidates in Region answer questions on vote issues" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, p.7-10; section 1 of Kitchener-Waterloo Record, with election results, Tories 109 seats and Liberals 108, Oct. 31, 1972, pp.1-14; Globe and Mail, pp.1, 7- 12, 15.

85 - P - E - 74 1974 Canadian Election, 1974. Includes: document "Promises Kept" which compares the election promises of 1974 with subsequent government actions.

85 - P - E - 74 1974 Canadian Election, 1974. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes:Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 9, 1974, p.9 on which the number of votes received by Benno Friesen, PC candidate for Surrey-White Rock are marked.

85 - P - E - 76 1976 Quebec Election, 1976. Removed: "What made young Rene run" in Globe and Mail, Nov. 20, 1976, p.10.

85 - P - E - 78 1978 Election, 1978. Includes: letter from Keith Davey, Senate of Canada thanking Epp for meeting with him; Epp's notes of their conversation; promotional materials for Liberal candidate John R. Evans.  Removed: 11x16 inch cardboard poster for Evans. 

85 - P - E - 78 1978 Election, 1976-1978. Complements the above file, news clippings including: Liberal Action '78, Oct. 1, 1978, 8p.  

85 - P - E - 78L Law, etc., 1978-1983. Includes: information from the Chief Electoral Officer on political campaigning; some notes of  Epp regarding election expenses; Dec. 1983 news clippings regarding: a poll on the peace drive, a poll on Canadian  freedom, an article on patronage. Removed: Specimen of candidates return respecting election expenses.

85 - P - E - 78W Waterloo - Original file included news clippings from Waterloo Chronicle and Kitchener-Waterloo Record related to Epp's campaign. They were moved to 85 - EE - N - P Press, file below. File withdrawn.

85 - P - E - 84 1984 Election, 1980-1984. Includes: newspaper articles on the 1984 election results; articles on peace groups in metro Toronto in Toronto Star, Oct. 16, 1983, pp.F1-F8. Removed: Harold Jantz, "Elections '84" inMennonite Brethren Herald, Aug. 17, 1984, p.15; campaign ads of John Turner in the Toronto Star, Sept. 1, 984, p.D12 & in the Sunday Star, Sept. 2, 1984, p.A9; articles on "What the parties offer" in Globe and Mail, Sept. 3, 1984; election results in: Toronto Sun, Sept. 5, 1984, pp.1-2 & 59-70, Toronto Star, Sept. 5, 1984, pp.A1, A12-A24, Globe and Mail, Sept. 6, 1984, pp.1-18.   
85 - P - E - CEO Chief Electoral Officer - Duplicate materials from file above, Law, etc., were removed. The remaining information was moved to Law file. File withdrawn.
85 - P - E - CM Campaign Manager - Removed: the first issue of The Campaign Manager A Publication of the Canadian Political Campaign Institute, Vol.1, No.1, (Jan./Feb. 1983). File withdrawn.

85 - P - E - EB Electoral Boundaries - Removed pamphlet: "Canada Electoral Boundaries Readjustments Act Ontario" (1982). File withdrawn. 

Return to Top

85 - EE Epp Election, 1978. Includes: article from the Independent by MP Perrin Beatty about the decision to enter politics, May 10, 1978; brochures for Epp's election campaign; invoices for the printing of election brochures and stickers. Moved: copy of letter from Jim Erb, June 7, 1978 to Nomination file below and attached to original; Doreen Thomas nomination campaign letter to Nomination file below.

85 - EE - N Nomination, 1977-1978. Includes: meeting agendas, notices, etc. related to Epp's nomination as a Liberal candidate in 1978; information about the other Liberal nomination candidates; 2 versions of Epp's Mar. 15, 1978 nomination speech, "Energy Enough And To Spare" which is labelled "Nom. Speech, Opt 2" and "The Next election and the next generation" which is labelled "Nom. Speech, Option #1"; Epp's article: "One Mennonite in Politics (A personal statement in response to many inquiries)," Dec. 7, 1977, a version of which was published in the Mennonite Reporter, Jan. 23, 1978, p.6; letter of congratulations from the Prime Minister's office and cards from friends and supporters, Mar. 17, 1978.   

85 - EE - N - Co Correspondence, 1977. Includes: correspondence of  Epp related to his nomination as a Liberal candidate in Mar. 1978. 

85 - EE - N - Co Correspondence, 1978. Includes: correspondence of Epp with supporters for his Mar.1978 nomination as a Liberal candidate; a letter of congratulation from Prime Minister Trudeau, Mar. 23, 1978; undated agenda for local meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau. Continues to July 1978.

85 - EE - N - Co Correspondence, 1979. Includes: Epp's post campaign correspondence; his letter to PM Trudeau regarding the Middle East, July 18, 1979; his letters to various ministers of government; correspondence with the Liberal association; Reuben Slonim's response of Aug. 22, 1979 to his manuscript, "The Israelis."

85 - EE - N - P Press, 1977-78. Includes: news clippings related to Epp's nomination, July 1977 to March 1978. 
Removed: "An open letter to Frank Epp on seeking political office," Jan. 9, 1978, p.6 and "One Mennonite in politics: A reply from the Frank Epp," Jan. 23, 1978, p.6, both in Mennonite Reporter.

85 - EE - N - P-KWR March 16 Coverage - The original file included 9 copies of Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Mar. 16, 1978, p.3 with the picture "Winning Hug" showing Epp receiving a hug from his brother Alvin and some of the people present for the nomination meeting at Bingeman Park. One copy was moved to above file, EE - N - P Press. File withdrawn.

85 - EE - 78 1978 Election, 1978-1979. Includes: materials  related to Epp's election campaign (Mar. 17-Aug. 18, 1978); CKKW 1090 transcripts for radio messages given by Epp, May 7-20; some correspondence on expenses, Oct. 19 & 29, 1979; Roman Catholic devotional booklet, Living with Christ, 1979, Vol.3, No.8, in which Epp is listed in the meditation "Leadership Test," Oct. 21, p.67. 

85 - EE - 78 - Ar Articles, 1978-1979. Includes: Epp's drafts and copies of published campaign articles written for the Waterloo Chronicle; copy of Frank H. Epp's letter to the editor in the Mennonite Reporter, Jan. 23, 1978, with underlining. 

85 - EE - 78 - Ar Articles, 1978-1979. Complements the above file. Includes: newspaper campaign articles.

85 - EE - 78 - CC Campaign Committee, 1978-1979. Includes: materials related to Epp's election campaign. 

85 - EE - 78 - Op Opposition, 1978-1979. Includes: Epp's notes and article on "The Concept of 'A Loyal Opposition' in a Federal Riding," 1979. See also, 85 - EE - 80 Me Meetings, 1977-1983 where this was presented to WFLA. 

85 - EE - 78 - Op Opposition, 1978. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings related to the Progressive Conservative campaign.  

85 - EE - 78 - Ph Photos, 1979. Includes: list of potential photographers; summary list of photos available for tabloids; correspondence with Liberal Party for photos taken with the PM; letter from Imprint newspaper for photos taken at a dinner. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photos of Epp at CGC, by himself and with student groups; Epp and Frank C. Peters in academic robes at University of Waterloo Convocation, May 25, 1978; formal photos of Epp for election brochures; informal photos of Frank with local constituents during 1978-79 campaign; photos of Epp and Trudeau from Candidates Workshop, Feb. 1979, 20x25cm (complimentary) and 17.5x12.5 (ordered); Epp with Jean Chretien at a local dinner (Dec. 1978?). Some of these photos were published in The Riding of Waterloo News Special Issue, May 1979 which is filed in: 85-EE - WR Waterloo Riding, 1968-1979.

85 - EE - 78 - Po Policies, 1976-1981. Includes: notes and articles on various election issues, eg. inflation, native rights, economics; "Faith of a Liberal," Position paper prepared by Rota Lister for the Waterloo-Cambridge Federal Liberal Assoc., Apr. 1976, 5p.; a promotional piece about Liberal options, "Elections give direction" and why voters should elect Frank Epp on May 22, 1979, 4p.; a list of 20 questions for discussion from Ernie Regehr;  "Dispelling Some Myths...about the Constitution," (Ottawa: Liberal Party of Canada, 1980?), 13p. 

85 - EE - 78 - Po Policies 2, 1968-1979. Original blue covered file measured 5.5 cm. Includes: "The Five Challenges" in Campaign '79 Bulletin, No.1; Table of Contents for Fact Sheets, Apr. 4, 1979; notes for address of Finance Min. Jean Chretien, Mar. 16, 1979; "Canada 1968-1977," red covered booklet of statistics, 10p.; translation of Prime Minister Trudeau's speech in Quebec City, Feb. 7, 1978. 
Removed: section measuring 3 cm of fact sheets and Liberal strategy sheets from Mar. & Apr. 1979, organized on the following topics: agriculture, communications, consumers, DREE, defense, employment-immigration, energy, environment, external affairs, federal-provincial, finance, fisheries, fitness, health, natives and the north, industry, justice, labor, multiculturalism, post office, revenue, science, small business, solicitor general, culture and recreation (sec. of  state), transport, treasury, urban affairs, veterans, women; Monique Begin, "Seven Cruel Myths of Poverty in Canada," reprint from Toronto Star, June 27, 1978, sent to Liberal candidates by the Public Works Minister, Aug. 3, 1979. 
Removed also: section measuring 1.5 cm of Ontario Policy Campaign Committee bulletins and information from Liberal National Campaign Headquarters organized alphabetically for the following topics: abortion law, new bank act, capital punishment, the dollar, election expenses, foreign investment, gun control, housing, medicare, pensions, tory inconsistencies, Canadian unity, youth unemployment; section measuring 1 cm (98p.) on 20 topics, many of which overlap with the above. The table of contents of this part was left in the file.       

85 - EE - 78 - Pol Polls, 1978. Includes: letter from Prime Minister's office with information about the Gallup Poll `from Feb. 1967-May 1978; articles "The Weekend Poll" in the Weekend Magazine, 1978.

85 - EE - 78 - Pol Polls, 1978, 1980. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings regarding polls in Canada for 1978 and 1980.

85 - EE - 78 - Pr Press, 1978-1979. Includes: notes by Epp to individuals on election issues; his correspondence with CFTO News, Toronto; copies of campaign newspaper articles; Epp's comments "About losing" given toKitchener-Waterloo Record reporter, May 25, 1979. 
Removed: notice on election results in The Christian Leader, June 5, 1979, p.23.

85 - EE - 78 - Pr Press, 1978-1979. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings on Epp's campaign, before and after the election, Apr. 1978 to July 1979 (the latter in  Der Bote); Aaron Klassen, "It's nonsense to say Frank Epp is anti-Semitic, reader claims" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record? Sept. 1978?; The Chevron, University of Waterloo newspaper featuring election candidates, May 10 and May 17, 1979. 

85 - EE - 78 - R Readiness '78, 1978. Includes: 6 brochures for Liberal candidates on campaign procedures. 
Removed: very large Liberal party poster (90x60 cm) with red background showing only the face of Pierre Trudeau; enlarged poster size copy of Epp's press photo (60x50 cm) with diagonal lines through it.

85 - EE - 78 - Sp Speeches, 1977-1979. Includes: Epp's speeches and notes made during the election campaign: "Representing Waterloo in Ottawa," notes for a speech by Frank Epp at Elmira Jaycees dinner, June 12, 1978, 7p.; "Four meanings of bilingualism," June 13, 1978, 2p.; "Our ethnic groups and Canada Day," June 28, 1978?; "Multiculturalism and the Jewish People," Sept. 20, 1978, 7p. and Epp's handwritten response "Liberal candidate call anti-semitic"; "Representing Waterloo in Ottawa," Notes for a speech by Frank Epp at Elmira Jaycees dinner, June 12, 1978, 7p.; "Seven keys to economic strength," 6p. ; "Progress Report from the Candidate," Dec. 1978?; "When Defeat Is Not Defeat," sermon at Rockway Mennonite Church Retreat, June 24, 1979 and  for talks on Oct. 10 and Nov. 27, 1979; "Reflections on my venture into politics," Oct. 22, 1979. 
Removed: "More Mennonites in politics" in Mennonite Brethren Herald, Apr. 28, 1978, Vol.17, No.9, p.10; the following articles, duplicates of which are in EE - 78 - Ar Articles, above: "Food and Food Prices," "Encouraging Small Business," "Our Ethnic Groups and Canada Day," "High Income and High Unemployment," "International Affairs," "Opportunity and Optimism," "Poor People in our Society," "Foreign Aid," "Understanding the Poor," "The Year of the Child," "Seven Keys to Economic Strength" (see 85 - EE - 78 - Ar Articles, 1978-1979, for a different version of this essay).

85 - EE - 78 - V Volunteers, 1976-1978. Includes: mailing list of the Waterloo federal riding, Wilmot section, 1976; several other mailing lists; Epp's correspondence and notes regarding volunteers, 1978; a message from a volunteer, likely written by Helen Epp. 

85 - EE - 78 - V-TYL Thank-You Letters, 1978. Includes: copies of Epp's handwritten, personalized notes of thanks to volunteers, written during the election campaign; a general, typed letter to supporters who worked in his campaign with the article, "Win or lose, the workers are today's unsung heroes," Kitchener-Waterloo Record, May 22, 1979, attached; a letter of Apr. 5, 1979 from John W. Bast, of Imprint, University of Waterloo Student Newspaper, regarding photos ordered by Epp. 

85 - EE - WR Waterloo Riding, 1968-1979. Includes: Waterloo riding election results for 1968, 1972, 1974; 1976 Waterloo population data by mother tongue; 1976 Canadian census data for the federal electoral district including Waterloo; Epp's notes about people in the riding; letter from Otto Lang regarding Waterloo-Wellington airport; notes of congratulation from Epp to 4 women given a "Women of the Year" award. 
Removed: A Guide to Waterloo County published by Waterloo Trust and Savings Company, 1967, 47p.; "Listening to some distant voices," notes for a talk by Frank H. Epp to annual meeting of Waterloo Federal Liberal Association, Feb. 27, 1979, 11p.  

Return to top

85 - EE - WR Waterloo Riding, 1972-1979. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings of persons and issues in the Waterloo region; original copy of the newspaper: The Riding of Waterloo News Special Issue, May 1979 in which a number of the published photos were originally in, 85- EE 78 Ph Photos, 1979 (includes a photo of Helen and Frank Epp having coffee with Jake and Mary Enns). 

85 - EE - WR - Co Correspondence, 1977-1979. Includes: letters of support to and from individuals in the local community; correspondence related to campaign issues; request to Reg Haney, Feb. 3, 1978 to make the Mar. 15 nominating speech on Epp's behalf; 2 photos from the Smuckers (May 24, 1979), Donovan holds a lawn sign and Barbara wears a campaign button standing beside a poster of Trudeau.

85 - EE - WR - Or Organizations, 1978-1979. Includes: information on activities of and membership in the K-W Regional Folk Arts Council Multi Cultural Centre; correspondence with the K-W Chapter of the Canadian Association for Repeal of the Abortion Law; newsletter of the Asociacion Hispano-Canadiense de Kitchener-Waterloo, May-June 1979 which includes an election ad for Frank Epp; news clippings on leaders of various other local organizations. 

85 - EE - WR - PD Polling Divisions, 1979. Includes: memo to Jim Erb, campaign manager. 
Removed: Key of Urban Polling Divisions, Electoral District of Waterloo, City of Kitchener, 1979, 22p.; Key of Urban Polling Divisions, Electoral District of Waterloo, City of Waterloo, 1979, p25.; list of the 272 Waterloo Polling Stations8p.

85 - EE - WR - RMW Regional Municipality of Waterloo, 1977. Includes: title pages of Regional Municipality of Waterloo planning report of 1977. The report was removed; available at University of Waterloo library. 
Removed: Region Wide Community Guide, Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph, Elmira and Fergus (1978); The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, Conestoga Wagon, Oct. 1973, Vol.1, No.1.

85 - EE - WR - UW University of Waterloo, 1977-1979. Includes: Epp's notes of May 16, 1978 written on index cards and his notes of Apr. 17, 1978 on "Ideas for a Better Canada"; news releases on research, eg. solar energy; correspondence of Epp with the Min. of Science and Technology on the proposed Waterloo Innovation Centre;University of Waterloo Proposal for Establishment of the Waterloo Innovation Centre, Mar. 20, 1978, 26p. and appendixes; address of B.C. Mathews, "The Public View of the Universities: Direct Services to Industry," Aug. 1978; general letter to UW and WLU faculty and staff  for support on May 22. 
Removed: interview with Epp after May election in Mennonite Mirror, Sept. 1979, p.7.  

85 - EE - 79 1979 Election, 1979. Includes: invitation to Epp from the Prime Minister's office to attend a reception in Ottawa, Jan. 1979; notes for Epp's talk "Listening To Some Distant Voices," to the Waterloo federal Liberal assoc., Feb. 1979; letters of Apr. and May 1979 on "all candidates meetings" in local high schools and on local TV programs; schedule for meeting with Eugene Whelan, May 17, 1979; canvassing schedule. See also: 90. Self Expression - Public Speaking Requests - 1979 Waterloo Riding Campaign.

85 - EE - 79 - Ad Advertising, 1979. Includes: Epp's budget for publishing in Waterloo region newspapers; campaign brochures.

85 - EE - 79 - Ad Advertising, 1977-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. The majority of the clippings are of Epp's election ad published in local newspapers; article on Epp, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Dec. 7, 1977, p.10; flyer with news clippings attached; clippings of Epp's thank you ad following the election.  

85 - EE - 79 - Ad Advertising, 1960-1966, 1973-1975. Complements the above 2 files. Includes: new clippings on Epp in Manitoba and Ontario which may have been used for background information for the election campaign. 

85 - EE - 79 - CC Campaign Committee - Included: Apr. 19, 1979 letter regarding the visit of PM Trudeau to the K-W area which was moved to EE - 78 - CC Campaign Committee, 1978-1979 above; duplicate copy of background campaign information on Epp was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - EE - 79 - KWC Kitchener-Waterloo Candidates, 1979. Includes: campaign literature from Conservative, NDP and other Liberal candidates.

85 - EE - 79 - KWC Kitchener-Waterloo Candidates, 1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only, one-third of which were removed, on opposing candidates and parties as well as other Liberal candidates.
85 - EE - 79 - PEC Post-Election Correspondence , 1979. Includes: personal letters and notes from individuals as well as letters to and from members of parliament and the Prime Minister.

85 - EE - 79 - PEC Post-Election Speeches, 1979. Includes: Frank H. Epp's speeches: "When defeat is not defeat," sermon for Rockway Mennonite Church Retreat at Chesley Lake Chapel, June 24, 1979, 6p.; "When defeat is not defeat," meditation at morning chapel of Columbia Bible Institute, Oct. 10, 1979, half p.; "Reflection on my venture into politics," handwritten notes for presentation in J. R. Burkholder's Political Ethics seminary class, AMBS, Oct. 22, 1979, 4p.; "What do you do when you lose?" talk to CGC Community Supper, Nov. 27, 1979, half p.

85 - EE - 79 - PR Poll Results, 1979. Includes: statements of votes cast at each of the polls for candidates in Waterloo on May 22, 1979. 

85 - EE - 79 - Qu Questionnaires, 1978-1979. Includes: questions and questionnaires on various issues from individuals and organizations; letters from individuals and organizations promoting their cause to election candidates. 
Removed: orange folder (kit) with information from the Federation of Francophones outside Quebec.

85 - EE - 79 - Qu Questionnaires, 1978-1979. Complements the above file. Includes: a news clipping on capital punishment; a newspaper published by the churches of Canada on election issues.

85 - EE - 80 1980 Election, 1979-1980. Includes: estimate of 1979 federal election campaign expenses; letter from Howard L. Good, Dec. 13, 1979, commending Epp to the Hon. Judd Buchanan; contact lists; Feb. 18, 1980 voting results; an issues tally; information from Liberal party headquarters,  Liberal Party membership applications. Removed: Canada Elections ActAlphabetical listing of Canadian forces electors whose place of ordinary residence is the electoral district of Waterloo, Oct. 1979 which was attached to Jan. 17, 1980 letter from Liberal headquarters; "Leader's Message Campaign '80," cassette tape of talk by PM Trudeau to candidates. See also: 90. Self Expression - Public Speaking Requests - 1980 Campaign.

85 - EE - 80 - A Artwork, 1980. Includes: illustrations (some on campaign letter head and one on the back of a Liberal poster) done by elementary school children (in Elmira?) for Feb. 13, Valentines Day.

85 - EE - 80 - CCQ Chamber of Commerce Questionnaire, 1980. Includes: their letter to Epp and his responses to their questions.

85 - EE - 80 - CCQ Chamber of Commerce Questionnaire, 1980. Complements the above file. Includes: pages from the Waterloo Chronicle where Epp's responses to their questions were published.

85 - EE - 80 - Co Communications, 1979-1983. Includes: Epp's handwritten notes of Sept. 5, 1979; Communications Committee Report, Nov. 28, 1979; Epp's 1980 campaign brochures; canvasser's materials; information from campaign headquarters; 2 versions of Epp's schedule from Jan. 21 to Feb. 18, 1980; letters to Epp on all candidates meetings; "World Peace and Security in the 1980s," Notes for campaign speech, Feb. 12, 1980; printed sheets of Epp's campaign notes; a general post election thank you letter, Mar. 18, 1980; general letter from Epp to residents of the Waterloo riding to become more involved, Fall 1981; Waterloo Liberal, June 1983; letter to Ruby Weber from Mark MacGuigan, House of Commons, Sept. 12, 1983 regarding election readiness; Epp's speech, "A Nation in Search of Her Future," undated. 
Transferred to Memorabilia: poster (33x56 cm.) with Epp's name and Liberal party symbol on it and 2 campaign buttons. 
Removed: Epp's "Concept of `A Loyal Opposition' in a Federal Riding," dated 8:9:79. See

85 - EE - 78 - Op Opposition, 1978 above for more information on the latter. 

85 - EE - 80 - Co Newspaper Advertising (Radio, TV), 1980. Includes: transcripts of radio ads on Epp; schedules for his radio and newspaper ads.

85 - EE - 80 - Co Newspaper Advertising (Radio,TV), 1980. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings of Epp's ads and local campaign articles; "Campaign wives" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Feb. 15, 1980.

85 - EE - 80 - Const Constituency, 1981. Includes: computer print out of Waterloo North Liberal Party Constituency Address List, Nov. 16, 1981.

85 - EE - 80 - GP General Publicity, 1980. Includes: materials for campaign; copies of newspaper articles from the campaign. See also 80 - Co Communications file above.

85 - EE - 80 Feb. 18 Aftermath, 1980. Includes: news releases on the recount; Epp's notes, "The Case For: A Judicial Recount"; correspondence with Ray Hamm in which the attitude of the Jewish people to Epp's books is mentioned; reflections of Frank H. Epp on conversations he had in Mar. and June 1980 with Ron Rempel, Hugh Paterson, members of the Waterloo Federal Liberal Riding Association about constituency matters and Jewish involvements in his campaign, Max Saltsman and Jennifer Shalinky, president of the Shalom synagogue.

85 - EE - 80 Feb. 18 Letters, 1979-1982. Includes: telegrams and letters prior to and following the Feb. 18 election; thank you letters; photo attached to letter of thanks from the Chinese Cultural Centre, Feb. 11, 1980; Epp's letter to PM Trudeau, Feb. 14, 1980 regarding post election involvements; correspondence with various Liberal associations; begins Dec. 1979, continues to May 1982.

85 - EE - 80 - J Jews, 1980. Includes correspondence regarding: Jewish critique of Epp's writings on Israel and Palestine; Kitchener-Waterloo Record publications prior to Feb. 18; "A Collection of Newspaper Communications on Frank Epp, the Middle East, and the Jewish People, etc. during and after 1980 federal election campaign."  See also 88 CR - Ju - FHE. See also 85 - EE - 80 Feb. 18 Aftermath, 1980, above.

85 - EE - 80 - Mc McLean, 1979-1980. Includes: copies of 1979 Commons debates from Oct. 18 & 23, Nov. 9 & Dec. 3 with some sections marked; McLean's campaign literature; a Jan. 1980 Legion Magazine article that Epp sent to McLean; McLean's "Report from Parliament, Spring 1980."   

85 - EE - 80 - Mc McLean, 1980-1982. Complements the above file. Includes: election newspaper on McLean; some of McLean's "Ottawa Report" columns in the Waterloo Chronicle, the Elmira Independent, the Elmira Signet
Removed: half of the 24 newspaper columns by McLean that were in the file.  

85 - EE - 80 - Me Meetings, 1977-1983. Includes: minutes of the Waterloo Federal Liberal Association, general meetings and executive of which Epp was a member; "Listening to some distant voices," Speech to annual meeting of WFLA, Feb. 27, 1979; speeches and articles by Epp on "The Concept of a `Loyal Opposition' in a Federal Riding," Mar. 10, 1979 & Aug. 9, 1979 (slightly shorter); "A Cause and a Program," Discussion paper for Sept. 19, 1979, WFLA exec.; "Candidate's Post-Election Report," Mar. 18, 1980; (blue sheet) two lists by Frank H. Epp, "Why be a member of the Liberal Party" and on the reverse side "Why be politically involved," written when he was chairman of the WLFA Organization Committee. The latter was added to this file from a green binder that was not in the filing cabinet.   

85 - EE - 80 - Me - LPC(O) Liberal Party of Canada (Ontario), 1980. Includes: Frank H. Epp's papers with his notes on the back, from the executive board meeting of this organization in Ottawa, Ontario, Apr. 11-12, 1980 and from their annual meeting, attended by Frank H. Epp, held in Toronto, Nov. 1980. 

85 - EE - 80 - Me - WNPLA Waterloo North Provincial Liberal Association, 1980. Includes: papers of Frank H. Epp from this annual meeting in April 1980 in Elmira, Ontario.

85 - EE - 80 - No Nomination, 1979-1980. Includes: news release regarding Epp's Jan. 11, 1980 nomination; Epp's "Draft copy for nomination/election brochure, "10 Reasons Why The Clark Government Should Not Be Re-elected or Sorry, Joe, We Have To Say No"; Reg Haney's nomination speech; 7 photos from Nomination meting at Bingeman Park (some are blurry) showing speaking, with other candidates and supporters; "Nominations, elections and the future of Canada," notes for a speech by Frank H. Epp, Nominating Convention, Waterloo Federal Liberal Association, Jan. 11, 1980, Waterloo Motor Inn; Epp's letter to his children, Jan. 14, 1980; notes from organization meetings; mailing lists in label format; correspondence from individuals; Frank H. Epp, "World peace and security in the 1980s," notes for a campaign speech, Feb. 12, 1980, 4p..

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85 - EE - 80 - No Nomination, 1980. Complements the above file. Includes: news clippings from Epp's 1980 campaign. 

85 - EE - 80 - Qu Questionnaires, 1980. Includes: letters from constituents on various issues with Epp's handwritten responses.

85 - EE - 84, 1984. Includes: nomination campaign materials; a general letter, May 30, 1984; The Image Corporation campaign materials. 

85 - EE - 84 - Co Correspondence, 1984. Includes: pre and post nomination correspondence with supporters; Epp's handwritten letters to various people. These letters were originally in the Workers file. Also includes: 46 handwritten notes entitled "Canada Day 1984," accompanied by Epp's typed letter, "Post-Nomination Thoughts," an original copy of which is with the notes. The latter were put into alphabetical order.  

85 - EE - 84 - De Deszca, Nhanci, 1984. Includes: Epp's notes from meetings; memos, notes and reports from Nhanci Deszca, chair of committee to nominate Epp.

85 - EE - 84 - EA Election Associates, 1984. Includes: minutes of meetings to prepare for the nomination meeting; 9 pages of proposals for the campaign from the Image Corporation.

85 - EE - 84 - EAn Election Analysis, 1984. Includes: Elmira Independent, July 11, 1984, pp.6-10 which includes articles discussing the nomination meeting at which Frank H. Epp was defeated.

85 - EE - 84 - Fu - KWR Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Focus on Issues, 1984. Included: "Focus on Tomorrow" in section D of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Sat., Sept. 29, 1984, pp.1-16 and Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Wed., May 23, 1979, pp.1-16 with coverage on Clark's victory and Trudeau's defeat, both of which were removed. File withdrawn. 

85 - EE - 84 - Li Lists, 1979-1984. Includes: an alphabetical, computer print out Waterloo Federal Liberal Association Membership List with names, addresses and telephone numbers; various other lists including CGC Faculty and Staff, WFLA committees and exec., Epp's campaign committee, universities committee; members of phone campaign, campaign workers, scrutineers and registration assistants; list of persons by location, eg. Baden, Ontario, etc. (1980?); handwritten list of names that was with the latter (also 1980?); "Preliminary list of electors" for the city of Waterloo, Wards 1 and 4 with "Phoning instructions" attached, for volunteers to call "the entire city of Waterloo" (also 1980?).
Removed: Electoral District of Waterloo Description of polling division boundaries, 1982.

85 - EE - 84 - Li Lists, WFLA Membership, May 18, 1984. Includes: label format of Waterloo Federal Liberal Association alphabetical membership list as of May 18, 1984.

85 - EE - 84 - Ma Mailing, 1984. Includes: information sheets from the Committee to nominate Frank Epp; an endorsement letter from Stephen C. Woodworth, barrister.

85 - EE - 84 - Me Membership, 1984. Includes: 4 handwritten sheets of names with telephone numbers, annotated.

85 - EE - 84 - ME Middle East, 1984. Includes: a background paper, "Frank H. Epp and the Middle East," May 30, 1984, 4p. in which Epp discusses his motivation for ME involvement, support for his views and media treatment of the subject in the last election. 
Removed: 8 copies of this paper. 

85 - EE - 84 - Mi Minorities, 1984. Includes: one news clipping and a note card. 

85 - EE - 84 - NR News Releases, 1984. Includes: a letter from Epp to WFLA members, June 24, 1984; a quotation and fact sheet, "Today's politicians must be willing to fight against the odds," for the media; news releases for May 30th. 

85 - EE - 84 - PC Poll Clerk - Included only a note card with name and telephone number of the poll clerk, Elizabeth Temple on it, which was moved to file, 85 - EE - 84 - Li Lists, 1979-1984, above. File withdrawn. 

85 - EE - 84 - Sp Speeches, 1983-1985. Includes: agenda and notes from "Regional Workshops" on Matt Reese and Associates, Inc. stationery, Sept. 21, 1983; handwritten notes for Epp's various speeches; "Yes, I'm Running! Here's Why!" (A Statement to my Nomination Team, 26, May, 1984), typed with editing marks. Removed:University Affairs/Affaires Universitaires, March 1984, 40p.; "About winning and losing: politics and the olympics compared," spontaneous remarks at a 2 November 1984 dinner, recorded after the event, 7 typed pages; "Losers and winners" in University of Waterloo Courier, Mar. 1985, article on his speech of Nov. 2 made at the surprise testimonial dinner held to recognize his election efforts and community service, with photo of Frank H. Epp.

85 - EE - 84 - Wo Workers, 1983-1985. Includes: meeting reports and correspondence related to workers meetings of the nomination campaign; lists of names (possible workers?); 1984 directory of the Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite Church, annotated; 2 news clippings on election expenses from 1983 & 1985.

85 - P Photographs, 1970s-1980s. Includes notes of some of Epp's activities with photos and slides for some of them. 
Transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives: photos of Epp in his CGUC office; negatives of church buildings and cemeteries and various people in western Canada; photos of Epp's relatives in Russia; a series of photos taken by Tarasoff at a Doukhobor conference in B.C. in 1982. 

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85 - P - I Immigration, 1965-1969.

85 - PL Politics - Liberal Party, 1957, 1979-1985. Includes: news clippings only (one removed), one of which is The Provencher Liberalizer, 1958? which was printed by D. W. Friesen & Sons, Ltd. (publisher of The Canadian Mennonite). 

85 - PL - NDP NDP and Liberals - Included one news clipping, "Will Grits and NDP get wed?" with subtitle, "The policy gap... has never been as narrow as now" in Toronto Star, Sept. 8, 1984, p.B4 (also p.B5 focusing on Turner and other defeated Liberals), which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - PL - O Organizations, 1979. Includes: letter to Epp from the Hon. Marc Lalonde thanking him for his help to the Liberal Caucus on Energy.

85 - PL - O - LPC Liberal Party of Canada, 1978-1979. Includes: telegrams sent to Epp as a candidate; LPC letters to candidates, party communications and news releases; Epp's folder from the Candidates workshop, Jan. 1979. 
Removed: The Liberal Party of Canada Its Philosophy and History (Ottawa: Liberal Party of Canada, 1980), 24p.; booklet, "Resolutions Report Liberal Party Convention 1978"; "Dialogue" Newsletter, Dec.11, 1978 & Feb. 1, 1979;Liberal Campaign '79 Bulletin, Nos.5, 7, 8, 11; "Election '80 Campaign Notes" Dec. 21, 1979, Nos. 1 & 3.

85 - PL - O - LPC Leadership Convention - Included 2 clippings: "'Turner and Pepin could be winning team for Liberals'" in Financial Post, July 7, 1979, p.2 & article on Lloyd Axworthy in the Toronto Star, July 14, 1979, p.B6, which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - PL - O - LPC 1978 National Convention, 1978. Includes: materials for convention at which Frank Epp was an alternate delegate. 
Removed: "Canada: our future, Liberal Resolutions Booklet" (for discussion at convention), 173p.; "Dialogue" on convention theme in newspaper format (Ottawa, Feb. 24-26). 

85 - PL - O - LPC 1984 Leadership Convention, 1984. Includes: "Generation '84" magazine for convention to which Frank Epp was a delegate; Epp's program.

85 - PL - O - LPCO Liberal Party of Can.(Ontario), 1978-1985. Includes: some correspondence; information on meetings and issues; notes made by Epp at June 16, 1979 meeting; material from Nov. 1978 annual meeting attended by Epp; conference program of Oct. 27, 1983 at which Prime Minister Trudeau was the keynote speaker; information on annual meeting June 1985; an issue of Liberal Outlook published by the LPC (O), No. 21 (Winter 1985) in which the lead article is, "John Turner's outlook"; letter of July 12, 1985 from Frank H. Epp to John N. Turner, regarding "An idea for you and the riding associations" in which Epp suggests preparing flyers similar to the sample one he attached. 
Removed: constitution of Liberal Party of Canada (Ont.) of Apr. 25, 1976.  

85 - PL - O - ONL Ontario New Liberals, 1979. Includes: a note from Frank Epp asking Michael to be the youth coordinator in his campaign; "Youth in an Election" manual.

85 - PL - O - WFLA Waterloo Federal Liberal Assoc., 1978-1981. Includes: correspondenceof Frank Epp and his "Candidate's Post-Election Report," Mar. 18, 1980; Carolyn Musselman, "Voting Behavior and Organization in Waterloo Riding, Internship Report," Sept. 30, 1981.

85 - PL - O - WFLA Waterloo Federal Liberal Assoc., 1984-1986. Includes: meeting notices and minutes ( Frank Epp was a member of the exec. and of the Organization Committee, see Jan. 30, 1985 and notice for May 21, 1985); letters from MP's, John Turner and the party for contributions; his campaign materials are mentioned in the minutes of the Exec. Committee, Apr. 23, 1986. 

85 - PL - O - WN Waterloo North Provincial Liberal Assoc., 1978-1980. Includes: some correspondence; several of Herb Epp's Queen's Park reports.   

85 - PL - O - WW Waterloo-Wellington Dist. Liberal Assoc., 1978-1979. Includes: meeting minutes. 

85 - PL - O - WW Waterloo-Wellington Policy Rally, 1982-1983. Includes: meeting minutes; Rota Lister, "The Arts Are Good Business A Policy Brief Prepared for the Waterloo Liberal Association, " June 9, 1983.

85 - P - JMF J.M. Froese, 1960, 1967. Includes: 2 news clippings on Froese, elected Social Credit in Rhineland, Manitoba.

85 - P - NDP New Democratic Party, 1968-1983. Includes: membership cards for the Epp family; newsletters from NDP Associations in Ottawa West, Ottawa South, and Waterloo North; Max Saltsman's "Report from Ottawa." 
Removed: New DemocratElection Special, magazine, Oct. 1967, Vol.7, No.1, 15p.; New Democrat newspaper, July-Aug. 1969, Vol.8, No.9; 25 news clippings; from The Globe Magazine, Jan. 13, 1968, p.2 (article on T. Douglas), Sept. 21, 1968, p.6f. (article on the Henry Moore, youngest MP ever), "The NDP can take Ontario if..." Nov. 28, 1970, p.8f.; Maclean's Magazine, Oct. 1969, pp.1, 3, 5-6.

85 - P - NDP New Democratic Party, 1967-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - P - Ont Ontario, 1967-1972. Includes: 4 news clippings on 1967 election results and Bill Davis. 

85 - P - PC Progressive Conservative, 1964, 1983. Includes: Alfred Warkentin, "How the Conservative Party is Failing" complete text of article in Globe and Mail, Jan. 25, 1964 and letter of Sept. 30, 1983 from the Right Honorable Joe Clark, thanking Frank H. Epp for his letter to Clark of June 20.

85 - P - PC Progressive Conservative, 1967, 1976-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 
Removed: 10 news clippings including Globe and Mail coverage of Stanfield's win, Sept. 11, 1967, pp.1, 7-9, 17 & "The Chief's Last Battle in The Globe Magazine, Sept. 16, 1967, p.10f. 
85 - P - SC Social Credit, 1953-1962. Includes: party materials; popular articles; some of Alfred Warkentin's published articles, his radio transcripts; information about Social Credit action in 1939 on Canada and the war; list of candidates in Manitoba (including some Mennonites); Esther Epp, "The Development of the Social Credit Party," ninth grade essay, 1970? done at Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Gretna, Manitoba. 
Removed: A. C. Forrest, "Why so many preachers support the new party?" in the United Church  Observer, Sept. 1, 1961, p.16; Maclean's Magazine: "The rise and fall of Social Credit," May 10, 1958, p.26f. and article on Caouette, July 28, 1962, p.11f.; Robert N. Thompson, Canadians... It's time you knew! (Ottawa: Aavangen Press, 1961?), 98p.

85 - P - SC Social Credit, 1957-1963, 1971-1972, 1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: series of articles by Alfred Warkentin; 2 issues of the The Canadian Social Crediter, 1962, 1963. 
Removed: 8 news clippings.

85 - P - Te Terrorism, 1976-1985. Includes: magazine and newspaper articles. 
Removed: 12 news clippings; "The Seeds of Terror" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 22, 1981; Maclean'smagazine: "The Suicide Terrorists" in Dec. 26, 1983, pp.20f. and "An awesome plan to combat terrorism" in Apr. 30, 1984, p.32f.
85 - P - USA United States 1972, 1972. Removed: 10 news clippings, including New York Times newspaper, Nov. 9, 1972, pp.1, 15-30, 43; "Nixon's Great Triumph" in Newsweek, Nov. 13, 1972, pp.27f.; "The making of the candidate" in New York Times Magazine, May 7, 1972, p.27f.

85 - P - USA United States 1973 - Included 1 clipping, "Voting state by state" in Globe and Mail, Nov. 4, 1976, p.10, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - P - USA United States 1984, 1984. Includes: 3 news clippings.

85 - Re Revolutions, 1960-1961, 1983. Includes: article on Mennonites and the German language in Bibel und Pflug, July 1, 1961, p.5f. with a note attached (written by Epp?) "Hands off politics?"; 
Removed: 2 popular articles.

85 - UN United Nations, 1957-1972, 1981-1983. Includes: materials on church center; minutes for UN Assoc. Waterloo Region of which Frank Epp was the president, June 7, 1982; Waterloo Region Peace Network, Interim Steering Committee Report, Jan. 1983; "One World-Our Concern" in United Nations Assoc. in Canada Newsletter, 1983-1984, Vol.1; Gregory Wirick, "More Light Than Heat: A Seminar on the Middle East for Journalists" undated. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Peace Notes, Mennonite and Affiliated Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, April 1959, Vol. V, No. 3. 
Removed: Bulletin, Quarterly of the United Nations Association, Summer 1981, Vol.7, No.2; "Church Center for the United Nations" in Gospel Messenger, Oct. 26, 1963, p.20f.; promotional materials for UN Day, Oct. 24, 1981; booklets 15-18 for Disarmament Week, Oct. 1981; the majority of the 50 odd news clippings and popular articles; "UN Can it survive..." in Look Magazine, Oct. 10, 1961, p.31f.; from Saturday Review: "The UN: The Next Twenty Years, An Introduction" in July 24, 1965, pp.21-62; "What Does `U.N. Peackeeping Mean?" in May 14, 1966.  

85 - UN United Nations, 1960-1965, 1970-1972, 1980-1985.          Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - UN - Com Communications, 1982-1983. Includes: promotional materials on communication infrastructures.

85 - UN - Dis Disarmament, 1980-1982. Includes: Kurt Waldheim's UN report, 1980; letterfor donation to Hiroshima ad, July 1982. 
Removed: Disarmament A periodic review by the United Nations, Nov. 1982, Vol.5, No.2; Fact sheet booklets on disarmament, No.26, 27 & 28. 

85 - UN - FAO Food and Agricultural Org., 1981-1983. Includes: materials from World Food Day kit, Oct. 1981; "Water for all" in Co-action, UNESCO newsletter, No. 1, 1982. 
Removed: Ceres FAO Review, July-Aug. 1968; International organization for the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination Bulletin, Jan. 1981, Vol.2, No.1; colorful booklet, "Food Comes First" for World Food Day, Oct. 16, 1981. 

85 - UN - HR Human Rights - Included 2 items (available in university library): The International Bill of Human Rights: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights and Optional Protocol (New York, N.Y.: United Nations, Office of Public Information, 1978), 42p. and The United Nations and Human Rights (New York, N.Y.: United Nations, Office of Public Information, 1978), 166p., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

85 - UN - MU Mundialization, 1967-1973. Includes: information adopting the UN flag and becoming UN cities; some correspondence with the world federalists; article by Alan and Hanna Newcombe.

85 - UN - Pe Peacemaking, 1981-1983. Includes: "Spears or pruning hook? The impact of the arms race on society" Final Report of UN Dept. of Information for Non-governmental Organizations, Sept. 1982, 28p.; information about various symposiums.

Return to top

85 - UN - UNAC United Nations Assoc. in Canada, 1980. Includes: correspondence on forming a local chapter; information on Epp's nomination the Pearson Peace Medal. 
Removed: the following issues of  Bulletin, Quarterly of the United Nations Association, for 1980: Vol.6, Nos. 1, 2 & 3; Vol.7, No.2 (1981) & Vol.7, No.4 (Winter 1981-1982); Vol.11, No.2 (June 1985).

85 - UN - UNAC United Nations Assoc. in Canada, 1981-1983. Includes: folders for meetings attended by Epp, as a director of the board (nominated May 1982 and elected).

85 - UN - UNAC United Nations Assoc. in Canada, 1984. Includes: minutes of June 8, 1984 meeting listing Epp as Ontario Regional Co-ordinator; constitution of the assoc. and resolutions procedures.   

85 - UN - UNAC - WR Waterloo Region, 1980-1983. Frank H. Epp was president, 1981-1984. Includes: minutes, constitution, Epp's notes from first meeting of Sept. 1981; newsletter (May 1, 1982); Sept. 1982 edition of newsletter, UNAVERSE; information from the Waterloo Region Peace Network. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Mennonite Reporter photo, Sept. 23, 1981, left to right: David Zimmer, Abdinur Yusuf, Frank H. Epp, on Ezra Brubacher's farm.

85 - UN - UNAC - WR Waterloo Region, 1981-1982. Complements above file. Includes: clippings from the Somalian Ambassador's visit, etc.

85 - UN - UNAC - WR - Co Waterloo Region - Correspondence, 1981-1985. Includes: personal correspondence of Frank Epp related to the local UNAC chapter. 

85 - UN - UNESCO UNESCO, 1983-1985. Removed: UNESCO Courier, Feb. 1971 (issue on TV); 5 of 10 news clippings.

85 - US United States, 1965-1972, 1984-1985. Includes: 5 of 11 news clippings that were kept.

85 - US - CIA Central Intelligence Agency, 1967-1973, 1985. Includes: a selection of the 30 odd news clippings that were in the file. 
Removed: Time Magazine issue on "The CIA and the Students," Feb. 24, 1967, pp.19-24; "Subversion by Government," in Saturday Review, Mar. 4, 1967, p.22-23; "Festivals and Finks," in Ramparts, Sept. 7, 1968, p.14.

85 - US - IS International Security, 1970-1972. Includes: 5 of the 25 news clippings that were in the file. Among the 5 popular articles removed: in Newsweek: "May Day arrests," May 17, 1971, "Hoover's FBI," May 10, 1971 & "New Espionage American Style," Nov. 22, 1971.

85 - US - RD Reagan Doctrine, 1985.

85 - USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1983-1984. 

85 - UU USA and USSR, 1984-1985. Removed: 6 of 9 clippings;  transcript of TV interview with Andrei Gromyko, 1980s?

85 - UU - DT Disarmament Talks, 1983-1985. Removed: 4 of 8 clippings.

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85 - W War, 1941, 1950-1975, 1983. Original file measured 4.5 cm. Includes: some notes of Frank Epp (undated); Benjamin, Seaver, "Three Definitions of Peace" pamphlet reprint of  Philadelphia, PA, Friends' Peace Committee, 1952; J. E. Harris, "Why Does God Allow War?" pamphlet of Sunday School Times, 1941; The War Resister, 1958, No.80; Ron Poulton, Dregs of War, Reprint from The Telegram, Toronto, 1965; Elizabeth Green, Is... Christendom Christian? (Winnipeg: Shaw Printing, 1966?), 32p.; articles from Conference on Peace Research in History, 1971. 
Removed: Edward Yoder, Compromise with war : a brief critique of the war philosophy of Charles Clayton Morrison as expressed in the Christian Century and The Christian and the war (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1944), 14p.; John A. Hostetler, ed. revised, If war comes : a condensation of the book, Must Christians fight? (Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1949), 16p.; Paul Peachey, ed. Why Men Fight ([United States: Mennonite General Conference Peace Problems Committee, 1956), 16p. Paul Peachey, ed., The Churches and War([United States]: Mennonite General Conference Peace Problems Committee, 1956), 20p.; "War and Peace" inObserver, Sept. 15, 1958, p.14f.; Christian Witness (Hillsboro, Kan.: Mennonite Brethren Publishing House), Mar. 6, 1958, p.6; John Horsch, ed. Symposium on War (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Peace Problems Committee for the Mennonite Churches, 1944?); the majority of the news clippings; from: Saturday Review: (mo-day-yr) 4-1-61, 2-20-65, 9-23-67, 1-21-67, 1-7-67; Maclean's: 3-24-62, 4-21-62, 8-11-62; Look Magazine, 4-29-58; New York Times Magazine, 6-18-61; Minneapolis Sun.  Tribune Magazine, 11-13-60; Gospel Herald: 7-17-62, p.625, 8-16-55, p.777, 2-21-56, p.177, series going to 5-15-56, p.465, 3-17-59, p.249; Gospel Messenger: 2-23-57, pp.3-16, 11-10-62, p.8, 1-3-59, pp.5-9; The Mennonite: 4-23-57, p.264, 6-16-59, pp.374; I-W Mirror: from 1957, Nos. 18-20, from 1958, Nos. 9 & 17; UNHCR Feb. 1975.  

85 - W War, 1957-1972, 1983-1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - W - Ar Arms Race, 1984. Removed: "The ultimate weapons race," in Maclean's, Apr. 4, 1983, p28f.

85 - W - CE Common Enemy, 1983-1985. Includes: news clippings.

85 - W - CPM Church Peace Mission, 1955-1963? Includes: pamphlets and literature from various church denominations and peace groups; pamphlets of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; Hugo W. Thompson, "Christian Love and Social Conflicts," 1959?; pamphlet and conference information of Church Peace Mission, 1959; a series of 4 sermons by Frank H. Epp, "Government and God" for The Abundant Life radio broadcast, 1950s? 
Removed: Pierre Widmer, From military service to Christian nonresistance (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1950), 23p. 

85 - W - CPRI Can. Peace Research Institute, 1969-1971, 1978. Includes: information from Hanna and Alan Newcombe for the institute; Alan and  Hanna Newcombe, "A World Policy for Canadians," Paper critiquing the first booklet on "Foreign Policy for Canadians," Jan. 1971; Fourth Report of The Standing Committee on External Affairs and National Defense, House of Commons, No.31, June 1971; "Review of the United Nations Charter" World Federalists of Canada, Sept. 1971. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: CPRI News Report, for 1967: Oct,  for 1968: May; for 1971: May, Aug., Nov.; for 1972: Feb., May, Aug., Nov.; for 1973: Feb., May, Nov.; for 1974: Feb., May-June, Aug.-Sept.; for 1975: Feb. May. 
Removed: ads for Peace Research Reviews; Canadian Peace Research Institute 1961-1970 (Oakville, Ont. : The Institute, 1970), 16p.  

85 - W - CW Churches and War, 1955-1972, 1983. Includes: information on peace conferences; Church of the Brethren pamphlets, 1966 & 1968. 
Removed: Paul Peachey, ed., The Churches and War ([United States]: Mennonite General Conference Peace Problems Committee, 1956), 20p.; War-nation-church : paragraphs from the Church Peace Mission (Washington, D.C.: Church Peace Mission, 1963-1966), No.7, No.8; Canadian World Federalist, Sept. 1983.

85 - W - CW Cold War - Included only one article: "The Cold War, Revisited and Re-Visioned" in New York Times Magazine, Jan. 14, 1968, p.26f., which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - W - DD Deserters/Dodgers, 1967-1973. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "American Draft-Resisters and Canadian Mennonites,"  news release, Apr. 23, 1968, 8p.; Frank H. Epp, "I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers, but history won't let me (A personal testimony and historical remembrance)," Paper for MCC (Ont.) meeting, Kitchener, Ont., Apr. 25, 1970, 13p.; brief to Hon. Alan MacEachen on draft dodgers, 1969? which includes notes made by Frank H. Epp; Saul Levine, "Draft dodgers: coping with stress, adapting to exile," 1972? 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photos and negatives related to and used in  book, Frank H. Epp, I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers but... (Waterloo, ON: Conrad Press, 1970), 95p. See letter of Feb. 11, 1971 from Anne Davison to Epp with a copy of the photo envelopes attached.

85 - W - DD Deserters/Dodgers, 1969-1973. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

85 - W - De Demonstrations1965-1971. Includes: information on various demonstrations and organizations sponsoring them. 
Removed: article on civil disobedience in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 26, 1967, p.27f.

85 - W - ER Enemies Reconciled - Included only one clipping: "Once-bitter enemies join N. Ireland peace fight" inKitchener-Waterloo Record, Dec. 23, 1984, p.H4, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - W - IPA International Peace Academy, 1980-1981. Includes an issue of their newsletter, Coping with Conflict, 1980/81, Vol.4. 

85 - W - Mi Militarism - Included only one clipping: "Star wars militarism grinds on" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 5, 1983, p.A6, which was removed. File withdrawn.

85 - W - NW Nuclear War, 1967-1969, 1983-1985. Includes: responses to Epp from various church denominations for lectures Epp was preparing for Spring 1970; information about a TV Ontario program for students, Feb. 1984. 
Removed: "The Nuclear Nightmare" in Newsweek, Apr. 26, 1982, p.20; half of the dozen odd news clippings. 

85 - W - Pac Pacifism, 1951, 1956-1965. Includes: various pamphlets and articles from church and secular sources; J. R. Burkholder, "Radical Pacifism Challenges the Mennonite Church," Jan. 1960, paper prepared originally for the Mennonite Theological Study Group meeting in Chicago, Dec. 30, 1959; J. A. Toews, "Significant Aspects of American Religious Pacifism in the Decade Prior to World War II, " for History 186c, University of Minnesota, summer session 1960. 
Removed: "Pacifism in Germany" in Gospel Herald, Jan. 15, 1957, p.57; "Pacifism in the Pacific" in The Mennonite, July 29, 1958, p.456f.; an issue of The Reporter For Conscience' Sake, Vol. XXI, No. 8, Aug. 1964; "Bayard Rustin, pacifist, socialist, organizer of the March on Washington, is A Strategist Without a Movement" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 16, 1969, p.24f.

85 - W - Pac - To Toronto, 1968. Includes: news clippings on "Metro Peace Establishment." 
Removed: fourth article in the series, from Feb. 1968.

85 - W - PB Peace Booth, 1962. Includes: correspondence and minutes of meetings related to the planning and evaluation of the Peace Booth at the CNE.

85 - W - Pea Peacemaking, 1957-1967-1973, 1982-1984. Original file measured 7.5cm. Includes: articles, pamphlets and information about and from conferences (in German and English), including Vietnam. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Theodore H. Epp, Should God's People Partake in War? Third Edition (Inman, KA: Salem Publishing House, 1949), 36p.; Theodore H. Epp, trans. by J. B. Epp, Duerfen Kinder Gottes sich am Kriege beteiligen? (Inman, KA: Wahrheitsfreund, 1950s?), 26p.; Julian Griggs, Tell Me What You  Really Think, Facts and Methods for Frank Discussion of Brethren Volunteer Service Peacemaking-With and Without Guns(Brethren Service Commission, Church of the Brethren, 1950), 32p.; the following issues of Canadian Peace Research Institute News Reports: Oct. 1963, Vol.1, No.3; May 1964, Vol.2, No.1; Jan. 1965, Vol.3, No.1; Oct. 1965, Vol.3, No.4; Fellowship The Magazine of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Aug. 1964. 
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Aug. 24, 1957, pp.8-14; Gospel Herald articles: Mar. 12, 1957, p.249; Aug. 27, 1957, p.751; Feb. 25, 1958, p.3; June 17, 1958, p.565; Oct. 21, 1958, p.998; Aug. 8, 1962, p.737; articles from The Mennonite: Jan. 15, 1957, p.37; Sept. 2, 1958, p.535; Nov. 11, 1958, p.699; Feb. 17, 1959, p.102; June 21, 1960, p.410; articles from The 1-W Mirror: Sept. 1, 1956, p.2; Oct. 15, 1956, p.2; Nov. 15, 1956, p.2; Sept. 1, 1957, p.2; "Pax Corps a Model" in Dec. 29, 1960; articles in Christian Leader: Nov. 4, 1958, p.9; Oct. 2, 1984, p.20; articles on peace in Der Bote: Mar. 29, 1960 (invitation to Allmennonitischen Konferenz); Dec. 4, 1962, p.9; June 4, 1963, p.5; June 11, 1963, p.2 (by William Keeney); June 18, 1963, p.3 (Internationale Mennonitische Friedenskomitee in Luxemburg); July 2, 1963, ("Canadische Mennoniten behandeln Friedensfrage"); Aug/ 16, 1966. p.3 ("Friedensveranstaltung geplant"); "What we've learned through peace research" in The Observer, Dec. 15, 1965, p.18f.; Mennonite Weekly Review, Oct. 5, 1961, p.9; Saturday Review, Sept. 24, 1960, p.13; May 27, 1967, p.14f.; Nov. 18, 1967, p.19; from New York Times Magazine: July 31, 1960, p.10f.; Feb. 5, 1961, p.26f.; May 14, 1961, p.9f.; Look Magazine: Jan. 21, 1958, p.13f.; July 17, 1962, p.13f.; The (Doukhobor) Inquirer: Apr. 1957 (7th in series) & I-3 (tenth in series); Reconciliation A Monthly Review of the things of Peace, Vol.35, No.7, July 1958; Albert Schweitzer, Peace or Atomic War? Three Appeals Broadcast From Oslo on April 28, 29, and 30, 1958(London: A. & C. Black, 1958), 28p.; Church Peace Mission, Study papers from Evanston Conference, Apr. 1959; "Peace and the Christian Witness" available in CGUC Library and Archives in: Statements, 1951-1961 / Mennonite General Conference (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1951-1961), 54p.; Norman Z. Alcock, The Bridge of Reason (Oakville, Ont.: J. Wilkes Press, 1961), 40p.; War-nation-church : paragraphs from the Church Peace Mission, 1963, Nos. 4, 5, 6; Peacemonger or Peacemaker? Mennonite Hour sermon, Nov. 1966; 

85 - W - Pea Peacemaking, 1961, 1967-1973, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles from the 1960s in German from the Steinbach Post and the Deutsche Post.

85 - W - PFC Peace and Friendship Caravan, 1983-1984. Includes: correspondence regarding the participation of David Leis in this tour.

85 - W - PO Peace Organizations, 1967-1984. Includes: brochures and information from the Peace Network in Kitchener and the Waterloo Region Peace Network, Allen St., Waterloo, Ontario, 1983. 
Removed: International Peace Studies Newsletter, Winter 1979, Vol.8, No.2 & Spring 1979, Vol.8, No.3.

85 - W - PO Peace Organizations, 1969, 1983-1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

85 - W - PO - CCACD Can. Centre for Arms Control & Disarmament, 1984. Removed: 2 issues of Arms Control Chronicle: A Chronology of International Developments: Oct. 1984, No.4 & Dec. 1984, No.5; S. N. MacFarlane,Moscow and theatre nuclear weapons: lessons for Geneva, Issue Brief No.2 (Canadian Centre for Arms Control & Disarmament, 1985), 10p. 

85 - W - PO - OD Operation Dismantle, 1981-1985. Includes: information sent to Frank H. Epp as a member. 
Removed : The Dismantler: for 1981, June Vol.2, No.4, Dec. Vol.3, Nos. 1&2; for 1982, Apr. Vol.4, No.1, Aug. Vol.4, No.2; for 1983, Feb. Vol.5, Nos. 1&2, July Vol.5, No.3, Dec. Vol.5, No.4; for 1984, Mar. Vol.6, No.1, Oct. Vol.6, No.3; for 1985, Feb. Vol.7, No.1, June Vol.7, No.2. 

85 - W - Pra Prayer, 1980s? Includes: different prayers for peace and justice.

85 - W - WWI World War I, 1968. Includes: some popular articles for the 50th anniversary of the end of WW I.

85 - W - WWII World War II, 1967-1985. Includes: news clippings only.  
Removed: 6 news clippings; 3 New York Times Magazine articles on: Churchill in Oct.5, 1969, p.36f., Elie Wiesel in Oct. 23, 1983, p.32f. & "American victims of Hiroshima" in Dec. 2, 1984, p.67f.

85 - W - WWIII World War III, 1982-1983. Removed: 4 popular articles.

85 - WG IWO Institute for World Order, 1980s? Includes: "Draft of a treaty establishing a world disarmament and world development organization" undated. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: World Policy Forum, Fall 1984; Macroscope An occasional newsletter of the Transnational Academic Program of the Institute for World Order, Spring 1981 & Fall 1981.

85 - WG , WF World Federalists, 1962-1971. Original file measured 4.5 cm. Includes: information from the World Federalists of which Frank H. Epp was a member; some correspondence; "Policies of the World Association of World Federalists," Apr. 1971. 
Removed: World federalist, Canadian edition: for 1969, May/June Vol.14-3, No.89, July/Aug. Vol.14-4, No.90, Sept./Oct. Vol.14-5, No.91; Nov./Dec. 1970, Vol.15.6, No.98; Jan./Feb. 1971, Vol.15.7, No.5; Canadian World Federalist, Mar.-Apr. 1968, 24p. 

85 - WG - WF World Federalists 2, 1972-1985. Original file measured 5.5 cm. Includes: similar information as the above file; "Review of the United Nations Charter," Mar. 1972; membership lists from Mar. 1983 & Mar. 1984. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 issues of World Policy Forum, Fall 1983 & Spring 1984. 
Removed: Transnational Perspectives, Aug./Oct. 1974 Vol.1, No.2 & Jan./Mar. 1975 Vol.2, No.1; the following issues of the Canadian World Federalist: 1980 Feb. 15 & May 15; 1981 Jan. 15, May 15, July-Sept., Nov.; 1982 Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.; 1983 Jan., Mar., May, July, Nov.; 1984 Jan., Mar., May, Aug., Oct., Dec.; 1985 Feb. Apr., Oct; One World An action report of the World Association of World Federalists, Dec. 1979 Vol.23, No.1 & Oct. 1980 Vol.24, No.1; Transnational perspectives An International Journal of Federalism and World Affairs, Vol.6, No.3, 1980; The World Federalist, Apr./May 1967, Special Issue: Oslo CongressCanadian World Federalist, May & Sept. 1975, June 1978, May, July & Dec.1979; 3 items from the United Nations, Division for Palestinian Rights: "The United Nations and Non-Governmental Organization activities on the question of Palestine," Vol. VIII, Bulletin No.4 Apr. 1985,  Vol. VIII, Bulletin No.5, May 1985; 3 reports by Donald F. Keys: "The 26th UN General Assembly," WAWF UN Newsreport No. 7, Feb. 1972, "The United Nations and the Sea-Bed," WAWF UN Newsreport No. 8, May 1972 & "The 27th General Assembly of the United Nations," World Federalist Education Fund, UN Newsreport No. 9.

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Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing