When is Course Selection 2024 Happening?
In mid-to-late June 2024, you will need to select your courses for Fall 2024 and choose which co-op sequence you wish to have (if applicable). Choosing your co-op sequence is first-come-first-served but course selection is not (you just need to complete it by the deadline!)
What are Mathematics (MATH) core courses?
All first-year students take a common selection of math courses called core courses. Normally in the fall term, students take:
- Algebra (MATH 135 or MATH 145),
- Calculus 1 (MATH 137 or MATH 147), and
- Computer Science (CS) (one of CS 115, CS 135, or CS 145).
What is a typical course load?
You will be taking five courses (2.5 units) in both your 1A (fall 2025) and 1B (winter 2026) terms. These courses consist of your core courses as well as two non-math courses.
Choosing your courses
Read through steps 1 through 6 so you are prepared to go through the Math First-Year Database to select the correct courses and co-op sequence (if applicable).
- Step 1 - Check your admitted plan for non-math course choices and co-op sequence choices
- Step 2 - Select your computer science (CS) course
- Step 3 - Select your math courses (albegra and calculus)
- Step 4 - Choose your communication course
- Step 5 - Choose your non-Math elective
- Step 6 - Log into the course selection website