The double degree program is offered jointly by the University of Waterloo (Waterloo) and Wilfrid Laurier University (Laurier) and leads to two undergraduate degrees: a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Laurier, and either a Bachelor of Math (BMath) or Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) from Waterloo. These programs are co-op only and the plans are highly structured in order to satisfy the requirements for two degrees.
Your Official Student Number (Student ID)
Your student number will be included in your offer letter.
For students whose home institution is Laurier, you will also be assigned a Waterloo student ID number. Look for an email to arrive in early June with this information. Once you receive the email you will need to claim your userID. Instructions should be included in the email. You will need your student number and userID to access Quest.
For students whose home institution is Waterloo, you will be assigned a Laurier student ID number as well. Look for an email to arrive in your Waterloo email account in early June. You will need your student number to access LORIS and your academic record at Laurier.
- Email is the primary method of communicating important information to students
- All double degree students receive both a Waterloo and Laurier email address (userid@mylaurier.ca and userid@uwaterloo.ca)
- It is recommended that you arrange automatic forwarding to your active email account and check the account regularly
Course registration
You are a student at two universities with each one maintaining its own record of your coursework. This means you will have two academic records and two transcripts. The Waterloo records system is Quest and the Laurier records system is Loris.
For your first year of study, you will take the following courses:
Fall term:
Winter term:
- MATH 136 or MATH 146
- MATH 138 or MATH 148
- CS 116 or CS 136 or CS 146
- BUS 121W
- ECON 140W
- Communication course
You will need to check both Quest and Loris to ensure that your course selection is accurate in both systems. If you notice that courses are missing, Laurier-based students should contact academic advising at Laurier, and Waterloo-based students should contact the Math Undergraduate Office (MUO).
Co-op is compulsory. The co-op components of your program are managed by your home university.
For Waterloo-based students, your co-op sequence will automatically be assigned to you. (Sequence 5DD will be added to your schedule).
For Laurier-based students, if you progress to Year 2, you will be enrolled automatically in co-op as of early September. You will attend training modules during orientation week of your second year. To find out more, go to Laurier’s Co-op website
Progression Requirements
It is important for double degree students to follow both the progression requirements of Laurier (BCS/BMath) and Waterloo, in order to successfully graduate. It is your responsibility to be informed about the progression requirements at both institutions.
Transfer Credits
The transfer credit process is coordinated with your home institution.
Orientation has been structured to enable you to attend orientation activities at both universities. Orientation information will be available in early August.
Getting Involved
The Double Degree Club (DDC) is the official Waterloo and Laurier registered, student-run organization that aims to enhance the experience of double degree students during their university career. Thanks to the support of members like you, the club hosts several social events, networking/mentorship opportunities, and academic resources in an effort to enrich your education at Waterloo and Laurier.
Getting Help
University of Waterloo:
Name | Position | Ext | Office | |
Math Undergraduate Office | Various staff | mathuo@uwaterloo.ca | 33905 | MC 4022 |
Keith Freeland | BMath DD Advisor | bbabmath-advisor@uwaterloo.ca | 33356 | M3 2016 |
Collin Roberts | BCS DD Advisor | bbabcs-advisor@uwaterloo.ca | 36598 | DC 3108 |
Adrian Reetz | BCS DD Advisor | bbabcs-advisor@uwaterloo.ca | 33884 | DC 3121 |
Jessica Leung | BCS DD Advisor | bbabcs-advisor@uwaterloo.ca | 32191 | DC 2136 |
Wilfrid Laurier University
Name | Position | Office | |
Bethany Ankucza | Program Advisor | bbaadvising@wlu.ca | LH 2058 |
Amy Newfeld | Program Advisor | bbaadvising@wlu.ca | LH 2058 |
Lauren Osbourne | Program Advisor | bbaadvising@wlu.ca | LH 2058 |
Melody Barfoot | Program Advisor | bbaadvising@wlu.ca | LH 2058 |
If you have a WLU question, it is often easiest to be answered by email, via bbaadvising@wlu.ca or econadvising@wlu.ca as appropriate. Ensure that you email from your mylaurier email address and that you include your 9-digit Laurier student ID number.